
R@CE STYLE TMNT LEONARDO Updated 1/27/13 (Read 15883 times)

Started by R@CE AKIR@, January 21, 2013, 03:53:38 am
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#1  January 21, 2013, 03:53:38 am
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TMNT Leonardo


Leonardo UPDATED
Bug Fixes :
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Download TMNT Leonardo here :

Anything that needs to be fixed should be of course pointed out in a respectable manner. Please respect that, and thank you :-)

Read me inside here :
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Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 03:19:23 am by ~R@CE AKIR@~
#2  January 21, 2013, 04:05:38 am
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  • Your Channel 6 News Anchor is in another Castle!
checking this guy out now!
#3  January 21, 2013, 04:09:35 am
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R@ce my Friend you are Badass for creating my Favorite Turtle
#4  January 21, 2013, 04:31:06 am
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Fantastic! can't wait to test Ralph as well. :suttrox:
#5  January 21, 2013, 04:32:21 am
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Ready for the hate, but I have to ask ... WinMugen compatible?

EDIT:  Just checked the WIP thread, so no; thanks anways ... they look awesome!
#6  January 21, 2013, 04:34:41 am
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* Long boring rant about 1.0's superiority and how easy it is to upgrade. *
Is finding MUGEN to be more enjoyable to play when you're not wearing clothes an underrated opinion?
#7  January 21, 2013, 04:41:07 am
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  • Your Channel 6 News Anchor is in another Castle!
-Attack and GetHit CLSN could be improved in general.
-Blue CLSN on his gethit animations seems really skimpy, Leo can easily break out of juggles because of this. Sometimes he completely switches sides when being air juggled which is frustrating when I've finally caught him in one of his rare openings.
-Recovery time for some his moves could be increased, it seems almost nonexistent right now.
-Some required gethit sprites could be better aligned. Sometimes Leo's sprite alignment can jump around a bit in his hit states and it can be pretty jarring.

+ Love the voice and effects
+ Nice move progression.
+ Aggressive AI, but beatable :D
+ I like what you've done with the Super BG transitions, really smooth
+ Cool ice effects on his attacks although his Endless Ice Screw special slows my PC down, maybe remove an explod here or there,or have a single explod binded for a longer duration. This might just be my personal issue though.
+ Really cool take on the character, looking forward to the rest of the gang.
#8  January 21, 2013, 04:52:15 am
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#9  January 21, 2013, 05:02:50 am
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Thanks for the shout out man! Bout to test him out! :sugoi:
#10  January 21, 2013, 05:23:33 am
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Thanks guys! I appreciate you guys for supporting me through this

-Attack and GetHit CLSN could be improved in general.
-Blue CLSN on his gethit animations seems really skimpy, Leo can easily break out of juggles because of this. Sometimes he completely switches sides when being air juggled which is frustrating when I've finally caught him in one of his rare openings.
-Recovery time for some his moves could be increased, it seems almost nonexistent right now.
-Some required gethit sprites could be better aligned. Sometimes Leo's sprite alignment can jump around a bit in his hit states and it can be pretty jarring.

+ Love the voice and effects
+ Nice move progression.
+ Aggressive AI, but beatable :D
+ I like what you've done with the Super BG transitions, really smooth
+ Cool ice effects on his attacks although his Endless Ice Screw special slows my PC down, maybe remove an explod here or there,or have a single explod binded for a longer duration. This might just be my personal issue though.
+ Really cool take on the character, looking forward to the rest of the gang.

Thanks alot Dcat! This is exaxctly what I needed.

-About those Clns boxes, I wont even lie dude, when I started him and the other turtles, I was being very lazy when it came to them. Using Auto Clns FF classic can make you lazy.... But yeah I do need to go back and fix those.

-Recovery time will be adjusted as you said. Thanks man

-Those gethits are off a lil I noticed when I used Byte Zero's sff I tried to fix most that I could, but I see that I need to go back in and fix the remaining ones. Thanks for letting me know about that

#11  January 21, 2013, 06:15:13 am
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Jebus Cripes, he's powerful.  MvC style combos, parry, dodge, and power charge (whistles) okay.

