
Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread (upd. 30/12/2016 + B-kun is out) (Read 1167371 times)

Started by Nunor, October 12, 2011, 01:27:39 am
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Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#941  March 09, 2014, 02:45:04 am
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Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 03:08:42 am by drpepperfan
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#942  March 09, 2014, 03:09:03 am
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  • Mugen Fighters Guild Reopens...
    • Portugal
Nintendo Fighters
There're a lot of them aren't here, mos of my find can be seen here...

That section will be slowly updated as there are lots of fighters to check and add...
Will start off by your listing :P

3D Fighters
-Ironmugen/David Demianoff made Ryo Sakazaki/Mr. Karate II from Fatal Fury Wild Ambition

Is the one in the KOF Edits section ?

Also... can I suggest a section for Bootleg games?? There're various of them adapted for MUGEN (like Kart Fighter, NES Street Fighter 4, NES Street Fighter EX, etc) and could be in Other Games Section

In the future, maybe...

DooM has also made Suzaku Castle/Ryu's Stage.
Chainman Eddie is missing preview image.
Boss Zero is missing preview image.
Bunny and Isami Kondou is missing peview images too.
Ermac by Shazzo is offline.
Darkon by DarkonMK is offline.
You used wrong flag icon for Fishbed's site.

All Fixed except DooM Stage that is offline.
I believe it's your fate to be here. It's your destiny.
Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 03:15:27 am by Nunor
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#943  March 09, 2014, 03:19:40 am
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Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#944  March 09, 2014, 03:29:57 am
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Cool cool. Feedback on new update:

Wallace Wells is a playable character in the Scott Pilgrim game too, should be added to characters.

For Dong Dong Never Dies, Gouki, Dong Dong, and Violent Dong Dong were released by Xiami

Apart from that, yaaaaay update :D

Also there is a problem with the Guilty Gear page. The Guilty Gear 1 section is tiny and unviewable. Pic:

All Fixed.

I've browsed through the Pokemon Type:Wild section under Doujin Games, and I've noticed that my screenpack for MUGEN 1.0 is missing.


Just noticed this: The Pretty Fighter page is missing Juri Akasaka by NS.


Shang Tsung by Gorjeador:
Johnny Cage by Gorjeador: AD REFERRALS ARE NOT ALLOWED/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=3698

Fixed Links.
I believe it's your fate to be here. It's your destiny.
Last Edit: March 09, 2014, 03:33:11 am by Nunor
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#945  March 09, 2014, 06:05:03 pm
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Characters: Barbariccia and Melusine from Final Fantasy can be added to Final Fantasy Recreated.

The King of Fighters '97   (Orochi Chris, Orochi Yashiro and something else. Orochi Leona maybe? Can't tell.)
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
The King of Fighters 2000
The King of Fighters '98  (Street Japan, Train Yard U.S.A.)
The King of Fighters '98 UM
The King of Fighters '96 (Goenitz : Destroyed Stadium)
Samurai Shodown VI
Tōkidenshō Angel Eyes
Dungeons & Dragons : Shadow Over Mystara
Strip Fighter 2
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#946  March 10, 2014, 01:14:40 am
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  • Mugen Fighters Guild Reopens...
    • Portugal
Mature4Ever converted Shnouzer/Shazzer from Battle Blaze.


Marvel vs. Capcom 1 stage by Mugen Boss

Nori-ban stages:!106#cid=2E5C0C09C3BEAD17&id=2E5C0C09C3BEAD17%21106&sc=documents

Bleach (Dark Souls)
Deadly Moves / Power Moves / Power Athlete
Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side
Gundam Battle Assault
Mega Man (The Power Fighters)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition
Super Street Fighter II Turbo (Missing 2 stages from the GBA port Revival, a port of Chun Li's stage and a new stage)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Tournament Fighters
Asura Buster

Duende Macabro Stages:

Ranma 1/2: Hard Battle (Akane's stage)
Gundam Wing: Endless Duel (Heero, Quatre and Wufei's stage)
Samurai Shodown 5 (The Ship)
Super Street Fighter II: Turbo Revival (Suzaku Castle)
World Heroes 2
Final Fight
Street Fighting Alpha 3
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2

He also made Rock Lee from Naruto Shippuden: Ninja Council 3

Lenalee MVC by Uru should be added to both the Jump Super Stars and the Other Games MvC Gameplay Versions.
Same for Donpatch-MVC

Added All stages and Rock Lee. Checking LenaLee.

