Back in 2007, when I was 8 years old, I was a big fan of Billy & Mandy, that I was watching videos of that Billy & Mandy game for PS2 and GameCube (y'know, the one about battles), and then on the related vids I saw this which was my very first MUGEN vid I watched:
VIDEO I was wondering what game was that as I wasn't paying much attention to the title, then, again on the related vids, I watched this (its a reupload so its not the original from 2007):
VIDEO I was SO surprised and jolly, that I was calling my bro yelling, ''Hey! Come here look at this! It has Vegeta, and Homer, and it has Super Mario and SpongeBob!!'', because since I was a kid I loved crossovers, even I used to play MvC2 on PS2 a lot. After that, I went addictive to watching MUGEN videos, everyday, I even thought it was the best thing I've seen. Too much nostalgic memories, with fighting game characters, cartoon characters, video game characters, even many that I didn't know about so I met most fighting games because of MUGEN... Years later, I wanted to become a MUGEN author, I started out in 2013, tho my stuff was bad, but I slowly improved over the years, but still don't consider my newer stuff to be great, looking back at them, except for EqG Applejack who I consider my better creation, but that still doesn't stop me from enjoying MUGEN nowadays