- Forward and Back dash evade attacks
- Can combo all 6 basics (LP, LK, MP, MK, HP, HK)
- Rotto Ice Cutter, Ice Impaler, Super Rotto Cutter, and Super Ice Cutter do no chip damage
- Versatile Raid and Apprentice's Revenge should not have the same command
- Holding Forward (or backward) and HK near an opponent does...nothing
- Being able to combo into Apprentice's Revenge is too much as it's already over-powered as is (834 damage?!?)
- Catching an air-borne opponent with Apprentice's Revenge gives the opponent enough of a window to block the rest of the super
- damage for lvl1 supers and lvl2 supers are too similar
- Having the last hit of Super Ice Impaler auto aim and un-blockable is a bit much
#12  January 21, 2013, 07:51:29 am
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Jebus Cripes, he's powerful.  MvC style combos, parry, dodge, and power charge (whistles) okay.

- Forward and Back dash evade attacks
- Can combo all 6 basics (LP, LK, MP, MK, HP, HK)
- Rotto Ice Cutter, Ice Impaler, Super Rotto Cutter, and Super Ice Cutter do no chip damage
- Versatile Raid and Apprentice's Revenge should not have the same command
- Holding Forward (or backward) and HK near an opponent does...nothing
- Being able to combo into Apprentice's Revenge is too much as it's already over-powered as is (834 damage?!?)
- Catching an air-borne opponent with Apprentice's Revenge gives the opponent enough of a window to block the rest of the super
- damage for lvl1 supers and lvl2 supers are too similar
- Having the last hit of Super Ice Impaler auto aim and un-blockable is a bit much

Ummm...MVC isnt the only game with chain combos but anyway,

Chain combos, yes.
Parry, yes.
Dodge, yes
Power charge yes.  (Whistles back)

Now back to the bugs pointed out

- I made the dashes like that so that can avoid things like how Vega does. (They do this same thing in from the original TMNT tournament fighters and i liked so i put it in like that. ) I could change it, but i dunno mostly likely I will.....

- There is nothing wrong wit his chaining at all. I have tested it and everything is fine. Everything in that department is as it should be.

- I will look into the chip damage not being on those.

- Versatile Raid and Apprentice's Revenge share the same command because if you life is low instead doing Versatile Raid, you will do Apprentice's Revenge because its a kind of Desperation hyper. That is why they share the same button lay out but its certain conditions that have to be met in order for you to do that. (Life being low and must have a level 3 power bar)

- Yeah i just tried that out, and your right, it doesn't Thanks for that.

- Thanks for that, I didnt catch that, will adjust.

- I will check the damage on the hyper, but i have never known it to do that much damage. I will tone it down. But however I will still keep it so that he can chain into it. Damage will be adjusted

- Sorry I disagree, Lvl 1 and Lvl 2 supers damage is fine to me and are not similar.

-I see the problem with the kick at the end of the Ice Impaler, will fix.

Thanks for taking the time to give some feedback. It was helpful, cus i didn't catch some of those bugs.

Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 08:02:18 am by ~R@CE AKIR@~
#13  January 21, 2013, 09:00:42 am
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- I made the dashes like that so that can avoid things like how Vega does. (They do this same thing in from the original TMNT tournament fighters and i liked so i put it in like that. ) I could change it, but i dunno mostly likely I will.....
I suppose.  It just seems redundant to have a roll and a dash that act the same way.  I also brought this up due being able to cancel forward dash into an attack.  I can forward dash to dodge an attack from an opponent and while they are recovering, cancel into my own attack (it's almost like an odd version of parry which you also already have).  If that's intentional, then it is what it is

- There is nothing wrong wit his chaining at all. I have tested it and everything is fine. Everything in that department is as it should be.
It just seemed a little loose, but if that's how you want it.

- Versatile Raid and Apprentice's Revenge share the same command because if you life is low instead doing Versatile Raid, you will do Apprentice's Revenge because its a kind of Desperation hyper. That is why they share the same button lay out but its certain conditions that have to be met in order for you to do that. (Life being low and must have a level 3 power bar)
Then can you please specify in the readme, as when my life is low enough, doing QCB LP+LK/MP+MK doesn't do anything not Versatile Raid nor Apprentice's Revenge

- Sorry I disagree, Lvl 1 and Lvl 2 supers damage is fine to me and are not similar.