- Added Sengoku Basara-X Stage Section
- Added Martial Masters Stage Section

I believe it's your fate to be here. It's your destiny.
Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 01:36:21 am by Nunor
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#947  March 10, 2014, 02:09:04 pm
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All Fixed except DooM Stage that is offline.

All of DooM stages can be found here:


Rage of the Dragons

Kaine has made Johann stage.

Street Fighter IV

Rufus is missing preview image.

Marvel vs Capcom

Dr.Doom by Infinite is missing preview image.
Ruby Heart(Beta) by Buckus:

Sengoku Basara-X

For some reason Fighter Conversion Ratio shows 0%.

Tekken Recreated Fighters

Byakko released final version of his Jin:

Other Comic Recreated Fighters

Smurfs is missing preview image.

Last Edit: March 10, 2014, 02:16:53 pm by GreenZed
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#948  March 10, 2014, 06:31:58 pm
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- Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Section Added
I was waiting fo it, thank you!! Let me add some stuff to it:
-As well for the main characters, should be added the Bosses/Evil Exes to the characters list (maybe separated from main chars as you did with C&D section)
-And about above, Infinite_Joker is making Gideon Graves
-Probably I'll confirm later, but I'll make Kim Pine as my next SPvTW character to be made (to add yellow LED)
-I released the pack of Scott's sprites remade by me for my char as open source sprites (you can add my website instead if you want)
-Mabskmk made Subspace Highway stage (the mix of the 3 stages)
-Jango made My Chau stage (sadly offline)
-Jumbopaulo made some stages: UFO Green Screen (Casa Loma's Film Set 1) and Volcano Green Screen (Casa Loma's Film Set 2)
-MapleStory ripped game's OST (to be added into Music Rips)

Nintendo Fighters
There're a lot of them aren't here, mos of my find can be seen here...
That section will be slowly updated as there are lots of fighters to check and add...
Will start off by your listing :P

3D Fighters
-Ironmugen/David Demianoff made Ryo Sakazaki/Mr. Karate II from Fatal Fury Wild Ambition
Is the one in the KOF Edits section ?
-Cool, thanks for using my list :D there're a lot more on MUGEN Wikia, but I tried to make it easy with mine
-Yes, that one. It's Ryo using this look and indentifying himself as Mr. Karate (as well in Buriki One but with black kimono)
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#949  March 11, 2014, 03:17:42 am
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Homina Homina Homina
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#950  March 11, 2014, 03:25:56 am
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  • Bat's a Wrap.
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Original Edits - High Resolution >  Original HR Fighters > Daniel Gajardo authorname is only Daniel9999999 (Both are 2 aliases of mine), stance is incorrect compared to the downloadable version:

This is the correct one:
Yeaaaah im shootign ducks wiht the paino
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#951  March 11, 2014, 05:57:24 am
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    • UK
Re5t stages:
Touhou Project (It's from a fangame called Mystic Chain, does that count for stages?)
Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle

Yu-Toharu also made a stage from Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle.

Dark Ruler made stages from Dungeon Fighter Online

Some more Random Select Hosted Stage:

ShoShingo: Asura Blade

Mature4Evr: Battle Blaze
Fatal fury
Fatal Fury 2 / Fatal Fury Special
Final Fight
Mortal Kombat II
Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter X
Super Variable Geo
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Vampire Savior
World Heroes Perfect

Nightwing / Night: Street Fighter Alpha 3
Final Fight 3
Final Fight
Marvel vs Street Fighter
X-Men : Children of the Atom
Super Street Fighter 2

Has also made palettes on his site for King of Fighters XIII, Ougon Musou Kyoku, Touhou , Fate / Sword Dance

BTW his links on the Art of Fighting 3, Street Fighter 2 and World Heroes pages link to his own site, which doesn't have the stages on them. Only the old Random Select page has them.
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#952  March 11, 2014, 06:55:19 pm
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Heads up. My site link for The Legendary Terry Bogard character is now frozen and down so i wanted to share my new site link to replace the old one in your database.

