
CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 04-07-2019)  (Read 2223714 times)

Started by Mr. Ansatsuken, June 23, 2019, 02:15:00 am
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Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#21  June 23, 2019, 09:39:33 pm
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The download only came with a goku.air, goku.sff, and system.cns. Pls advise
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#22  June 23, 2019, 10:07:36 pm
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The download only came with a goku.air, goku.sff, and system.cns. Pls advise
You need to download Vyn's Goku and THEN paste those files into his Goku's files.
It's gonna ask you if you want to overwrite the files, you press "yes" and it's done!
Vyn's Goku will have the Dramatic Finish lol
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#23  June 23, 2019, 10:14:13 pm
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Continuing my notes from the previous page, you should probably calm down on the knockdown on his normals, unless it's one or two of them.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#24  June 23, 2019, 10:18:58 pm
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I'm sure this might just be an Ikemen issue so don't worry too much if that's the case, but for some reason none of his palettes seem to load, regardless of whether I use the 1.0/1.1 versions, just his default seems to appear. Great character though, he's really fun to play and I'll be using him a lot!
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#25  June 23, 2019, 10:22:34 pm
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The download only came with a goku.air, goku.sff, and system.cns. Pls advise
You need to download Vyn's Goku and THEN paste those files into his Goku's files.
It's gonna ask you if you want to overwrite the files, you press "yes" and it's done!
Vyn's Goku will have the Dramatic Finish lol

Ohh. That's just what I got when I hit the Broly download though. As of now, Goku's got nobody to finish.
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#26  June 24, 2019, 01:06:20 pm
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You have to nerf the move broly stomps on opponent,he does it one time then does again and again

he can teleport out of moves right before they about to hit,he also can use  supers right before your move hits,like thats wrong man,
Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 01:44:08 pm by Mark85
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#27  June 24, 2019, 05:39:35 pm
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Simply EPIC! Worth it for one of the most badass Dragon Ball chracter. Thanks bro!
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#28  June 24, 2019, 06:06:43 pm
  • ****
You have to nerf the move broly stomps on opponent,he does it one time then does again and again

he can teleport out of moves right before they about to hit,he also can use  supers right before your move hits,like thats wrong man,

I believe he want make a boss char?
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#29  June 24, 2019, 07:15:35 pm
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    • Mexico
I see my Sprite in the char but I do not see my credits
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#30  June 24, 2019, 08:40:42 pm
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Finally! Lets see this guy in action. Thanks for the release dude.
Haha! You're welcome, dude!

Amazing! Not only the production is flashy, it's a fun character as it's not difficult to operate!
Thank you so much, Sennou! I'm glad ya like it lol

Broly is pretty dope
+ That tranform intro is Epic af.
+ Awesome FX presentation
+ has some really Awesome moves
+ fun to play

-During his Epic intro he has a couple of debug errors
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
The first one is pointing towards the intro states with expressions truncated, this usually means you need round your values on something that shouldn't be fractal, try putting a floor(value whatever),floor(value whatever)   or  ceil(any value),ceil(any value)   to try and fix these
The second one is putting to state 0 , the idle stance and has no enemy. anytime you use enemy/enemynear triggering or values put a numenemy at the begining of the trigger.
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

You may want to check throughout the character for enemy coding and make sure numenemy trigger is there.

-the projectile barrier is a cool concept but should use some sort of cooldwn or cost life/power because as it is, I can just use it again and again with no consequences, this combined with his HK makes him almost invincible and super hard to even make contact on. I tried both the 1.1 and the 1.0 version and the 1.1 version causes a debug error when you turn the shield off. I tried taking a screenshot but I can't get my 1.1 to display the debugs in the screenshots. It says that "powered shell in state 1156/1157  has no parent for the bindtoparent.

-a debug error from stateno 1000
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
floor/ceil all the fractals that shouldn't be fractals in him to fix these it happens in a few other specials and supers but should be an easy fix.

I'm sure this might just be an Ikemen issue so don't worry too much if that's the case, but for some reason none of his palettes seem to load, regardless of whether I use the 1.0/1.1 versions, just his default seems to appear. Great character though, he's really fun to play and I'll be using him a lot!

