
Screenpack/presentation idea thread (Read 363173 times)

Started by Memo, April 12, 2017, 03:35:02 am
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#101  June 23, 2017, 02:29:25 pm
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    • Argentina
@Steel Komodo: I think the update is alright and it looks better :)
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#102  June 23, 2017, 02:34:54 pm
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#103  June 23, 2017, 02:40:14 pm
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Thanks dude.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#104  June 23, 2017, 11:52:17 pm
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@Memo, sure thing whenever Devon gets done he can send me the files. I will get on it asap, and let you know how things will progress.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#105  June 24, 2017, 12:06:00 am
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    • Puerto Rico
@Memo, sure thing whenever Devon gets done he can send me the files. I will get on it asap, and let you know how things will progress.

Sounds good, I like how this turned into a little team we got going.

I'll have an updated ryu and sagat soon, I'm currently implementing
JNP's command buffer system to replace mugens cmd system and its
Working great so far, no more cmd bugs when you hop over enemies!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#106  June 24, 2017, 02:10:30 am
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I will do my best to give something back to the community. Also, help out a fellow friend bringing a new flavor for us to enjoy.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#107  June 24, 2017, 12:38:13 pm
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    • UK
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#108  June 24, 2017, 02:08:57 pm
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If my folder structure is too complicated feel free to PM me we can mash something out.

If something looks incomplete that's because it's not important and can come later.

Here is the font file (I'm not sure if MUGEN can read .otf files through sffv2 but if it can't I'll probably just convert it to .ttf)
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#109  June 24, 2017, 04:55:27 pm
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    • UK
Sorry for posting again so soon, but I didn't quite want to give up on that second concept I made. So I did some tweaks, added the powerbars and some text stuff.

Again, if this isn't to @Memo's liking, I'll just hold onto this and use it for something else. If people are interested, I can also supply the .psd file so they can make their own changes.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#110  June 24, 2017, 04:58:05 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
Sorry for posting again so soon, but I didn't quite want to give up on that second concept I made. So I did some tweaks, added the powerbars and some text stuff.

Again, if this isn't to @Memo's liking, I'll just hold onto this and use it for something else. If people are interested, I can also supply the .psd file so they can make their own changes.

Old concept looks better I dont really like the triangles and circles
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#111  June 24, 2017, 04:59:49 pm
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    • UK
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#112  June 24, 2017, 05:05:31 pm
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  • Pixels are atom's of resolution,Low-res or Hi-res
    • Turkey
Hey Steel
can you send me a PSD file for that new concept,I can edit it and code it as a lifebar,I'm bored from Add004 bars
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#113  June 24, 2017, 05:26:43 pm
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    • UK
Hey Steel
can you send me a PSD file for that new concept,I can edit it and code it as a lifebar,I'm bored from Add004 bars

Sure thing. I'll make some changes first, then I'll send you the PSD via PM's. Keep an eye out!
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#114  June 24, 2017, 06:07:51 pm
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  • Screenpack Maker EX
@Deavon, just got the files and roger that if, I do run into anything needing help in. Thanks for your hard work and I will be contacting you and memo, with the progress.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#115  June 24, 2017, 11:32:36 pm
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    • Puerto Rico
You guys are awesome, it might be too early for
Me to say this but we will need a graphic for the
Credits, giving credit to all you that have helped out
In development so far. Still early for that thou, someone
Else might jump on the project too but I'm just
Putting that idea out.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#116  June 25, 2017, 01:30:49 am
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  • Screenpack Maker EX
Something like what old-gamer had in his last screen pack. Sounds like a cool idea, we shall see what happens.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#117  June 25, 2017, 02:05:45 am
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Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#118  June 25, 2017, 02:37:43 am
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  • Screenpack Maker EX
Roger that, got them was wondering what happen to I'm separating the psd's, will post something when I can.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#119  June 29, 2017, 12:44:17 pm
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    • New Zealand

I've been busy with Grand Order but I've been able to put in a bit of time with this.
Re: Screenpack/presentation idea thread
#120  June 29, 2017, 01:14:55 pm
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  • Estoy siempre listo para un desafío.
    • Puerto Rico

I've been busy with Grand Order but I've been able to put in a bit of time with this.

I like your style that bar looks clean as fu$k dude, I think these are perfect
the port looks great on them as well!