
Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes) (Read 156986 times)

Started by Cobra Caddie, December 11, 2018, 09:19:24 pm
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Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#81  November 26, 2019, 03:30:21 am
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I agree ;) I'd love to put in endings and cutscenes.

We'll see.
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#82  November 26, 2019, 07:33:49 pm
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What are  yours steps so far?
Hey, can i help, or maybe i need help
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#83  November 26, 2019, 11:20:03 pm
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So for Mike I still have to Sprite a couple of more of his moves to finish him up and that's it for him. Besides him I've been planning out the last characters with their movesets and doing test sprites for them. Last thing I want is to be deep into their spriting and finding out they are too big or small cause that's what happened with Terry. I've updated a couple of global game mechanics and have added some intros taunts and win poses to characters who needed them. Outside of that I have a lot of neat things planned including stuff for tag mode and arcade.

Admittedly I have not worked on the game as much as I'd like to so I'm trying to figure out a set schedule around my work to keep in the groove of things instead of just thinking about working on the game everyday like I do and never getting around to it. Having a finalized version of the game is the biggest thing I wanna have done for Mugen both as a tribute to everyone who worked on the game in the past and as a gift to everyone who has given me support and kind words throughout the years here :)
Last Edit: November 27, 2019, 04:24:24 am by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#84  December 08, 2019, 10:37:09 pm
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Small update cause I promised I would when I could. Expect progress updates starting in January. Sorry for the delay, thank you for still showing interest in this silly little game  :)
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#85  December 12, 2019, 12:04:35 am
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Im a huge fan of 8bit nes style. but  the lifebars you had used or choosen on your video, its really dont look good as a 8bit element, I would like to give a suggestion base off my 15 years of gaming experiences and you should use the Gameboy version of the KOF game lifebar style but with a bit of sprite drawing a tiny bit make it look more like a nes street fighter elements

you can check my screen pack on how I made my version of an NES lifebars as an example :)
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Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 12:17:31 am by OldGamer
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#86  December 12, 2019, 06:26:53 am
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I completely agree. The lifebars, fonts, and other screenpacks graphics need an overhaul. Should be easy enough but I need to remember how to make fonts and find the work files on 1 of my like 5 4tb harddrives lol

Before the full game gets a release that'll all be fixed. I'll probably edit what I already have though, reduce colors and if I go further I'll reshape the bars to be complete rectangles instead of rounded just to make them more NESie.
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#87  December 12, 2019, 06:26:16 pm
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I completely agree. The lifebars, fonts, and other screenpacks graphics need an overhaul. Should be easy enough but I need to remember how to make fonts and find the work files on 1 of my like 5 4tb harddrives lol

Before the full game gets a release that'll all be fixed. I'll probably edit what I already have though, reduce colors and if I go further I'll reshape the bars to be complete rectangles instead of rounded just to make them more NESie.
caddie because of you I learn a lot from your mugen stages when I first started mugen. so let me help you in return.
to save time.

here a text guide on how to make font for the mugen 1.0 and 1.1 I made for you and everyone :)
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

also here another older video from youtube on how to make fonts version 1 with font factory
just make sure to set the colors at 256 for the font to show on mugen 1.1 and mugen 1.0
just in case here the font factory. dont worry its work on windows 8.1 and window 10

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

if you need help on learning  how to make lifebars you can go here

and here video guide I made for everyone how to make and add fonts for the lifebars
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

if you have any other question please let me know. Caddie and I will assist you any way I can.
your truly OldGamer :)

Join My JUSMUGEN Community.
Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 07:02:39 pm by OldGamer
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#88  January 08, 2020, 04:10:58 am
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Some quick news about Mike. I'm making some changes to him based on Balrog's SFV Championship upgrade.
- Mike will no longer be getting season 2 TAP, instead his tap will probably end up more like how Balrog's TAP is currently in SFV. In return, I might give MSF's Balrog season 2 TAP which will be a buff over what he has now.
- Instead, Mike will not need the pressure season 2 TAP would have given him because I'm giving him Balrog's V-skill 2, FFB. FFB lets you perform a command that enhances his dash push, allowing for pressure and juggles.
I look forward to showing him off, should be sometime by the end of the month.
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#89  January 31, 2020, 10:38:13 am
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Progress report! I implemented the new global stuff for every character so they match the updates I gave to Mike. I'm considering adjusting the shadow to fit every character in a custom way, which would be a bit time consuming but shouldn't be too bad. Right now people have two shadow types, normal shadow and big shadow based on the size of the character. Bison almost got a 3rd size because of his wide stance but I decided against it.

