
A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen (Read 6724 times)

Started by XiconDestoroyah, November 15, 2016, 02:46:58 am
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A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen
#1  November 15, 2016, 02:46:58 am
  • *
  • C.E.O. and Founder of Xicon Exedra
    • USA
So we got EF-12, Fighter Creator, and that other one I never knew about. But what about 2D Fighter Maker 2002?

One of the games I'm working on is within that program. I'd think for anyone who has a hard time with Mugen can give a shot at 2DFM.

I do have some good experience with the program so if anyone wants help, they can ask me. If I can't, I can invite them to a certain place to help them out.

A good idea to add on the Beyond Mugen list?
Re: A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen
#2  November 15, 2016, 03:31:04 pm
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I don't know much about it myself. I barely remember anything about it ever being released or even spoken of here. I'll need to know if there is interest in this by more users to decide.
Re: A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen
#3  November 15, 2016, 03:47:13 pm
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    • Germany
The thing with 2D Fighter Maker 2002 is that there is no offical English version of the Engine, only Pirated versions and Fan Translations etc.

I think it would be no Problem if the Engine would be released on steam like the Old RPG Makers, but as long this don't happends we would probably support warez to an extent, and that would be against the Forum rules if i get them right, the Mugen community is on a fine line anyway because of all the Emulation stuff, so I'm realy not sure if you guys should add it to Beyond Mugen.
Re: A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen
#4  November 15, 2016, 04:02:42 pm
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Like JNP said, there's little to no audience for it here. IIRC we had an OpenBOR sub-board here once (or something like that?) and it fell into disuse fairly quickly.
Like Lichtbringer said, more often than not it's warez due to no English release (BTW, while we have no problem with emulation (how do you think spriterips happen?), linking to or asking for warez is a big no-no).
Re: A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen
#5  November 15, 2016, 04:06:02 pm
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We supported bootleg mugen for years. I doubt Enterbrain would send us a C&D for talking about a pirate version of their 14 years old software. That said being said
A New Thing
But it isn't :P

You're going about it the wrong way. There needs to be public demand for a subforum before we open it. This has been the downfall of "Beyond Mugen" for years, nobody checks a new subforum if they don't know what it is about. That's why our OpenBOR subforum died miserably .

Oh Ninja'ed.
Re: A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen
#6  November 15, 2016, 05:46:32 pm
  • *
  • C.E.O. and Founder of Xicon Exedra
    • USA
Well, the answers don't bother me. This does help me on how I would do on here, though. Thanks anyway. :)
Re: A New Thing to talk about in Beyond Mugen
#7  November 15, 2016, 05:57:19 pm
  • ****
    • Germany
Like JNP said, there's little to no audience for it here. IIRC we had an OpenBOR sub-board here once (or something like that?) and it fell into disuse fairly quickly.
Like Lichtbringer said, more often than not it's warez due to no English release (BTW, while we have no problem with emulation (how do you think spriterips happen?), linking to or asking for warez is a big no-no).

I only said that emulation is a fine line. :P

We supported bootleg mugen for years. I doubt Enterbrain would send us a C&D for talking about a pirate version of their 14 years old software. That said being said

They did it with the RPG Maker 2000 too, they did not "care" for a long time because they did not know that non Japanese would love there Programm so much that they would build communitys around there Pirated and Fan Translated tool, but when they found out everything was handled quick, "Don Muiguel" the guy who translated the RPG Maker had to Remove the Downloads and so on.

Some Japanese companys "don't care" as long they don't know that there is a Marked outside of Japan where they can make Money with it.