
SeanAltly's Commissions Thread (Commissions Open, Details on Page 21) (Read 291412 times)

Started by Sean Altly, April 16, 2012, 10:30:30 pm
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#381  September 10, 2014, 12:47:26 am
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Not sure I'm up for that one, without a base and the cinematic nature of the move, it would probably be more suited for some of the guys around here who can draw animations from scratch.

Anyway, here's a couple of single sprites I did for Karasai. Don't know much about the characters but they were a fun challenge to sprite. I admittedly beefed the red guy up a bit from the sample picture below.

They were based on the following images:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

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Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#382  September 10, 2014, 03:12:11 am
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Not sure I'm up for that one, without a base and the cinematic nature of the move, it would probably be more suited for some of the guys around here who can draw animations from scratch.
There's a video on youtube that shows all the supers/ultras without the cinematic camera (it's just in one place). Someone linked to it in the USFIV thread, or I'll see if I can find it when I get home.

Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#383  September 10, 2014, 03:26:23 am
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Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#384  September 10, 2014, 04:08:18 am
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That's the one. Thanks!
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#385  September 14, 2014, 12:55:28 pm
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Not sure I'm up for that one, without a base and the cinematic nature of the move, it would probably be more suited for some of the guys around here who can draw animations from scratch.

Anyway, here's a couple of single sprites I did for Karasai. Don't know much about the characters but they were a fun challenge to sprite. I admittedly beefed the red guy up a bit from the sample picture below.

They were based on the following images:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Cool. The one on the left is the Red MegaForce Power Ranger. The one on the right........from a Sentai series, maybe?
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#386  September 16, 2014, 07:32:12 am
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thats Kyouryuviolet
Esaka rules Beat that.... Or Just Get outta my way
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#387  September 16, 2014, 08:19:24 am
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I really want to commission you to get Yugo from bloody roar into mugen... Someday.. Someday...
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#388  October 07, 2014, 05:00:21 pm
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I would kill just for a Ruby Rose Standing animation.... If Had the extra money i'd totally go for this. MUGEN needs RWBY.
Then there were none...
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#389  December 23, 2014, 12:29:10 pm
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It's that time again, I guess, but it's different now. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I was let go from my full-time job last night (and yes, in case anyone is wondering, that does mean I got fired just days before Christmas). On the plus side, I will have tons of time to finish the very nearly completed Joe for the Mugen SF project and the long delayed Batman project for davismaximus. On the minus side, for the foreseeable future, I will have no income. No income means no utilities and all that jazz.

Now I call on you guys. While I have a "donate" button on my site, I don't presume to be deserving of a single cent I didn't earn. Yes, I will now have more time to focus on the big two full-character commissions I'm working on, however I can fit in some smaller commissions (single sprites, animations, etc.). I could also make plans for future big commissions. No promises, but with the free time I now have, it shouldn't take more than a month or two to finish Joe and Batman, so I could go ahead and line up some stuff. It'd be really helpful, no matter how large or how small.

Anyone who has some work for me, please message me on here or via PM. I can get to it relatively quickly. Just let me know. I could really use it right now. As a special discount, the next person who commissions a FULL character from me will receive 20% off. Just so no one thinks I'm jerking them around, here are my current rates:

Single Sprite - $5
Animations - $5 for first frame, $2 - $3 per additional frame, depending on sprite complexity
Full Character 200-300 Sprites (i.e., CvTW character, limited/recycled anims/edits) - $350 -$400 (design/complexity a factor) (w/discount $280-$320+)
Full character 300+ Sprites (CVS compatibility/free reign over moves and animations) - $400+ (design/complexity a factor) (w/discount $320+)

All characters are Sean Altly/CVS-style. If you sent me a commission before and I told you I couldn't do it or didn't have time, this is a good time to try again.

Thanks to everyone who can help in advance.

