
add004basic (Read 1675930 times)

Started by Shiyo Kakuge, June 18, 2014, 05:46:41 pm
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Re: add004basic_2140714
#121  August 29, 2014, 10:48:18 pm
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    • Nigeria
do we add this to the rebuilt cns, the .reb1 file?
Re: add004basic_2140714
#122  August 29, 2014, 10:53:46 pm
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    • Greece
you can check this from the character's .def file after you have patched the character.
Just add the states code at the bottom of the a cns file that character uses in def file.
Re: add004basic_2140714
#123  August 29, 2014, 11:07:23 pm
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    • Nigeria
Apparently due to that stuff you gave to copy and paste, the cns has to be saved in a Unicode format. Is that okay?
Re: add004basic_2140714
#124  August 29, 2014, 11:11:30 pm
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    • Greece
There should not be any problem.
Re: add004basic_2140714
#125  August 29, 2014, 11:16:05 pm
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  • Raging Fist
ok problem. Which CNS file should I go for? I know its dealing with a char but the character Im testing is a pots style char. I saw separate states cns files for normals supers specials etc.
Re: add004basic_2140714
#126  August 29, 2014, 11:23:10 pm
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    • Nigeria
Hey, I got it to work! Just one thing. Saving it with Unicode format does not work, it has to be left as ANSI.
Re: add004basic_2140714
#127  August 29, 2014, 11:26:13 pm
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  • Raging Fist
cool but didnt answer my question.
Which CNS does this go for?
Re: add004basic_2140714
#128  August 29, 2014, 11:29:40 pm
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    • Nigeria
Re: add004basic_2140714
#129  August 29, 2014, 11:30:59 pm
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    • Greece
You can add the states code at the end of either supers, specials or normal cns since it is a POTS char.
The cns file must be used from patched .def file.
Re: add004basic_2140714
#130  August 29, 2014, 11:35:00 pm
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  • Raging Fist
that I know is all good. I'll try normal state to see if it works. Cross fingers now heh
EDIT: NOW THAT Works! Now Adon and them can have different attacks besides the standard projectile attacks! Thank you :)
now all thats left is to see if we can have a tag team super :)
Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 11:39:15 pm by Flowrellik
Re: add004basic_2140714
#131  August 30, 2014, 12:18:34 am
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  • That sarcastic dude who makes stuff to the sake of
    • Canada
Re: add004basic_2140714
#132  August 30, 2014, 12:35:51 am
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  • Raging Fist
I found that out myself bud :D thanks!
Btw, I noticed that the kiri 2014 stages have splashes and water effects.
any way to incorporate the code into other stages?
Re: add004basic_2140714
#133  September 05, 2014, 11:15:49 pm
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  • YADANA... SI USU...
    • USA
Excellent work amigo, i like it :D

is there any way around this?

gives me error ,and some more chars

sorry forr my ignorance and my English  :P

^ I'm having the same prob with all Victorys chars, and Chazzanovas Robert. Whats the solution?
Re: add004basic_2140714
#134  September 05, 2014, 11:31:24 pm
  • ****
  • Raging Fist
overwrite this ON TOP of the character's air file

 KFM's animation data
; see docs/air.txt for more information

[begin action 909002]

sometimes you just need the begin action 909002. works wonders on chazz's and victory's chars. just be sure you have the characters patched for tag first.
Re: add004basic_2140714
#135  September 07, 2014, 11:27:05 pm
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  • 北斗百裂拳!
    • USA
Someone make a tutorial video. Dang it. This is too complex for me to handle!
I don't know what you are talking about..

I'm not a furry at all. (´・ω・)
Re: add004basic_2140714
#136  September 08, 2014, 12:07:47 am
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    • USA
Re: add004basic_20140914
#137  September 14, 2014, 03:49:45 am
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  • I want to learn, no criticize
    • Dominica
I need a help Im changing trigger1=(playerid(floor(sysfvar(0))),var(51)<1) && (command="y") && (command="a")
but doesn't efect for tag system, the striker call is the same default, I want to be> middle punch and middle kick, like capcom

;// striker-call / summon
;// ƒXƒgƒ‰ƒCƒJ[ŒÄo
[state 0]
   triggerall=!ishelper && roundstate=2 && numpartner
   triggerall=(sysfvar(4)>0) && (movetype!=h) && (gethitvar(isbound)=0)
   triggerall=(stateno!=[190190,190199]) && (partner,stateno=190192)
   triggerall=(sysfvar(0)>0) && playeridexist(floor(sysfvar(0)))
   trigger1=(playerid(floor(sysfvar(0))),var(51)<1) && (command="y") && (command="a")
   trigger2=(playerid(floor(sysfvar(0))),var(51)>0) && (random%180=0) && (random>(partner,life-life)*100)

Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 05:50:30 am by yaret
Re: add004basic_20140914
#138  September 14, 2014, 11:06:10 am
  • *
  • The name MadMike was taken.
This is awesome, but one question is there a way to change the assist attack, say change the state to 3000 instead of 1000?
or instead maybe just doing a super assist?
Last Edit: September 14, 2014, 11:37:58 am by MadMike1
Re: add004basic_20140914
#139  September 14, 2014, 02:14:43 pm
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  • From the Republic of the Little Bananas
    • Brazil
This is awesome, but one question is there a way to change the assist attack, say change the state to 3000 instead of 1000?
or instead maybe just doing a super assist?
go to line 5339

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Re: add004basic_20140914
#140  September 14, 2014, 04:58:59 pm
  • *
  • The name MadMike was taken.
This is awesome, but one question is there a way to change the assist attack, say change the state to 3000 instead of 1000?
or instead maybe just doing a super assist?
go to line 5339

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

I cant seem to find this, Hell its 11PM here and im still trying to find that line.