Thanks, Infinite. I don't think I'd have realized how to fix the debug flood if it wasn't because of your advice!
I'll see if I can get it all fixed for the next update, haha.

MAX Mode is outdated, EX Moves should take away 1/3 of the meter, check DivineWolf's updated chars.
Also with Air Combos on, one normal should become an MvC styled Launcher, maybe the C.MK.
Haha, alright, you're right. Although it sounds a lil' bit too OP to have the EX take only 1/3 of the MAX meter, but I'll update it anyway.
I guess his Crouching Hard Punch will be a launcher next time, too! Haha.

Continuing my notes from the previous page, you should probably calm down on the knockdown on his normals, unless it's one or two of them.
It's onlt C.MK, C.HK and S.HP, really. It's not that much.

I'm sure this might just be an Ikemen issue so don't worry too much if that's the case, but for some reason none of his palettes seem to load, regardless of whether I use the 1.0/1.1 versions, just his default seems to appear. Great character though, he's really fun to play and I'll be using him a lot!
Haha, I'm so glad that you enjoy playing as him! ;D
And yeah, that's only an Ikemen issue apparently.

The download only came with a goku.air, goku.sff, and system.cns. Pls advise
You need to download Vyn's Goku and THEN paste those files into his Goku's files.
It's gonna ask you if you want to overwrite the files, you press "yes" and it's done!
Vyn's Goku will have the Dramatic Finish lol
Ohh. That's just what I got when I hit the Broly download though. As of now, Goku's got nobody to finish.
Huh?! That's... weird.
It seems your download was broken somehow.
Anyway, here's the link to the character, as it seems you have to re-download it...

Mugen 1.1 version:
Mugen 1.0 version:

You have to nerf the move broly stomps on opponent,he does it one time then does again and again
So, just like the movies?

he can teleport out of moves right before they about to hit,
His "teleport" is just his roll-animation.
Literally every single character in this format can do that.
It seems you're complaining about something anyone can do.
Besides, you're not supposed to just randomly throw Supers and play with your brain turned off, you're supposed to do combos, and combo-into your Supers.

he also can use  supers right before your move hits,like thats wrong man,
Oh woah, it's almost as if it's got decent Boss-A.I.!
Sounds like ya just need to git good, buddy.


Simply EPIC! Worth it for one of the most badass Dragon Ball chracter. Thanks bro!
Thank you so much for the video, Santos! Haha.

You have to nerf the move broly stomps on opponent,he does it one time then does again and again

he can teleport out of moves right before they about to hit,he also can use  supers right before your move hits,like thats wrong man,

I believe he want make a boss char?
Yeah, you know what's up! Haha.

I see my Sprite in the char but I do not see my credits
The credits are in the Readme.txt file, my dude. Just like all the other credits! Haha.
(Thank you for the sprite btw)
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#31  June 24, 2019, 09:34:09 pm
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Huh?! That's... weird.
It seems your download was broken somehow.
Anyway, here's the link to the character, as it seems you have to re-download it...

Mugen 1.1 version:
Mugen 1.0 version:

Seems like it wasn't even my download that was broken, but for some reason the problem was with my 7zip itself finding any files but those. Tried it with another extraction program and it worked just fine, so I'm gonna go try this guy out now. Judging by the previews, I expect that I won't be disappointed. You really did a fantastic job on the animations. Thanks for trying to help, and thanks for all your hard work making this character.
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#32  June 24, 2019, 11:19:08 pm
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The download only came with a goku.air, goku.sff, and system.cns. Pls advise
You need to download Vyn's Goku and THEN paste those files into his Goku's files.
It's gonna ask you if you want to overwrite the files, you press "yes" and it's done!
Vyn's Goku will have the Dramatic Finish lol

If/when vyn updates his Goku, if he updates those files, will you update the files we have to replace?
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#33  June 25, 2019, 12:45:18 am
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The download only came with a goku.air, goku.sff, and system.cns. Pls advise
You need to download Vyn's Goku and THEN paste those files into his Goku's files.
It's gonna ask you if you want to overwrite the files, you press "yes" and it's done!
Vyn's Goku will have the Dramatic Finish lol

