
[OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Read 7240587 times)

Started by OHMSBY, August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
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Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20)
#181  December 13, 2020, 08:14:21 pm
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Alright! time to testing him!
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20)
#182  December 13, 2020, 08:19:38 pm
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Finally is coming
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20)
#183  December 13, 2020, 08:25:53 pm
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    • Brazil
Hey man, nice work as usual. Also, just a quick question, have you ever thought of working on other UNIST characters like Hyde, Linne or Seth?
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20)
#184  December 14, 2020, 04:39:06 am
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Of course. After all, I still have Hilda and Carmine somewhere in the pipeline along with the other remaining poll candidates, and I will most likely be working on some of the other UNIST characters as well.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20)
#185  December 14, 2020, 07:00:49 am
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    • Philippines
I was testing Adachi's alternate palettes and I found this one
During his Astral win pose, he shows his default palette instead of his alts.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) Adachi Updated (12/14/20)
#186  December 14, 2020, 07:14:13 am
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Fixed. Go ahead and redownload him.

-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where Adachi would switch back to his default palette during his astral heat winpose
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) Adachi Updated (12/14/20)
#187  December 14, 2020, 11:04:17 am
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It seems that Gordeau isn't the only one where certain effects shared Palfx during rapid cancelling, but your other characters as well. I'll point out which moves does it happen and something else I may have found:

-The ground shatter effects in Durchgedrect and the flames in Dimensionsrakete.
-The forward/backwards throw would look better with a strong ground shockwave instead of a normal one.

-When using her basic attacks, command normals, Uber Wackenroder and Hitze Falke (Any move involving flame effects all flash).
-The swing effect on his jumping WA and MA still plays when it's used very close to the ground.

-The ground shatter effect at the end of each Durchbohren and the flames on Sturmangriff Rage.

-His Beam, Fire, Ninja and Plasma copy abilities (May be more I haven't mentioned, but mostly the ones that involve effects or projectiles).
-Hitting the opponent twice with Blizzard Hammer causes the icicle effect on the opponent not to appear (I also realized the move had this bug as well which the Ice copy ability originally had).

-Any attack that has a ground shatter effect in it.

-The ground shatter effects on her standing, jumping HA and Gastro Drill (I actually just noticed it flashes when Shantae changes back as well, not just through the rapid cancelling).

And some other things I encountered not related to it if they don't have the issue:
-The swing effect on his jumping WA and MA still plays when it's used very close to the ground.

-When rapid cancelling the last hit of Mika Revolution, she is in front of the explosion and not behind it.

-I find it odd she can get her spear back without doing the return animation just by rapid cancelling the first hit of Gallia Sphyras - Exseal when it connects (Not really a bug, but I just feel like this move shouldn't be able to do that as she threw her spear and it never returned to her).

-I somehow still managed to rapid cancel either version of the Grapple Beam (While it's slightly harder to do as it was adjusted earlier, it's still possible as I done it forward or backwards right when the beam makes contact with the opponent).

-The jumping HA would look better with a strong ground shockwave instead of a normal one.

-The explosion effect on the last hit of his A command normals will follow him after rapid cancelling.

I know you updated Wagner and Akatsuki a few days ago, but I started noticing them after my feedback with Gordeau. Hope that helps.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) Adachi Updated (12/14/20)
#188  December 14, 2020, 06:24:52 pm
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Well, Jin was having so much fun he had a brain fart and mistook a word >:)

"Your resolve lights the path ahead... more brightly than the rising sun."
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 9 Chars Updated (12/14/20)
#189  December 15, 2020, 04:44:48 am
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Got most of them fixed and updated. I'll be getting around to Waldstein and Shantae later, mostly because I'm planning on doing a couple of other things with them as well.

