Alright, three supers then giving up the ghost- the before mentioned hyper where he leaps off and elbow drops from the walldesperation versions, giving up the ghost gains body stomp afterEmperor's kneehe performs a tiger knee type move, followed by a kick at the apex to throw the opponent downdesperation does more hits and a second knee strikeDriving up the stakeshe does a beer drinking anim, gains trailing afterimages and can combo easier afterThe ghost one would damage him, the stakes one would just add speed and make his combos easier and the emperor one would use his classical training.Alternates:A leaping attack where he drives the opponent head down and proceeds to stomp themA counter type could be fun if it really pressed how fast he could beAbout the mounting and punching, that could work as a simple throw, unless you want him to be more of a grappler, having situational throw moves.
In a bit of a hurry so only skimmed through the thread - apologies if I'm repeating stuff. Just some random unorganized thoughts on Joe.Personally I imagine Joe more as kind of a greaser/rockabilly type guy than some modern urban street punk. As such I really liked the sideburns, and I prefer the bare upper body to the shirt or hoodie... I don't mind the idea of tattoos but agree it'd be tough to do well. I think suspenders could work well too, with tanktop/t-shirt colour palette options.If you're looking for reference for kind of a less refined or orthodox street fighting style, Miguel from Tekken certainly comes to mind before Bruce or Bryan IMO.As far as his moveset goes, considering his back spin kick is pretty much his one recognizable attack, I think it should definitely be a special move and not just a command normal.
I agree with Jiggeh on Joe's personality, or how it should be.I also think we should use some Brain moves for inspiration for his main kickboxing moves, but indeed he should also have those dirty takedowns and other things we discussed.The spinning back I wouldn't mind as a special normal or command normal, we can do better coming up with new moves.
Maybe perhaps Joe has both a special or super that's somewhat a chaining special combinations that could be inspired by KOF's Angel? If he hits an opponent with a starter, he or she cannot get out of the hit state unless either the player decides to cutoff from inputting the specific button controls or just not fast enough on entering a command.
his spinning back kick should also have wall bounce to setup combo's and maybe he could mount the opponent on the ground like ralf.
Just a question on Joe's Spinning Kick; Is there a plan for it to have an assigned specific strength (Be it Light Kick to Hard Kick) to function like a projectile killer special like Dictator's Psycho Vanish or Gief's Banishing Flat? Or, will it end up as a projectile deflect move, as if Joe Spin Kicks back an opponent's projectile?
... Why would a spin kick have any effect on projectiles ? Gief has something like that only because he needed something against projectiles (beside a Double Lariat that doesn't move), and Dictator has it because Psycho Power. None of that fits Joe.
He could have a sway move like Dudley, but instead of swaying backwards he would sway very low, so he can dodge projectiles.Ofcourse he should have a strike move out of that sway for dat counter attack.I don't know shouldn't we move this to a newly made Joe thread? It's not like we're derailing anything since it's the char thread, but it's all about Joe now, it might be handier if we have all this Joe idea enginneering in a Joe only thread.
I thought about splitting it earlier. But didn't see a huge need to do so since we're still stuck on Ryu and know who all will follow him.I guess we should list all the options being discussed for his fighting style. Once that's completed we can make a new thread and a poll with those options to finally decide which way he should go.What all styles do we have to work with that's been suggested?KickboxingBased in kickboxing+Tyler DurdenBased in kickboxing+MMABased in kickboxing+Greaser/Rockabilly guyKickBoxing+Angel/Bloody Roar combo systemWas that all?
I had a way different idea of what the character would be like than you guys, I guess. I really just thought of him as a kick-boxer/street fighter who was just an average "Joe," if you will. I'm not sure where the stuff about hurting himself or being a Tyler Durden-esque crazy person came from. You should probably split this into its own thing, but I should also note I haven't secured funding for the sprites yet, so we probably shouldn't get too far ahead of ourselves.