Something weird I noticed when doing the shadows was that Honda is sunked into the ground for some reason lol. You can see it in this screenshot if you look close.

I haven't asked her but I think the original programmer might have made the character, looked at Honda's awkward high leg and had to move the whole character down to save time. IDK I just thought it was funny, I might manually fix this if it ends up causing any bugs.

Mike's custom sprites are coming along but I have a couple of more to do now cause of the weave he does when he does the FFB dash punch power up. I'm going to start programming that tomorrow and I hope to make a video when it's done. There will be a few steps to it that'll make it take a lil time:
- It powers up his regular dash punches, his ex dash, and the super that is based off of Balrog's v-trigger 1, and I want to program all of those in.
- It allows for more juggles and I want them all to work proper.
- I wanna adjust it to fit in with the game a bit more than just porting it over from SFV. I'll try and be aware of MSF's movement options for characters when determining how long to have him be vulnerable when doing the charge up. Right now it'll be 50 frames like in SFV but we'll see how it ends up.

Also, I'm not sure if the UI will be updated to be more NES like for the "Mike release" version of the game or if I'll try and get the release out faster. I think most people here are more willing to be patient about it and just let the game come when it comes, and I thank you for that and not being mean about me slipping and delaying progress for so long. I was really having fun with the stuff I was doing for a good couple of months there and like I've said I think about this silly game every day.

Anyway, one last thing is I'm considering taking out the universal roll/invincible dash that everyone got from one of the last updates to SF2Nes. I think it might be too good but also I understand that some people might like having that in. So another option I've considered is having an options launcher separate from the game's exe that'll let you turn on/off options like rolling. We'll see though.

Here's something I've been messing around with to leave yall with, I've been trying to tweak some NES style soundtracks from the game. In the end if I do end up doing this I might just go to a pro for help with it or commission someone or whatever, but here's what I was able to do. I made them really simplistic on purpose cause it sounded the most authentic to me like this, rather then just converting the midis I already had directly with 8 channels and all.



They both have different instruments to show different options of where I could go with it.

Edit: Another option would be to use the Gameboy or GBA songs, which would also work IMO. I'll mess around and see what sounds best in game.
Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 07:55:25 am by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#90  February 05, 2020, 12:01:20 pm
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I'm testing something out for Mike and I'd like some opinions if anyone wants to give me any. When he's charged his dash punch with FFB, I added a flash to indicate that he's powered up. However, I don't wanna give people seizures so I'm a little worried about how this looks.

Some options I have:
- Slowing down the time of the flash
- Making it flash less often
- Trying something else

Also it's a little hard to notice, but I didn't use palfx for this. I gave him actual NES colors and through SFF2 remapping he's switching between 3 palettes(normal, light blue, dark blue). I changed this with his ex-moves too so now he's flashing solid NES palette colors instead of using palfx. Here's a slowmo of that:

I plan to add this to all characters but it'll take a bit because I have to make custom palettes for everyone, and convert their sff files. Also, a bit of a rant:


Edit: I came up with something for Mike. I knew I said I wasn't going to give him season 2 TAP since he has the powered up dash punches now, but I had an idea of a way to implement it and have it make sense. Normally, he'll have weaker taps like Balrog current has in SFV. But if you use the FFB power up move, he'll have season 2 TAP. It'll be used the same way the enhanced dash punches work. One thing I'll do though to prevent you from just holding TAP, then powering up and using the TAP is I'll have the TAP timer reset when you use FFB. Should keep it fair.
Last Edit: February 06, 2020, 12:37:55 pm by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#91  February 07, 2020, 08:02:07 am
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For his dash punch you could try something similar to the vskill in CE. Having a small boxing gloves near the power bars that would flash when he's charged dash punch. I think it would look alright right on top of the power bars.
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#92  February 07, 2020, 09:16:37 am
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I could try something like that and see how it looks. In the meantime, I've done one small thing thats made it look a bit better. The small portrait doesn't flash anymore. I added a duplicate palette to the sff file, assigned it to the small portrait, and have separate state controllers for it so that it still reflects the palette you use, but doesn't change when Mikes palette changes.

