
CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly (Read 26424 times)

Started by Sean Altly, September 27, 2011, 11:40:55 pm
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Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#121  September 30, 2011, 10:21:26 am
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Seanaltly, another solid release. Lots of fun, and a minor suggestion would be for the AI to be a wee bit harder. Other than that it is very cool :p

He has no AI, I put that right in the first post. He will have AI when I make the 1.0 version, this one was for playing with and bug testing.

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Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#122  September 30, 2011, 03:13:55 pm
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Hmm, perhaps including an alternate voicepack with voices from one of the MKs work?
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#123  September 30, 2011, 03:22:56 pm
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I love it. ive always been a fan of cartoon style mortal kombat characters
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#124  September 30, 2011, 06:31:01 pm
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sean do you want mk Deception or Armegeddon voice rips I can get them for you really easily if so.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#125  September 30, 2011, 06:42:09 pm
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Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#126  September 30, 2011, 06:55:13 pm
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ah well ive never ripped from a ps3 game before so I can try i guess lol.

You'll fix chuchoryu ? Sounds like a plan. How about you code him from scratch instead ?
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#127  September 30, 2011, 09:27:53 pm
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Detailed analysis of Sub-Zero:

    Overall a great character, as far as fanservice to MK goes I think Sean hit the nail on the head because the animations are beautiful and fluent, they really look like they're right out of an MK game, and they probably are. The character's overall performance in battle varies though. He isn't as bad as initial release Jin in terms of performance, and really he has a few moments of greatness, and is capable of beating the toughest of opponents, which Jin couldn't do, but a few things make the character unreliable. For one, he can't handle rushdown, while he destroys keepaway, rushdown fucks Sub-Zero up. This is because his freeze always misses at point-blank if the opponent is moving, idk if this is intentional, but it drastically hurts his game. While I know that you could just command grab or slide, it's harder to react with those, atleast to me. Two, Sub-Zero's normals are SEVERELY lacking in range, and it shows, you couldn't hope to land them unless you are right in the opponent's mouth, making you pretty much rely on freezing the opponent to do damage. There also isn't reliable enough chaining, some chains that look like they should work well just don't, like cr. HP chains and st. HK chains, both don't combo out of light moves properly.

     His specials are excellent, each of them, the only complaint is the freeze not hitting point blank. His UT is also nice, it does nice damage and it's the go to option for damage after a freeze. The EX versions of the moves are great, I don't really use EX freezes but I see their uses, the EX clone leads to some fun, though I wish you could grab into it (Like back throw the opponent into the clone and freeze them.), the EX Slide however, is the highlight. It makes for some fun stuff. I just would like to be able to land it (With the pop up) after hitting a falling opponent. Hopefully you can do this without making infinites.

     Overall I can say he'll be 1000 times better by 1.0 update if freeze stops missing at point blank, but other than that he's fine. One thing I'll say is that you can only play him one way, which is to pray for a freeze and go in for a big combo, then run back away from the opponent. He's not great up close but he can't do damage while far away (Unless you slide after freeze but then you have zero options.), so his style of fighting feels undefined, but he works overall. Another C Tier character.  :)
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#128  September 30, 2011, 10:58:16 pm
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I'd just like to note that you can hit the EX Slide on a falling opponent, just like the regular Slide.

Just uploaded an update:

-Freezing issue should be fixed now (moved the hitbox back a bit, and there was also a binding issue with the helper, which explained why if someone was moving against Sub-Zero, it would miss, because he was being pushed away from the freeze helper)
-New standing HP, has more range, previous HP is now done with B+HP (which you can press twice rapidly for an easy 1-2 combo)
-Added some forward movement to standing HK, which should make it easier to chain into and gives a little more range, same with c. HP but to a lesser degree
-Reduced some damage values here and there, nothing major
-Hook Blow has less pushback
-Fixed PalFX issue in Double Ice Backfire State
-Fixed the "Zombia Sagat" typo in the readme

Didn't get a chance to fix the sound files yet, but I wanted to go ahead and release this because of the Freeze problem, which really does fuck up his game. Should be better now.

sean do you want mk Deception or Armegeddon voice rips I can get them for you really easily if so.

