
Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine) (Read 694717 times)

Started by Makunouchi Ippo, September 25, 2013, 02:43:21 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#241  December 05, 2013, 04:59:33 am
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Here I created an extra locator which controls her facial animations simply by moving it on axis. Theoretically this should work right? I mean if you can create a character with a tail or 6 arms using extra locators then surely you must be able to use one for facial animations.

Firstly If you wanna add facial, tail and other extra stuff, You have to make skeleton file too. And if you make a skeleton from MAYA, It's pretty difficult because emulate bone by locator (see sorry I'm not sure EN document exist or not now)

Other better way is using Softimage Modtool and add extra locator to offcial rig and convet to your original skeleton file.

Note:EF-12 supported animation type is Trans,Rotate,Scale, and constrain Pos/Rot. Even facial had control by any type in this.
G6ite_HF deformer has facial node and control his eye,Joe and lids by rotation (but G6 Chara MODEL has no face...)
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#242  December 05, 2013, 06:27:15 am
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Interesting... explains why I kept getting weird results. Now I can get back to it.

I'm also getting a new PC tomorrow. No more underpowered laptop. ;D
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#243  December 05, 2013, 11:09:28 pm
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Re: Project EF-12 on Steam
#244  December 09, 2013, 08:51:19 am
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Just wanted to say congratz @EF-12 and everyone who supported and developed it.

It got the needed amount of votes on Steam Greenlight and Valve is now in talks with the developers to bring it to steam

Sorry if that was mentioned somewhere before already
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#245  December 09, 2013, 12:23:19 pm
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  • Owner EF-12
    • Japan
Just wanted to say congratz @EF-12 and everyone who supported and developed it.

It got the needed amount of votes on Steam Greenlight and Valve is now in talks with the developers to bring it to steam

Sorry if that was mentioned somewhere before already

Thank you for you and everyone's support!!
I thought green light had been progressing but suddenly got greenlit, I'm very surprise!
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#246  December 09, 2013, 12:30:09 pm
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It was just a matter of time ..your engine sounds like a very promising thing.

Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#247  December 10, 2013, 10:41:28 pm
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    • USA
ef-12...u f******* rock! i cant find the free download anywhere tho...:( i wanna start creating immediately!!
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#248  December 11, 2013, 05:38:33 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#249  December 11, 2013, 05:44:15 am
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i just got it. made an account....when i saw "add to cart" i was confused.....LOL. thanks again for this amazing engine!
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#250  December 11, 2013, 06:22:46 am
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#251  December 12, 2013, 08:17:12 am
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Shit's dope, yo
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#252  December 19, 2013, 08:01:40 pm
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I am a college graduate in graphical design plus went to gaming school. I have been working with Maya, Luxology Modo, Unity 3D and to mention the Universal Fighting Engine tool kit since those platforms have came out. A developer has to have a crazy amount of skill, technology, not to mention a passionate work ethic to start building with EF-12. I downloaded the EF-12 Concept yesterday. I am excited to work with it more once it evolves into something like MUGEN, with additional modes, etc. hopefully the fighting characteristics can be tweaked into programing a fighter the way you want, like you can in UFF3. EF-12 is very flashy and containing potential for 3D fighting tho. Not bad for its first demo release. I kinda prefer 2D or 2.5D better. Looking forward to more progress!

Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#253  January 08, 2014, 08:29:30 pm
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This looks really good. I actually want to see if I can come up with something for now (especially since I'm taking ACTUAL 3DSMax lessons soon.) But I can't read Japanese. Is there an English version of the tutorials up anywhere?

Nevermind. I'm so sorry.
Last Edit: January 08, 2014, 09:32:54 pm by CapnWTF
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#254  January 10, 2014, 03:42:24 am
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    • Brazil
Hi, I was years ago a MUGEN enthusiast, till I got assaulted in soul bu the 3D fighting games, and I tried a lot of engines to fulfill my dream of making a 3D version of MUGEN. Tried a lot of things: Blade, 3D Game Studio, Cadabra 3D, Ignite, with no results. I thought that my dream would forever to keep a dream.

Last weekend, my dream came to reality when I knew about EF-12. Despite I don't have a graphic card - yet - I am tweaking, poking around, and persisting.

And to Mr. EF-12 I want to make a question. Two, alias.

1- Why, using a USB joypad, I am always the player 2?
2- Why the computer announces "Ring Out" if I step (ONE STEP) forwards or backwards?
Last Edit: January 10, 2014, 03:45:35 am by Snowmeow
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#255  January 10, 2014, 08:04:26 am
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  • Owner EF-12
    • Japan
Hi, I was years ago a MUGEN enthusiast, till I got assaulted in soul bu the 3D fighting games, and I tried a lot of engines to fulfill my dream of making a 3D version of MUGEN. Tried a lot of things: Blade, 3D Game Studio, Cadabra 3D, Ignite, with no results. I thought that my dream would forever to keep a dream.

Last weekend, my dream came to reality when I knew about EF-12. Despite I don't have a graphic card - yet - I am tweaking, poking around, and persisting.

And to Mr. EF-12 I want to make a question. Two, alias.

1- Why, using a USB joypad, I am always the player 2?
2- Why the computer announces "Ring Out" if I step (ONE STEP) forwards or backwards?

Hi Snowmeow,
I replied you at official forum(EN).
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#256  January 10, 2014, 05:32:35 pm
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Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#257  January 10, 2014, 05:55:47 pm
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I wonder if Capcom/SNK/Namco/other Fighting game companies' "we'll leave you be" extends out to you guys as well...
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#258  January 10, 2014, 07:01:47 pm
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Japan is usually more flexible about this kind of stuff. As long as Capcom and friends don't see anything that damages the integrity of their properties (or are used for profit), it should be fine (I've seen things that actually do in 3D form but that requires going to that part of the internet). Japan is often more flexible with fan work... part of the industry relies on it actually.

SNKP was considering taking action over the use of their characters in MUGEN (and understandably so considering what happened shortly before then), but fan outcry forced them to loosen up.

Western copyright owners I'd be a little more worried about. Some get really pissy over Fan Fiction (closest thing to the Doujin market in Japan) and threaten to sue if seen in any capacity. Imagine if they see their characters in a game engine with creative freedom... wouldn't end well. Also, Western laws are different and are more protective about copyrights and stuff.
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#259  January 10, 2014, 10:40:21 pm
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*Ryu Intensifies*
Re: Project EF-12 (a free customizable 3D fighting game engine)
#260  January 11, 2014, 04:23:24 am
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  • Owner EF-12
    • Japan
This looks really good. I actually want to see if I can come up with something for now (especially since I'm taking ACTUAL 3DSMax lessons soon.) But I can't read Japanese. Is there an English version of the tutorials up anywhere?

Nevermind. I'm so sorry.

I added answer of your question. Plz See here.
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