Super Ice Impaler Lvl 1 - 263 damage
Super Endless Screw Lvl 2 - 252 damage
Super Ice Cutter  Lvl 2 - 308 damage (against the wall 196 damage)
Super Shining Cutter Lvl 1  - 246 damage

Considering what the levels and damage are, it's pretty close
Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 09:03:54 am by senorfro
#14  January 21, 2013, 09:05:10 am
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just imagine how cool he would be with capcom sprites, sorry i was dreaming awake
thanks for the release
i'm a genius, check my body :)
#15  January 21, 2013, 09:30:52 am
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- Superpause screen is missing a noFG assertspecial.
- Most supers give back power to Leonardo.
- The Warning screen during Apprentice's Revenge could be made bigger Y-wise by extending the green part, because as it is now, we can see the BG during the envshake at the bottom of the screen.

Will try to give more feedback later, something more gameplay oriented. :P
#16  January 21, 2013, 09:47:38 am
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- I made the dashes like that so that can avoid things like how Vega does. (They do this same thing in from the original TMNT tournament fighters and i liked so i put it in like that. ) I could change it, but i dunno mostly likely I will.....
I suppose.  It just seems redundant to have a roll and a dash that act the same way.  I also brought this up due being able to cancel forward dash into an attack.  I can forward dash to dodge an attack from an opponent and while they are recovering, cancel into my own attack (it's almost like an odd version of parry which you also already have).  If that's intentional, then it is what it is

- There is nothing wrong wit his chaining at all. I have tested it and everything is fine. Everything in that department is as it should be.
It just seemed a little loose, but if that's how you want it.

- Versatile Raid and Apprentice's Revenge share the same command because if you life is low instead doing Versatile Raid, you will do Apprentice's Revenge because its a kind of Desperation hyper. That is why they share the same button lay out but its certain conditions that have to be met in order for you to do that. (Life being low and must have a level 3 power bar)
Then can you please specify in the readme, as when my life is low enough, doing QCB LP+LK/MP+MK doesn't do anything not Versatile Raid nor Apprentice's Revenge

- Sorry I disagree, Lvl 1 and Lvl 2 supers damage is fine to me and are not similar.

Super Ice Impaler Lvl 1 - 263 damage
Super Endless Screw Lvl 2 - 252 damage
Super Ice Cutter  Lvl 2 - 308 damage (against the wall 196 damage)
Super Shining Cutter Lvl 1  - 246 damage

Ok well, i guess you have a point. Will adjust the damage in those

As for the read me.....  I could have sworn i said "When your life is low" but i see what the problem is, i forgot to make it so that you can press those commands to do the move in the cmd. Will Fix

- Superpause screen is missing a noFG assertspecial.
- Most supers give back power to Leonardo.
- The Warning screen during Apprentice's Revenge could be made bigger Y-wise by extending the green part, because as it is now, we can see the BG during the envshake at the bottom of the screen.

Will try to give more feedback later, something more gameplay oriented. :P

- Already been told about that on Mugenfreeforall by Ryon but thanks still for pointing that out
- You know what man, i knew i forgot to do something on him . The rest of the turtles have this correct but since he was the oldest, i forgot to adjust that. will fix

- Good find dude, will fix

Thanks Cybaster!  Will work on these things tomorrow

Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 04:27:30 am by ~R@CE AKIR@~
#17  January 21, 2013, 05:57:13 pm
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I only tried him out for a bit, and I really like what you have done here!  I hope you do the other turtles as well!  I will post if I find a problem, after I play with him for a bit more.
#18  January 21, 2013, 06:59:32 pm
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  • Kubikiri Basara
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Showw =3 FOdão !!!
Spoiler: Kubikiri Basara (click to see content)
#19  January 21, 2013, 09:26:36 pm
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R@CE your Leonardo is pretty badass, I can't wait for the rest of the fab four to be released
#20  January 21, 2013, 11:48:18 pm
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i know this is a bit off topic but i was wondering if you had any plans on doing anything else as far as tmnt is concern