Gold Len AKA Kin Len:
Well, that's quite an interesting Len. Will add her as soon as possible.
Okay, second part of the Len list goes here for now on. Takes too much time to put that one in the first page, so it will have to be here:
Name: G-Len
Creator: unkown (there's no name)
Last Update: 07/07/2011
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Description: A huge Len. That's it. It's a boss character. Has a really damaging attack, but the others aren't that dangerous. It's the MB version, not the MBAA version.

Opinion: They took G-Akiha by Drowin and replaced all her sprites by Len sprites. The sprite swap is really good, but apart from that and a voice change, there's no more differences. It's not bad as a boss, and if you fought against G-Akiha in MB, you may love or hate this one.
Name: Gold Len
Creator: ミマァ
Last Update: 19/04/2011
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Description: A Len that uses money as weapon. As long as she has mone (you can see the amount at the top left of the screen) you will be able to do all her attacks. Using some attacks, blocking and getting hit depletes the amount of money you have. She can also throw or set money that depletes the powerbar of your opponent. There's also another bar below the money bar that increases each time you block, but I don't know what it does.

Opinion: That's an interesting Len, I must say. I don't know why there's a money bar, though, since it's imposible to run out of money before the match ends. It's also really easy to spam her attacks with no bad consequences, since they have quite the range. But still, she's interesting, and I recommend downloading it so you try it at least once.
Name: Laurent
Creator: ria
Last Update: 29/06/2011
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Description: A... well, it's a Len that can charge all her attacks. Has weird hitsounds too. Nothing more to say.

Opinion: All her attacks, if charged, lead to insane amounts of damage, stun and push that makes it really cheap. She also doesn't have anything that makes her great. Skip it, it's not worth it.
Name: Renfield
Creator: jurica
Last Update: 15/07/2011
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Description: A grappler Len. Nearly all her specials imply grabbing the opponent. Some are blockable, others are not.

Opinion: If you have seen the thread in Found Releases, you probably know already how the character is. If not, here's what I say. Some attacks do too much damage, and has too much priority in some of them. Her attacks drain the health of the opponent (aka like a poison or burn effect) instead of acting like normal hits, which is kind of weird. But it's an interesting one. Try it and see if you like it.
Name: Stela
Creator: Unknown (that's what it says in the def)
Last Update: 23/07/2011
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Description: A Len that that focuses on using grabs and counters to damage the opponent.

Opinion: All her normal attacks do really low damage, so you have to rely on specials and supers if you want to do damage. They also cause wall bounce and floor bounce. All of them, which is quite annoying. She also is really slow at walking, but really fast at dashing. Yeah, feedback because I really don't know what the creator tried with these mix of things, so I can't really say what I think of her. Personally, Renfield is better than Stela, so if you want a Len grappler, choose Renfield. Still, try it, some moves are quite interesting to use.
First part of the list at 1st page.