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Last Edit: December 23, 2014, 12:33:40 pm by Sean Altly
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#390  December 23, 2014, 05:35:13 pm
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sorry to hear that if I ever find the money il be sure to comission you
good luck
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#391  December 23, 2014, 05:52:59 pm
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I threw in $10 if anything it was to help you out I'd give more but I don't have as much money this Christmas as I usually do, I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances but I sincerely hope things turn around soon for you. I wish you all the best as far as the holidays go. Though not necessary, if you did want to make something I'd like to request a sprite of Link in your style, and one of Eric Draven from the Crow. Only if you have time though, I just wanted to help you out for the most part, so again, happy holidays and best wishes for things to get better for you soon.
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#392  December 23, 2014, 06:53:43 pm
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Sucks to hear that happen to ya. I wouldn't mind getting a stance animation of Captain Gordon from ya. I'll send you a PM about the info and how I can pay ya.
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#393  December 24, 2014, 09:53:41 am
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I threw in $10 if anything it was to help you out I'd give more but I don't have as much money this Christmas as I usually do, I'm sorry to hear about your circumstances but I sincerely hope things turn around soon for you. I wish you all the best as far as the holidays go. Though not necessary, if you did want to make something I'd like to request a sprite of Link in your style, and one of Eric Draven from the Crow. Only if you have time though, I just wanted to help you out for the most part, so again, happy holidays and best wishes for things to get better for you soon.

Coming right up on both of those sprites, bro. I appreciate the help, and it sounds like fun ot make a Link and Eric Draven sprite. Big fan of both.

Thanks for the kind words folks. Expect lots of progress updates on Joe and Batman right after the holidays as I get to work on them full-steam.

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Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#394  December 30, 2014, 03:45:55 pm
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You can probably expect a few from me as I get further into Ryu now that I'm back to work on him.

I'm currently trying to get a hold of Judas who has been MIA on guild for 5 months. He's been active on dA.
I had commissioned some Ryu sprites from him but haven't heard anything since he vanished. I think he still owes you the finished Joe stance too.

If I can find out if he's still going to do the sprites I asked for it'll help me know what I can pay you to make.
On the other hand if he doesn't do them then I guess I'll have you do them and hopefully get a refund to pay you with :p
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#395  December 30, 2014, 04:26:56 pm
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He finished the Joe stance. I noticed he was MIA as well, I was going to outsource Batman's stance to him but he never replied to my PM. I can do stances, they're just tedious to me, and the ones he's done for me (Joe and Rikimaru) were so damn good. Anyway, let me know when/if you hear from him. If you end up needing me to do them, I'll try to cut you a deal or something.

Also, I haven't had anyone take me up on the full character offer yet, so if when Joe is done you want to see if you can crowd source Geki or Retsu, keep me in mind.

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Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#396  December 30, 2014, 04:58:19 pm
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Quick question Sean about when you do full characters for their movesets. Does the person commissioning you have to specify the entire moveset and what they want, or can you work out a deal where they give you a basic idea or show you some videos of the character and have you design what the moves look like? And what moves they have?
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#397  December 30, 2014, 05:06:13 pm
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I've done it both ways. Rikimaru and Joe have mostly had their movesets dictated by the commissioner. For Skullomania, I was told to translate all of his moves from SFEX...2 I think? Haggar was left up to me generally but I had a ton of reference with MVC3. Mario's moveset was put together by Jango and me working it out together. Batman's moveset has been left almost entirely up to me, the only guideline being to not just mimic his Injustice moveset. It's been a pretty case by case basis. As a general rule, though, if someone wants to dictate every single move (which is understandable, they want control over what they're paying for), I generally charge a little more. Also, we usually try to have the moveset worked out when the price is agreed upon. That way, if they want to add something later they understand it will cost extra (unless it's a simple edit or something like that).

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Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#398  January 22, 2015, 07:44:43 pm
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Recent animation commission. Not great with stances but considering what I had to work with I think it turned out alright.

Based on this:

Came out with this:

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Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#399  January 22, 2015, 07:57:02 pm
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Not to derail this topic, but who's this character? Original or something else?

BTW, looks like it's been like 23 days ago, and you still doing it something. Keep at it, Sean. :)
Re: SeanAltly's Commissions Thread
#400  January 22, 2015, 08:06:43 pm
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i think that you didn't have to recreate the hand motion from the original, it doesn't look like a normal stance movement on a big character.
btw did you finish Brandon lee's sprite? i would love to see it if that's okay with you.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 08:19:07 pm by supervegeta