Btw the source for the old Awakened terry is dead too since the site Mugenevolution that hosted it went down last year
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#953  March 11, 2014, 08:18:19 pm
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Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#954  March 12, 2014, 06:16:52 pm
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My 2D stages folder:

MY 3D stages folder:

Click here to join my discord server for updates to my content and more:

~ taking commissions for 3D stages, join the discord above if interested ~
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#955  March 15, 2014, 02:16:41 am
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Michu in M.U.G.E.N.
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#956  March 16, 2014, 07:26:23 pm
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    • UK
Inverse made stages from X-Men : Children of the Atom / Marvel Super Heroes :

Alex stages:

Mega Man: The Power Battle
Rockman Zero 4
Street Fighter Zero 3
Capcom vs. SNK
Namco x Capcom
Samurai Shodown
The King of Fighters 2002
The King of Fighters EX2
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Dominated Mind
Guilty Gear
Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Touhou (Scarlet Weather Rhapsody)
Jump Super Stars
Big Bang Beat
Ranma 1/2: Super Battle / Chougi Ranbu Hen
Flame of Recca
Dragon Ball

Phew! Also on the site are Samurai Deeper Kyo rips.

Oh, and Span stages:

Battle Tycoon
Marvel vs Capcom 2
Ranma 1/2: Super Battle / Chougi Ranbu Hen

Zaibatsu made Touhou Project stages
Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 11:10:52 pm by drpepperfan
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#957  March 22, 2014, 04:45:00 pm
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  • The Modern Mystical Ninja
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    • Skype - ardilla_shc
"Heroes are not applied on good people with powers, they apply on cops, firefighters, medics." ~Lucifer

Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#958  March 22, 2014, 05:29:18 pm
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  • Back to the Beginnings
Okay, downloaded her, and I must say: She is hardly a beta. She's an alpha at best.
But it's still nice to see Skullgirls characters at least in SOME form. The sprite rips also seem to look clean, so if the SFF is complete enough, I might be able to work with it...
EDIT: Whoops, I just had a brainfart there. I thought it was the "Does this thing exist?" thread...nevermind my post then.
===My discord servers===
Unlimited Force HQ:
Mega Man Megamix Engine Help Server:

Touhou database (by Ryouchi):
you are all small and can't grow manly sideburns
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#959  March 23, 2014, 10:03:24 pm
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  • Cosplayer by day, MUGEN creator by night
  • The City of the Wolves is coming
    • Chile
I wouldn't include her, she has almost nothing made, so I would include her just as WIP as well his Valentine
Last Edit: March 23, 2014, 10:15:25 pm by Basara JP
Re: Mugen Guild Reopened Database Feedback Thread
#960  March 24, 2014, 01:34:39 am
  • ****
  • Mugen Fighters Guild Reopens...
    • Portugal

The King of Fighters '97   (Orochi Chris, Orochi Yashiro and something else. Orochi Leona maybe? Can't tell.)
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2
The King of Fighters 2000
The King of Fighters '98  (Street Japan, Train Yard U.S.A.)
The King of Fighters '98 UM
The King of Fighters '96 (Goenitz : Destroyed Stadium)
Samurai Shodown VI
Tōkidenshō Angel Eyes
Dungeons & Dragons : Shadow Over Mystara
Strip Fighter 2

Stage links seem offline.

All Fixed except DooM Stage that is offline.
All of DooM stages can be found here:
Kaine has made Johann stage.
Rufus is missing preview image.
Dr.Doom by Infinite is missing preview image.
Ruby Heart(Beta) by Buckus:
For some reason Fighter Conversion Ratio shows 0%.
Byakko released final version of his Jin:
Smurfs is missing preview image.

All added/fixed.

-As well for the main characters, should be added the Bosses/Evil Exes to the characters list (maybe separated from main chars as you did with C&D section) Can you list them please?
-And about above, Infinite_Joker is making Gideon Graves
-Probably I'll confirm later, but I'll make Kim Pine as my next SPvTW character to be made (to add yellow LED)
-I released the pack of Scott's sprites remade by me for my char as open source sprites (you can add my website instead if you want) Added
-Mabskmk made Subspace Highway stage (the mix of the 3 stages)
-Jango made My Chau stage (sadly offline) Offline
-Jumbopaulo made some stages: UFO Green Screen (Casa Loma's Film Set 1) and Volcano Green Screen (Casa Loma's Film Set 2) Added
-MapleStory ripped game's OST (to be added into Music Rips) Offline

Saturday Night Slam Masters:
Survivor 2K Made 3 Stages from Ring of Destruction(Slam masters 2). Santo Domingo, New Dali, and BWA:


Original Edits - High Resolution >  Original HR Fighters > Daniel Gajardo authorname is only Daniel9999999 (Both are 2 aliases of mine), stance is incorrect compared to the downloadable version:
This is the correct one:


- Stats panel fully deployed
- Added Cyberbots Stage Section
- Added Persona 4 Stage Section + Screepack section

I believe it's your fate to be here. It's your destiny.