
Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations (Read 14705 times)

Started by RajaaBoy, July 02, 2011, 06:16:25 am
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Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#1  July 02, 2011, 06:16:25 am
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Hello, everyone. In this thread you will be nominating characters from the month of June that you feel are worthy to be recognized as Character of the Month. These nominations last until July 16th.

Read these rules and guidelines:

I will create a comprehensive list of the nominations progress every couple of days or so; the list will include: Who's a candidate and how many motions other characters have. If twenty candidates are reached before the 15 days are up, then voting will start early. Feel free to create the list yourself if you feel like it.

I'll start us off:

Mech Zangief by Blackchaos - 1
CLG by Koopakot (for RAEP) - 1
Dark Eternal Champion for by Supermystery,  - 1

Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#2  July 02, 2011, 06:24:31 am
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Competition was fierce last month. This month seems "cooler".

Mech Zangief by BC - 2
Biohazard by Choujin - 1
MVC2 SonSon by FerchogtX - 1
Rajaa Shiki by Rajaaboy - 1
Roa by Rajaaboy - 1

How do we stand concerning fullgames ? I'm thinking about Rumble Pack by Liero and BlackHeart by Borghi.

EDIT : I forgot a whole lot... --;
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#3  July 02, 2011, 06:25:27 am
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Shiki Tohno by RajaaBoy
CLG by KoopaKoot
Roa by RajaaBoy
Dudley by Kamekaze
Snake by Seanaltly
Blodia by GM
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#4  July 02, 2011, 06:29:54 am
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Mech Gief by BC -3
Roa by Rajaa -3
Shiki Tohno by Rajaa - 3
CLG by Koopakoot - 3
KY-chan by ZeroSennin -1
Shotoborg MKII by Kamekaze -1
Ryu, Dan Dr.Doom and Gambit  by Kamekaze -1
Snake by Seanaltly -2
MVC2 SonSon by FerchogtX -2
MVC2 Spiderman by FerchogtX -1
Last Edit: July 02, 2011, 06:58:32 am by Wargame-Kun
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#5  July 02, 2011, 06:41:38 am
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Dantel by Dxwho
Schmeissen Soldat by ShowBuySpirit
Beavis by aperson98 (cuz why not.)
Mech Zangief by BC - 3 fuck

if we're counting full games somehow then seconding black heart / rumble pack
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#6  July 02, 2011, 06:52:05 am
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Hey, you two motherfuckers (MC2 and Wargame-Kun), put the number of nominations next to the characters' names! >:(

How do we stand concerning fullgames ? I'm thinking about Rumble Pack by Liero and BlackHeart by Borghi.
A character from the full game would be acceptable, but not the whole full game itself.

Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#7  July 02, 2011, 06:55:18 am
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aight, then

MC Supercut by Liero
Peketo, Shar-Makai and Noroko by Borghi
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#8  July 02, 2011, 07:02:34 am
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I've never tried Black heart, but I did like MC Uppercut from Rumble Pack. =p

Thank you, Wargame-Kun, that post was mostly for the future, though. :)
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#9  July 02, 2011, 07:04:24 am
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no problem
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#10  July 02, 2011, 09:05:37 am
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This month got only a few good release so:

Blodia by GM - 2
Saiki by werewood - 1
Seth by werewood - 1

My real life is coming soon........!


Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#11  July 02, 2011, 03:38:32 pm
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Wasn't Beavis released yesterday? (01/07/2011)

