
I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard (Read 35224 times)

Started by Ban Me I dont care, July 25, 2011, 06:41:14 pm
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Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#201  July 28, 2011, 04:16:36 am
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he doesn't have it anymore

as a matter of fact nobody else does and nobody else will ever have it again because it was dumb and confusing

he doesn't have it anymore

as a matter of fact nobody else does and nobody else will ever have it again because it was dumb and confusing

son,I am forgot lucky charat.....and uh,what would happen if I hit little plus box next t
o quote button?
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#202  July 28, 2011, 04:22:52 am
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Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#203  July 28, 2011, 04:26:02 am
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in the days of texting where people like to use and abuse combin8i0ns of numb3r$ and just shrtct ther wrds 4 no fking reason, spelling and grammar are the stupid things to do  :S.

That's why you should ever have to argue about grammar.

@ kusanagi
Lucky Charat doesn't have it, and the plus button is like "add to quote list". You click the posts you want to quote, then click reply or another quote, then the quotes will be added to your reply.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#204  July 28, 2011, 04:26:26 am
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fine if I must comment i have no idea why you are taking stuff so seriously.
this is how i roll
I use iliget and bootleg differently than you all which aren't even in the US.
i've spoken to hundreds of people from the united states. nobody uses those terms like you do. also your definition of bootleg doesn't suit mugen at all.
Plus my first post was a joke.
too late to pull the joke card sorry

1) Why do I have to defend the way I and the people around me speak and the terms we use.
if you post stupid shit nobody understands on a forum you're supposed to explain it. would you like it if i also misused words and wrote it off as slang, making my posts much harder to understand?
2) Why are people looking to argue over this. I wasn't looking at this as an argument.
This is the kinda stuff I don't like about the guild. I don't see this kind of petty behavior else where.
I'm just shaking my head right now.
because we talk about things. your erratic behavior and posts would've gotten you permabanned by now in any other forum.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#205  July 28, 2011, 04:28:20 am
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Fuck,I just got ninja'd.

@Edition thanks.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#206  July 28, 2011, 04:48:35 am
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!!! :o!!! Misspelling my name once and never correcting it is one thing, but repeating it, starts to piss me off  o_O.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#207  July 28, 2011, 04:50:41 am
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Give me a damn break,I have automatic spellcheck.when I type my words auto-correct.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#208  July 28, 2011, 04:51:12 am
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fine if I must comment i have no idea why you are taking stuff so seriously.
this is how i roll
I use iliget and bootleg differently than you all which aren't even in the US.
i've spoken to hundreds of people from the united states. nobody uses those terms like you do. also your definition of bootleg doesn't suit mugen at all.
Plus my first post was a joke.
too late to pull the joke card sorry

1) Why do I have to defend the way I and the people around me speak and the terms we use.
if you post stupid shit nobody understands on a forum you're supposed to explain it. would you like it if i also misused words and wrote it off as slang, making my posts much harder to understand?
2) Why are people looking to argue over this. I wasn't looking at this as an argument.
This is the kinda stuff I don't like about the guild. I don't see this kind of petty behavior else where.
I'm just shaking my head right now.
because we talk about things. your erratic behavior and posts would've gotten you permabanned by now in any other forum.

I did explain my self. When people got confused.
That part in red is utter bullshit. Lets not even pretend to think about going there.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#209  July 28, 2011, 04:53:40 am
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i'm done with you
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#210  July 28, 2011, 04:54:41 am
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So we wrapping this up or we go on for 6 hours or so?
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#211  July 28, 2011, 04:55:44 am
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That part in red is utter bullshit. Lets not even pretend to think about going there.

But it is quite erratic. Several people says that and sadly I agree aswell. Atleast he's being honest with you :innocent:

Give me a damn break,I have automatic spellcheck.when I type my words auto-correct.

Looking at your previous posts I can tell you're using a horrible, horrible spellchecker :P

!!! :o!!! Misspelling my name once and never correcting it is one thing, but repeating it, starts to piss me off  o_O.

no titiln Kusawhatever, you don't want to fuck with riptide Edtion.

Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#212  July 28, 2011, 04:59:02 am
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That part in red is utter bullshit. Lets not even pretend to think about going there.

But it is quite erratic. Several people says that and sadly I agree aswell. Atleast he's being honest with you :innocent:

Give me a damn break,I have automatic spellcheck.when I type my words auto-correct.

Looking at your previous posts I can tell you're using a horrible, horrible spellchecker :P

!!! :o!!! Misspelling my name once and never correcting it is one thing, but repeating it, starts to piss me off  o_O.

no rednazi the one know as "kusanagi", you don't want to fuck with.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#213  July 28, 2011, 04:59:48 am
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That part in red is utter bullshit. Lets not even pretend to think about going there.

But it is quite erratic. Several people says that and sadly I agree aswell. Atleast he's being honest with you :innocent:

Give me a damn break,I have automatic spellcheck.when I type my words auto-correct.

Looking at your previous posts I can tell you're using a horrible, horrible spellchecker :P

!!! :o!!! Misspelling my name once and never correcting it is one thing, but repeating it, starts to piss me off  o_O.

no titiln Kusawhatever, you don't want to fuck with riptide Edtion.

How are my post erratic. I had a afew arguments less than many people on here. Am I erratic cause I tried to stand my ground.
You know I came here for mugen but I though I could stray outside of the mugen section and talk to people.
I don't need this. I'm done too. I don't need this kinda drama from narcissist on a gaming engine forum.
I guess you think you have something being admins and mods and all. This is nothing there are other mugen forums.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#214  July 28, 2011, 05:00:16 am
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Both Riptide accounts, just stop. This is embarrassing.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#215  July 28, 2011, 05:01:40 am
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Orochi I swear to almighty god is you say one more godamm word I will fucking gut you
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#216  July 28, 2011, 05:01:41 am
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Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#217  July 28, 2011, 05:03:24 am
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That part in red is utter bullshit. Lets not even pretend to think about going there.

But it is quite erratic. Several people says that and sadly I agree aswell. Atleast he's being honest with you :innocent:

Give me a damn break,I have automatic spellcheck.when I type my words auto-correct.

Looking at your previous posts I can tell you're using a horrible, horrible spellchecker :P

!!! :o!!! Misspelling my name once and never correcting it is one thing, but repeating it, starts to piss me off  o_O.

no rednazi the one know as "kusanagi", you don't want to fuck with.

That fix made no sense. And you didn't even add something at the end of "with". you ruined the joke.

Orochi I swear to almighty god is you say one more godamm word I will fucking gut you

I guess you're not her but that's a Riptide style burst O_0.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#218  July 28, 2011, 05:03:45 am
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Hahahah fuck you photobucket.
Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#219  July 28, 2011, 05:04:24 am
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Re: I Can't Do It Myself, It's Too Hard
#220  July 28, 2011, 05:05:40 am
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