
LS67's MUGEN Characters - [6/23/16] Bonker Released! + Updates (Read 40593 times)

Started by LordShade67, October 31, 2015, 08:22:22 pm
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LS67's MUGEN Characters - [6/23/16] Bonker Released! + Updates
#1  October 31, 2015, 08:22:22 pm
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Last Edit: June 24, 2016, 06:33:23 am by LordShade67
Re: Ickybod Clay
#2  October 31, 2015, 08:28:19 pm
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Oh glob, you don't know how much I love Clayfighter. So downloading this character.
Re: Ickybod Clay
#3  October 31, 2015, 08:51:45 pm
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It's awesome that I have one of my favorite 63 1/3rd characters for Mugen now. Thanks for awesome release.
Re: Ickybod Clay
#4  October 31, 2015, 09:13:45 pm
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Just great release man, congrats and happy halloween. :)
Re: Ickybod Clay
#5  October 31, 2015, 09:43:45 pm
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mugen ports of the series are too rare
Re: Ickybod Clay
#6  October 31, 2015, 10:15:05 pm
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  • Kubikiri Basara
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    • Skype - viniciustda13
Very nice loved this game Super Nintendo Clay Fighters show congratulations friend
Spoiler: Kubikiri Basara (click to see content)
Re: Ickybod Clay
#7  October 31, 2015, 10:20:23 pm
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this character came just in time! good to see a good clayfighter character made!!!
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: Ickybod Clay
#8  November 01, 2015, 07:07:22 am
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cool Ickybod Clay, question will he have Claytalities? I ask cause the last Ickybod on Mugen (Shadowtak's Ickybod Clay) had some.
Re: Ickybod Clay
#9  November 01, 2015, 08:05:12 am
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Re: Ickybod Clay
#10  November 01, 2015, 08:12:47 pm
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Not gonna lie. I'm surprised at how hype folks are for this release. Heh. I appreciate it.

cool Ickybod Clay, question will he have Claytalities? I ask cause the last Ickybod on Mugen (Shadowtak's Ickybod Clay) had some.

If I can think of Claytalities and how to code them, I'll do it in a future update. Just...not based on his 63 1/3 ones. Those are too....bland for my liking.
Re: Ickybod Clay
#11  November 01, 2015, 08:17:22 pm
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  • Suika cute
Dope character is dope! Keep up a good work.
Re: Ickybod Clay
#12  November 02, 2015, 01:37:30 am
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Not gonna lie. I'm surprised at how hype folks are for this release. Heh. I appreciate it.

cool Ickybod Clay, question will he have Claytalities? I ask cause the last Ickybod on Mugen (Shadowtak's Ickybod Clay) had some.

If I can think of Claytalities and how to code them, I'll do it in a future update. Just...not based on his 63 1/3 ones. Those are too....bland for my liking.

ah cool, hope you come up with some unique ideas for some.
Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#13  December 24, 2015, 08:13:23 pm
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OP updated.
Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#14  December 24, 2015, 09:47:29 pm
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  • Why do the avatars have to be so damn small :c
    • USA
Excellent, my favorite clayfighter character. Feedback time.

- Breakdance is unsafe on hit.
- Same with the octo spin, clocking in at a nasty -18. Plus, how come every version does the same amount of damage? The stronger buttons increase the range, but shouldn't they also increase the damage/recovery? Plus, the way he spins just rubs me the wrong way somehow. It's hard to describe, but it looks misaligned. Despite octo's limbs all being the same size, his center moves around awkwardly.
- MK is unsafe on hit as well and a -23 on block.
- The octo punch is really hard to do. I can do it by Charging back, going to neutral, then going to DB and hitting punch, but it's kinda awkward. I get that you're trying to make it easier from the source game, but if you're going to do that, you might as well just make it Charge B F+K.
- The Super Breakdance does diminutive damage (180 when most level 1s do 250+) and it's kinda odd how it hits twice, then knocks them up in the air. It should keep them on the ground like the Shinku Tatsumaki. Characters with air recoveries can probably escape it.
- The water geyser super does horribly weak damage. I can do more than 120 damage without using any meter (186 with a HK breakdance or 125 with the octo spin). Plus, the range is tiny.
- The super octo spin  is hard to describe what's wrong with it. I get that you were trying to make it like the ground shave rolling, but the jump at the beginning feels oddly quick and there's no ability to stay in one place by holding the punch button.

- There doesn't seem to be a damage dampener on this guy.
Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 09:51:37 pm by BrawlTheMan
Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#15  December 24, 2015, 10:58:51 pm
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I've seen you in the vids I've looked at for reference. Heh, small world. :P

-Noted. Will look at again.
-Admittedly, I didn't look at the differences between the specials damage-wise. Will look at along with fixing the misaligned sprites thing(Yeah, I looked at them again, and you weren't kidding).
-Edit: Close Standing or Far Standing MK?
-Funny thing is that actually IS the input(Yes, I've tested), though I'll probably end up changing it since let's be honest: It's really not a convenient input.
-250? Gotcha. I'll admit to underpowering my level 1s, lol. And crap, I didn't change the knockback on the last hit, XP.
-Weak damage was intended. It's meant to get pressuring opponents off you.
-Yeah, looks like I'll have to tweak the jump again. And the latter, I'll keep in mind.
-Taken note of.

Just don't expect an update immediately. I hate throwing out updates constantly. :P
Last Edit: December 24, 2015, 11:35:01 pm by LordShade67
Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#16  December 24, 2015, 11:34:08 pm
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  • Why do the avatars have to be so damn small :c
    • USA
-Edit: Close Standing or Far Sanding MK?

Both. Close is -4 and far is -7.

-Funny thing is that actually IS the input(Yes, I've tested), though I'll probably end up changing it since let's be honest: It's really not a convenient input.

Really? I remember getting used to the RDPs in the source game, but maybe it's because I haven't played the game in a while.

-Weak damage was intended. It's meant to get pressuring opponents off you.

I think the spouts should be a little bigger for that purpose.

Just don't expect an update immediately. I hate throwing out updates constantly. :P

Oh don't worry. Take all the time you need :D
Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#17  December 26, 2015, 12:41:48 am
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Both. Close is -4 and far is -7.
Huh. Could've sworn I got the frame data accurate. Will take a look at next time.

Really? I remember getting used to the RDPs in the source game, but maybe it's because I haven't played the game in a while.
I know, right? I'm just as surprised, XD.

I think the spouts should be a little bigger for that purpose.

Oh don't worry. Take all the time you need :D
Right, lol. Anyways, feedback appreciated. ^^

Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#18  January 16, 2016, 04:10:21 pm
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Both of these characters are very well done!
May I suggest that you make Bonker, Tiny, Nanaman, and Hoppy in the future?
Spriting is harder than I thought.
Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#19  January 16, 2016, 08:34:47 pm
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Both of these characters are very well done!
May I suggest that you make Bonker, Tiny, Nanaman, and Hoppy in the future?

Lord Sinistro's Hoppy is already pretty solid, IMO. I have been thinking about Bonker, but I've got another planned character ATM.
Re: LS67's MUGEN Characters - [12/24/15] Octohead Released and Ickybod Clay Updated!
#20  January 18, 2016, 02:24:51 am
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Spriting is harder than I thought.