If/when vyn updates his Goku, if he updates those files, will you update the files we have to replace?
Yeah, of course!
Although he most likely will include the Dramatic Finish on his Goku anyway.
Although it seems the files mentioned above are not for Vyn's Goku, actually.
The files for Vyn's Goku are in a folder in Broly's files, but I'm pretty sure that's not how they're called.
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#34  June 25, 2019, 02:04:14 am
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no problems friend ;)

Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#35  June 25, 2019, 11:20:59 am
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crap, i'm forgotten, but still the char is great.
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#36  June 25, 2019, 07:28:42 pm
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broly looks awesome especially that one intro where he transforms into lssj, anyway feedback for one of your other characters:

cyber akuma: whenever cyber akuma does his shun goku satsu intro on normal akuma, normal akuma still stands instead of being knocked down by his shun goku satsu


Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#37  June 25, 2019, 07:29:43 pm
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    • Mexico
Awesome bro, congrats on the release!, ill download tonight and have some fun with him.

Ill update my goku with the file you sent to me as well for the dramatic finish so no patch is necessary.
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#38  June 26, 2019, 01:08:00 am
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Link to DJMouF's Goku?
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#39  June 26, 2019, 05:22:02 am
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crap, i'm forgotten, but still the char is great.
Haha, thanks Mushy!

broly looks awesome especially that one intro where he transforms into lssj, anyway feedback for one of your other characters:

cyber akuma: whenever cyber akuma does his shun goku satsu intro on normal akuma, normal akuma still stands instead of being knocked down by his shun goku satsu
Y'know, Cyber Akuma is the only 500% flawed thing about my Akuma.
Really, Akuma in general has balance issues, but Cyber Akuma is messy as a whole, I never completed his sprites and I don't think I'll get back on him again tbh.
I mean if I did have all the time in the world, I'd rework Akuma from scratch.
Keeping his flashy visuals while giving him balanced gameplay with a balanced movepol, but I don't think that's gonna happen anyway...

Awesome bro, congrats on the release!, ill download tonight and have some fun with him.

Ill update my goku with the file you sent to me as well for the dramatic finish so no patch is necessary.
Haha, thank you! Yeah, that's great to know lol

Link to DJMouF's Goku?
Glad you're interested in him, but he hasn't been released yet :mlol: :mlol: :mlol:

Hopefully there will be AT LEAST 6 PotS-Styled Dragon Ball chars by the end of this year,
Perhaps even 8 or more! (It's about time, so I hope so :mlol:)
Re: CvS3 BROLY by Mr. Ansatsuken! (Updated, 23-06-2019)
#40  June 26, 2019, 10:14:37 am
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    • USA
crap, i'm forgotten, but still the char is great.
Haha, thanks Mushy!

broly looks awesome especially that one intro where he transforms into lssj, anyway feedback for one of your other characters:

cyber akuma: whenever cyber akuma does his shun goku satsu intro on normal akuma, normal akuma still stands instead of being knocked down by his shun goku satsu
Y'know, Cyber Akuma is the only 500% flawed thing about my Akuma.
Really, Akuma in general has balance issues, but Cyber Akuma is messy as a whole, I never completed his sprites and I don't think I'll get back on him again tbh.
I mean if I did have all the time in the world, I'd rework Akuma from scratch.
Keeping his flashy visuals while giving him balanced gameplay with a balanced movepol, but I don't think that's gonna happen anyway...

Awesome bro, congrats on the release!, ill download tonight and have some fun with him.

Ill update my goku with the file you sent to me as well for the dramatic finish so no patch is necessary.
Haha, thank you! Yeah, that's great to know lol

Link to DJMouF's Goku?
Glad you're interested in him, but he hasn't been released yet :mlol: :mlol: :mlol:

Hopefully there will be AT LEAST 6 PotS-Styled Dragon Ball chars by the end of this year,
Perhaps even 8 or more! (It's about time, so I hope so :mlol:)

Oh trust and believe there will be more! I have a good 4 right now being worked on. Vegeta is about a good 85%. Gohan is about 50%. Then I'll get back to Goku.