Btw do you have a screenshot or video of Balrog in SFV Championship with the gloves? I haven't seen that yet. The whole reason I wanted to add an indicator is because sometimes it's frustrating to know whether I have v-skill 2 active or not in SFV.
Last Edit: February 07, 2020, 09:30:08 am by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#93  February 11, 2020, 06:32:59 am
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I think in CE when your vskill is on the vskill logo starts flashing. Thats what I meant but replace the vskill logo with a boxing gloves.
Something like that but not that rought looking and maybe not that big

I remember people gave that idea back during season 2 when rog tap was a big issue
Last Edit: February 11, 2020, 06:54:43 am by GTOAkira
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#94  February 12, 2020, 05:27:40 am
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Got ya, thanks for the suggestion. I'll work with that, maybe I can do something like that with every character to give them a move buff but gonna try to not get too far ahead of myself.

In the meantime, here's a quick mockup of an adjusted screenpack for the game. Ignore things messed up resizing please it's just an example lol

Not too sure on the colors but I think it'd look somethin like that

Edit: Also along these lines, got some good news. I found all the font work files! Means editing some of this stuff and putting them back together will be easy cause I have the original image and text files for them :)
Last Edit: February 13, 2020, 03:10:31 am by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#95  February 22, 2020, 04:04:42 am
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Working on something cute for the title screen. Also I've started changing the music from SNES to Gameboy/GBA(it'll be a mix since they're pretty similar).

The full idea will be to have the blue close and open, switching between the entire cast. So here's a little update on my plans for the game:

Mike release:
New character Mike
1st round of screenpack changes
Already made character changes
Music changes

2nd character release:
New character
2nd round of screenpack changes
Intro change
Projectile changes

3rd character release
New character
Full game features
Finishing up intros, taunts, winposes

From there on there will be little adjustments but hopefully most of the base game will be done. And then I'll just work on characters until its done.
Last Edit: March 05, 2020, 06:42:03 am by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#96  February 22, 2020, 06:17:47 am
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Can't edit my posts now because of 'database error' so I'll add this here and clean it up when this gets fixed.

I decided to make them walk across the screen. I also added in a white fade in from Ryu's Hadoken intro and made the blue bar wipe in from the middle. Here's a video with the new music too!

Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#97  February 23, 2020, 08:55:59 am
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I love it! Remind me a lot of the artwork Kiki did for Capcom Cup
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#98  March 06, 2020, 08:23:15 am
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I've ALWAYS wanted to change the Ryu opening intro and took a couple of days to do it. I used this art by "CallMeMrA" as the starting point, and animated it and drew new pieces too it. Plus I drew the other frames using the old intro as a base. I'm not 100% happy with the last frame, so I might redraw or edit it more. Also I might realign the effects or change them too. But I'm leaving it be for now.

Link to original art used for this:
Last Edit: March 06, 2020, 09:24:44 am by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#99  March 18, 2020, 12:52:12 am
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Don't know how many people are following the project but given how I've been in the past with hiatuses and stuff I just wanted to show some stuff I've been working on for the game. I did a lot of screenpack stuff and it's currently at a point where its complete now for the release. I can show some of it off so I will.

I added a training stage, which is based on the CvS2 training stage and is partially drawn, partially edited. Something else I'm adding which will be a prototype(only Ryu will have it in the first release) is a custom continue screen that is both animated and has music that doesn't loop after you make your selection. It's not fully programmed at the moment so I'll show off just the animated screen for now.

In the center will be the characters beat up portrait(which I'll be redrawing since the current beat up portraits are based on older version of the regular portraits). And underneath is the continue option. While this all might not seem like that big of a deal, people who've worked on screenpacks might understand why its all a pain to include this stuff.

One last thing that won't be in yet but I plan to do is custom victory screens. I plan to add in that, cutscenes, and some really cool custom stuff in future releases, but that's one thing about the screenpack that isn't done yet.

Also I've been working on Mike, got a few more animations done. Probably shouldn't have added so many custom animations lol

Something I've been throwing around too is having different versions of each stage that are simple palette swaps. I could even program it into the characters if I can find a way to align everything properly(given Mugen having such a big problem with the games resolutions). We'll see. Here's a few examples:

Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 01:02:16 am by Cobra Caddie
Re: Mighty Street Fighter (Formerly SF2Nes)
#100  March 18, 2020, 01:04:04 am
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Everything is looking really good so far!