-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where certain effects shared the Palfx
-Normal throw now produces a strong shockwave instead of a normal one
-Fixed an error where jA and jB's effects would still show up when Robo-Weiss lands
-Fixed an error where certain effects shared the Palfx
-Fixed an error where jA and jB's effects would still show up when Wagner lands
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where certain effects shared the Palfx
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where certain effects shared the Palfx
-Fixed an error where the freeze effect wouldn't appear upon consecutively freezing the opponent with Blizzard Hammer
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where jA and jB's effects would still show up when Ruby lands
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where Mika would appear in front of the explosion upon rapid canceling Mika Revolution
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where Either Version of Grapple Beam could be rapid canceled on the first frame upon grabbing the opponent (For real this time)
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-jC now produces a strong shockwave instead of a normal one
-Fixed an error where the explosion effect from 5AAAA would follow Akatsuki upon rapid canceling

-I find it odd she can get her spear back without doing the return animation just by rapid cancelling the first hit of Gallia Sphyras - Exseal when it connects (Not really a bug, but I just feel like this move shouldn't be able to do that as she threw her spear and it never returned to her).

That's actually how it works in Central Fiction.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 9 Chars Updated (12/14/20)
#190  December 15, 2020, 09:54:02 am
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Since you plan to update Waldstein later, I actually failed to miss something on Mika, Kokonoe and Quote and I should mention it before you get right to him. The strong ground shockwave on his forward and backwards are behind the opponent instead of front of them. That goes with Mika's charged jumping jB, and Kokonoe and Quote's jCs. Mika's ground shatter effects may also share the Palfx too, but I can't say for certain as I can't rapid cancel it when it hits the opponent on the ground and her movelist has some typos as "Mika Missle" and "Mika Canon" are spelled incorrectly.

Also, some other characters I missed from my feedback last night:
-Her Strawberry Sunrise and the flames on her and the opponent while her semblance is active.

-His air throw has both a normal and strong ground shockwave playing at the same time instead of just the latter.

Kirby (Again):
-I tested some of the copy abilities again and they seems to still be flashing like the ninja's shuriken, Fire's flames and the Beam's charged projectile.
-The hitspark and guard spark on the Needle and Yo-Yo copy abilities is misaligned.

Akatsuki (Again):
-The ground shatter effect on his ground B Armor Piercing Kick.
-I forgot the explosion effect on his forward and backwards throw also follows him as well.

Feel free to update them when you get around the two.

That's actually how it works in Central Fiction.
Huh, I never knew since I actually haven't played it yet. And since I haven't, thought I ask is Kokonoe's fireballs supposed to be icy blue if she was used on P2 side? Because no matter what palette is used, it's always blue and not orange like P1's.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 7 Chars Updated (12/15/20)
#191  December 16, 2020, 04:21:21 am
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Alright, I got all of that fixed. I checked on Mika's ground shatter effects and they are all good. Go ahead and redownload them.

-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where certain effects shared the Palfx
-Fixed an error where the air throw would produce two different shockwaves
-Fixed an error where the explosion effect from the throw would follow Akatsuki upon rapid canceling
-Fixed an error where certain effects shared the Palfx
-Fixed an error where certain helpers and effects shared the Palfx
-Fixed some misaligned hitsparks
-Increased frame disadvantage for Burning Attack on block
-Fixed a misaligned shockwave
-Fixed some typos in the movelist
-Fixed a misaligned shockwave
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed a misaligned shockwave
-Fixed a typo in the movelist

thought I ask is Kokonoe's fireballs supposed to be icy blue if she was used on P2 side? Because no matter what palette is used, it's always blue and not orange like P1's.

Precisely, this is also accurate to the source. It's to make it much more clear as to which fireball belongs to who during mirror matches.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 7 Chars Updated (12/15/20)
#192  December 16, 2020, 12:46:25 pm
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After reading my previous post again, what I meant was regarding Waldstein's throws and his Down+BB command normals (Somehow I accidentally forgot to put that last night). I checked the 3 again (Mika, Kokonoe and Quote) and the opponent is still behind it when the opponent hits the ground (And I just remembered Misaka's air throw has it too). I believe this is the same issue I pointed out with Terumi's Snakebite and Serpent's Cursed Sting 8 months ago where the strong ground shockwave was behind the opponent and not in front of them. Since it's a relatively minor thing, you're more than welcome to push it later.