Sean Altly said, April 21, 2014, 09:25:11 pmI really just thought of him as a kick-boxer/street fighter who was just an average "Joe," if you will. He must be like this . Remember he won the American Martial Arts Tournament one year(and next he was defeated by Charlie N.).Also, I'm with Sean in this...if we are going to speak about Joe, let's make a topic for him and leaving this one for POSSIBLE characters.Got a suggestion, but most of you will try to kill me. What about Full Dictator? I mean, he with ALL his Psycho Power, as he was in SFZ, but with some distinctive for him. I thought him floating all the way, cape, purple glow in his eyes, smile, etc, so, we may be using CvS sheet, just editing the legs for making him looks "hanged", and those things. The main problem here could to make those and looking good? Editing from Magneto's(for example) OR as Balthazar suggested to me, erasing his kicks. Making him a more BOSSY character, with a lot of projectiles, teleports, etc(kinda like a hateable SNK boss).- Psycho Shot: his projectile from SFZ. NORMAL DICTATOR could not have this one, for accentuating the differences.- Psycho Crusher: more flashy. Maybe this one could be purple with black,dunno.- Double Knee Press: I doubt about this one. I mean, is one of his trademark attacks from everytime, but why not making this a bit different? Once the second kick is about to hit, rival defense could be activated-defense break(for more cinematic action ) and then Dictator cam have a change of strategies here: · Teleport: at rival's back, for attacking while he/she s off guard- · Air(diagonal) Psycho Crusher: from rival's back, too. · Teleport+Throw(from rival's back) · Teleport to the other side of the screen.- Teleport: Everyone knows how this goes - Head Press & Somersault Skull Diver: It could have another variation: if rival blocks it, Dictator kinda appearing FROM THE FLOOR(kinda like Cars in JoJo?) and grabbing rival's throat, into that shot. - Ultras/Superlevel(whatever):- Psycho Punisher - Atomic Psycho: do you remember that short movie of SF4 where Dictator creates a Psycho Bomb which "destroys" him after being kikkosho-ed by Chun Li? Exactly. That.
If we're talking about a boss Dictator, I'm a big fan of his Marvel 2 Knee Press Nightmare as a low level super. He teleports out for a second, then comes back as three Dictators standing on each others' shoulders filling the screen with pressing knees. It's a good 'what the fuck am I seeing' move that bosses should have. - link because YT code can't adjust start timeAlso, so long as we're talking about a boss mode Dictator, make him unable to be knocked down; give him the SF2 movie levitation as a wakeup animation, or better yet as a burst special like SFxT Ogre's Ancient Power.
Yes, one of my fave SF characters being discussed. I like the idea that CPU Dictator would look and behave like his Alpha/Zero chunky self, complete with his walking animation being hovering. Will he also retain that air unblockable full screen big ass Psycho Crusher?
Balthazar said, April 20, 2014, 06:49:39 pmHe could have a sway move like Dudley, but instead of swaying backwards he would sway very low, so he can dodge projectiles.Ofcourse he should have a strike move out of that sway for dat counter attack.I don't know shouldn't we move this to a newly made Joe thread? It's not like we're derailing anything since it's the char thread, but it's all about Joe now, it might be handier if we have all this Joe idea enginneering in a Joe only thread.Steve Fox has a move like that, could be used as a base if we could get clean screencapsFeLo_Llop said, April 18, 2014, 08:31:12 pmAlso, Bruce Irving and Zack practices MUAY THAY, not Kickboxing ---Bryan Fury does kickboxing !Um, Bryan's original moveset was taken from Bruce.edit: WOW THE ONE TIME I RELY ON AUTO-MERGE AND IT'S GONE
For Joe: The Fight Club stuff came from trying to expand him a bit more and from his role as Ghost in Final Fight Street Wise. @Sean Altly: Since this is a character that you are wanting to do and as such giving a discount. How much control over the character do you wish to have over him? Before the Fight Club stuff started I was in the same idea of "Average Joe" like you. The Fight Club thing really makes his moves write themselves. But if we're going with "Average Joe" can you describe a bit more in detail your vision for him? So we can get on the same page with the kind of attacks he'll have.We got to come to a compromise in these things :P I know you have not received any money for him yet but I assumed we should establish what we are paying for 1st. Get a solid idea of the character and then promote the crowd funding. Also I totally asked if you wanted to make a topic for this ages ago and got blown off >:-[For Bison: I'm actually thinking there should be 2 Bisons for the game. The fat version (SFA) and the skinny version (CVS2) to represent the different Bisons in the story. And yes, I was intending on bosses to have boss versions when fought by AI. Mixing stuff from MVC into fat Bison might be a good idea to differentiate him more from skinny.
Aaah.Anyhoo, coincidentally I made this edit, as I plan also to do some mods for POTS' Dictator later on; To give him the former glory of his Alpha/Zero days with his walking animation being hovering off the ground etc. This is also based on Fel's description of him in CvS aesthetics.Left: Hover backwardsRight: Hover forwardFor cape, thorough and clever editing maybe required or totally complete spriting for it from scratch could be the only way.
Community projects have concessions and partnership to get created, its normal you havent gotten any money considering there hasnt been a consensus on what is wanted yet. Street fighter characters work as archetypes, so that means deifning mannerisms and all kind of things that will influence on what spriting ends up being done. Specially on a community project, there are more cooks in a thing like that.Having a spriter on board is great but its going to have to be geared towards whatever the whole group decides to do.Do share your idea tho, what would an average joe archetype be like?