Robo-Len by Ukege - 1
MVC3 Norimaro by Ahuron - 1
Elsa La Conti by Barai - 1
Boggy by Mass - 1
Gigigear by Showbuyspirit - 1
Blodia by GM - 3
Mecha-Spaghettio by fhqwhgads7 - 1
MVC2 SonSon by FerchogtX - 3
Dantel by Dxwho - 2
Dark Eternal Champion by Supermystery - 2
Biohazard by Choujin - 2
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#12  July 02, 2011, 03:52:32 pm
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Saiki by werewood
Beavis by aperson98
Dantel by Dxwho
MVC3 Norimaro by Ahuron
No breaks! No breaks!
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#13  July 02, 2011, 03:56:25 pm
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Can't you make some sort of list or links to all characters that actually were released during the month we're nominating for?
I usually don't check releases that much and I'm only active on THIS mugen forum pretty much, so 90% of the chars i see listed here so far I didn't know of.
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#14  July 02, 2011, 07:12:45 pm
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Wasn't Beavis released yesterday? (01/07/2011)

....shit. i guess he was.


Boggy by Mass - 2

supereditz: wait no beavis was released before that. there's a video of someone using him on june 30th and apparently was released sometime around then.
Last Edit: July 02, 2011, 09:14:29 pm by MelvanaInChains
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#15  July 03, 2011, 02:21:07 am
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by Basara-kun - 1 8)
MVC3 Norimaro by Ahuron - 3
MVC2 Spiderman by FerchogtX -2
Biohazard by Choujin - 3
Astranelent by Khn - 1

I was voting for Sonson and Blodia, but they already have the 3 votes, so meh :-\


Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#16  July 03, 2011, 05:50:28 am
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MVC2 Spiderman by FerchogtX - 3
Eartjworm Jim by Basara - 2
Gambit by Kamekaze - 2
Dr. Doom by Kamekaze - 2
K-Guile by Kamekaze - 1
K-Dudley by Kamekaze - 2

Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#17  July 03, 2011, 08:22:29 pm
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Kamekaze doesn't really update his characters. He just updates the readme, re-uploads the characters and calls them updated in hopes of winning character of the month.

It's all part of his scheme, and I wouldn't trust him if I were you.
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#18  July 03, 2011, 08:33:38 pm
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Can't you make some sort of list or links to all characters that actually were released during the month we're nominating for?
What do I look like going around linking to every nominated character?! Go sit in the corner and make some Frieza sprites. >:(
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#19  July 03, 2011, 11:52:56 pm
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  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
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Mech Zangief by BC
Roa by Rajaa
Shiki Tohno by Rajaa
CLG by Koopakoot
Blodia by GM
MVC2 SonSon by FerchogtX
Dantel by Dxwho
MVC3 Norimaro by Ahuron
Biohazard by Choujin
MVC2 Spiderman by FerchogtX

Dark Eternal Champion by Supermystery  - 2
Dudley by Kamekaze - 2
KY-chan by ZeroSennin -1
Shotoborg MKII by Kamekaze -1
Ryu by Kamekaze -1
Dan by Kamekaze -1
Snake by Seanaltly - 2
Schmeissen Soldat by ShowBuySpirit - 1
MC Supercut by Liero - 1
Peketo, Shar-Makai and Noroko by Borghi - 1
Saiki by werewood - 2
Seth by werewood - 1
Robo-Len by Ukege - 1
Elsa La Conti by Barai - 1
Gigigear by Showbuyspirit - 1
Mecha-Spaghettio by fhqwhgads7 - 1
Tails by BowserKoopa - 1
Boggy by Mass - 2
Astranelent by Khn - 1
Earthworm Jim by Basara-kun - 2
Gambit by Kamekaze - 2
Dr. Doom by Kamekaze - 2
Guile by Kamekaze - 1

10 has been nominated, only left another 10 :P oh, and I didn't listed Beavis by aperson98 since I'm not sure if really was released on June... but in case it was, probably would be another nominated since has like 3 votes... you can take the word, Rajaa

Kamekaze doesn't really update his characters. He just updates the readme, re-uploads the characters and calls them updated in hopes of winning character of the month.

It's all part of his scheme, and I wouldn't trust him if I were you.
I lol'd :XD:
Re: Character of the Month: June 2011 - Nominations
#20  July 04, 2011, 12:20:15 am
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Shotoborg MKII by Kamekaze - 2