But as for Kokonoe, I think I may have found another issue. When I use Pyro: Flaming Belobog V2.73 then follow up with a jC, the strong ground shockwave doesn't play until the opponent hits the ground the 2nd time while the normal one plays right after. I can actually tell the strong ground shockwave comes from the jC and not the distortion drive as that one is the correct position should you decide not to follow up. It happens when you hit them close enough to the ground. Do you have an ideas what causes that?

And speaking about Terumi, I think I have enough incentives for him to get an update:
-His jB and jC hit sounds are reversed (I should've mentioned it a long time ago as the arrangement was based on the older ones).
-The hit spark and guard spark of jumping HA is misaligned.

There's other characters that still haven't been updated with the "no longer triggering air jump" thing. So I've been trying to test more frequently so you can add those fixes along with it. Here's some more for day 3 since there was a lot to cover:

-The strong ground shockwave on her air throw is behind the opponent (Which I will say again just in case you miss it).
-There is a misaligned normal ground shockwave when the opponent get hit by Girder Strike (Even though it was like that for a while, it was hardly noticeable because it was blocked by strong ground shockwaves from the girders themselves. However, later on I'm beginning to see your other characters use normal shockwaves for ground shatter effects. Thought it would be a good time to swap them, so the girders use ground shatter and normal ground shockwaves and the opponent hits the ground with a strong ground one)

-The animations for the bag and the large belt of darts still plays when rapid cancelling Steel Phalanx.

-The forward dash dust is not the same size as the backwards one.
-The dash dust during each 217 Shiki: Aoihana could be a little bigger as they look tiny.
-Kuzukaze could use a dash dust the moment the opponent is thrown.

-The forward dash dust is not the same size as the backwards one.

-The timing on the sound effect when the giant scalpel touches the ground plays when it hits the opponent and not the floor during his running B.
-Regarding the first, there's also no normal ground shockwave on Faust himself when he drops the ground (The sound can be heard, but not the effect itself).
-The backwards dash dust is not the same size as the forward one.

Robo-Weiss (Again):
-Since I mentioned the Grider Strike for Misaka, do you think it would sound better if you use the same slam sound effect for each ground shatter effect for Durchgedrect instead of the strong ground one from the default fightfx? If it doesn't hit, the move lacks envshake and doesn't look right without it as there's so much impact to the ground. If not, I think it should still have it whether it hits or not.
-She can rapid cancel Dimensionsrakete on the floor before her position is reset (Unless that's intentional).

For certain characters, I started noticing when dashing forward or backwards, the dash dust size are not consistent with each other. Was that something you intentionally done? I can understand when they stopped running as it supposed to have it's own size, just not when doing the same action in different directions. For now, I only pointed out the ones that haven't been updated yet. But if so, then never mind and you can disregard those as I only trying to find other reasons to update whether it's small.

Precisely, this is also accurate to the source. It's to make it much more clear as to which fireball belongs to who during mirror matches.
Gotcha. I really should get around installing it after buying it from the last Steam sale.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 12:51:54 pm by SolidZone 26
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 10 Chars Updated (12/16/20)
#193  December 17, 2020, 04:46:38 am
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    • USA
I checked the 3 again (Mika, Kokonoe and Quote) and the opponent is still behind it when the opponent hits the ground (And I just remembered Misaka's air throw has it too).

Ah. Somehow, I thought you were referring to a misalignment issue instead of a layering issue. I completely misunderstood what you meant, that's my bad. As minor as the layering issue may be, I don't really have anything else planned for these characters at the moment, so I might as well have them taken care of now rather than later.

Anyway, it's all fixed now. Go ahead and redownload them.