If someone wants to make a sound patch for him with a different voice, that's fine, but I'm not going to do it because I like the voice he has now. If other people want a different voice, that's their problem, no offense.

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Last Edit: September 30, 2011, 11:13:02 pm by Sean CenAltly
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#129  September 30, 2011, 11:05:41 pm
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Did you want me to make the snd patch?
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#130  September 30, 2011, 11:06:22 pm
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Was not clear enough, I mean a falling opponent that's already been hit. Like cr. HP -> st. lp -> EX Slide

Also, good update, really might make me take back some of those comments I said before.
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#131  September 30, 2011, 11:09:48 pm
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No, I'll get to it at some point. It's not a big deal anyway, it might wait until the 1.0 update with the AI.

Was not clear enough, I mean a falling opponent that's already been hit. Like cr. HP -> st. lp -> EX Slide

Also, good update, really might make me take back some of those comments I said before.

Yeah, that's a bit too much juggling in my opinion. Also, with the damage dampener, it would just make more sense to go straight to the EX Slide.

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Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#132  September 30, 2011, 11:22:08 pm
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I usually go for EX.Slide>EX.Slide> Air.light kick>Air.Hard kick and end with air hard punch.
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#133  October 01, 2011, 01:46:33 am
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i've noticed that polar blast doesnt make any damage.
since its a superattack shouldnt it take some health from the enemy. o_O
i mean the difference between the normal ice(freeze) move and this super is only the duration of if this attack isnt supposed to deal some damage you should increase the freezinmg time a bit i think :)

(sry for my english hope you understand what im talking about)
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#134  October 01, 2011, 01:56:16 am
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so the move covering pretty much the whole screen is not an important difference for you?
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#135  October 01, 2011, 08:15:18 am
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It does do damage though, unless there's some problem with it that I don't know about. It's supposed to do 100 damage. If you're in training mode, it won't register the damage for some reason, but it should work just fine in actual fights. Also, as Rednavi said, it's nearly full screen, and the freeze is twice as long. Seems fine to me.

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Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#136  October 01, 2011, 08:21:19 am
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I checked and it does do damage which shouldnt matter anyway..a fullscreen freeze has alot of potential to setup your opponent for punishment whereas the regular freeze is limited so you have to dash up to your enemy..with the polar blast if it connects you can take your sweer ass time getting over there to deal out some pain.
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#137  October 01, 2011, 10:25:36 am
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ok nervermind, i only tested him in training mode so i dont recognized that it deals damage. ;)
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#138  October 01, 2011, 10:30:45 am
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It's a good-looking character, but you forgot the Display Name on him. o_O
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#139  October 02, 2011, 02:21:17 pm
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Holy crap. CM Punk, Squall, Jin Kazama, now cartoon Sub-Zero?!
Sean, you make mugen not suck. Thanks.
Eagerly anticipating your fullgames.
Re: CvTW Sub-Zero by SeanAltly
#140  October 02, 2011, 05:03:23 pm
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Well, finally I tested your Sub-Zero. Here's my feedback, but I used the version before your last update, so I don't know if my feedback was noticed before or the stuff were fixed already:

-LK hits high and F+LK hits low. Should be the contrary
-Ice Clone cannot be made close to enemy, you should point that in readme. In close combat is pretty useless
-I miss when you can freeze the enemy falling down after a hit
-The Double Punch isn't in the readme, either (HP twice)

Pretty good job with this character, I like the new concepts applied in this character, like COld Palm, Cold Punishment and his supers (especially Brutality, awesome). Also Zombie Sagat voice fits so well with it, my congrats to him ;)
The only bad point is I felt too restrictive, especially for MK Sub-Zero players, things like Ice Clone stuff and you can't freeze the enemy in air.fall state rests points, IMO... but I guess it was made with a purpose of avoid a cheap play in your fullgame.

Resuming, a great character and a keep along the rest of your creations ;) congrats!!