Yuuki Terumi
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Swapped the Hit sounds that play for jB and jC
-Realigned jC's hitspark
Mikoto Misaka
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed a shockwave being layered incorectly
-Adjusted effects for Girder Strike
Shirai Kuroko
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where the Belt and Pouch animation would continue to play after Rapid Canceling Steel Phalanx
Iori Yagami
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Dust effect size for Forward dodge and back dash now match
-Added dust effect for when the opponent slides during Kuzukaze
-Increased the size of the dust effect during 217 Shiki: Aoihana
Maid Taiga
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Dust effect size for Forward dodge and back dash now match
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Made the 2*QCF command for "W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-What Could This Be?" less strict
-Dust effect size for Forward dodge and back dash now match
-Adjusted effects for Running B
-Durchgedrect's envshake will now always occur whether it hits or not
-Fixed a shockwave being layered incorectly
-Fixed an error where the shockwave from jC would sometimes show up late
Mika and Quote
-Fixed a shockwave being layered incorectly

-She can rapid cancel Dimensionsrakete on the floor before her position is reset (Unless that's intentional).

For certain characters, I started noticing when dashing forward or backwards, the dash dust size are not consistent with each other. Was that something you intentionally done?

Yes. Both of these are intentional.

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 10 Chars Updated (12/16/20)
#194  December 17, 2020, 11:02:50 am
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Yes. Both of these are intentional.
What I meant for the 2nd one were the forward dodges (Which you fixed with Iori, Taiga and Faust). Most of your characters run so I called it a "forward dash" originally, then I remembered Azrael, Saya and Shantae dashes instead of runs and I should have referred it to that. Apologizes for the confusion, but still glad you fixed it in the end.

Since it's confirmed forward dodge and back dash should match, here are the already updated ones that need to be adjusted (And some more if any):
-The dust effect on the forward dodge is smaller than the back dash.
-The hit spark and guard spark on the first hit of the jB is misaligned (More noticeable on tall characters such as Azrael or Tager).
-The hit spark and guard spark on Megalith misaligned if the opponent hit in the air.

-The dust effect on the forward dodge is smaller than the back dash.
-Depending on the opponent's hitbox, EX Iron Fist Punch can miss if they are too close to them.

-The dust effect on the forward dodge is smaller than the back dash.
-He doesn't say "Gotcha" when using his air throw on Ragna.
-Rapid canceling the 2nd to last hit of A command normals while the opponent is frozen, then following it up with Musou Tousshugeki will launch them backwards of Jin instead of forward.

And the rest of the characters regarding rapid canceling:
-Rapid canceling Type: Assaulter "Erec" right when it makes contact will cause the opponent to get stuck.
-Type: Slasher "Galahad" could use sliding dust when the hit was successful.

-The effect on Secret Ninja Art: Ice Pillar still plays after rapid canceling.

-Rapid canceling the first hit of his B command normals and repeat will perform the summon animation, but nothing happens until Izanagi disappears.

-Similar to Yu, but the first hit of his B command normals and repeat will cause another Magatsu Izanagi to appear, which will perform the same action as the first summoned one.

-Rapid canceling anytime in the middle of Konohana Sakuya attacking during her A command normals and repeat will cause another one to appear as the first's animation hasn't finished yet.

For the Persona characters, do you think you can make their personas disappear if they perform the command normal again right after the rapid cancel? That may fix the issue.

After this, the only ones left should be Mai, Azrael and Saya (Tager is not needed since he can't air jump). However, I can't find anything as most of the aesthetics have been fixed already or don't have the issues with effects sharing the palfx or anything rapid cancel related. I hope you figure something out with them.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 12:19:01 pm by SolidZone 26
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 10 Chars Updated (12/16/20)
#195  December 17, 2020, 02:39:40 pm
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  • the Suicidal Bastard
  • "I want to see and understand the world outside."
    • Philippines
A small feedback on your Jin Kisaragi is that his Astral kills everyone but Ragna. Instead, it sends him to a very great height. Ragna's health immidiately reduced to 1 and after the fall he can still stand up and fight.

blessing of the protagonist strikes again.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi Released (12/13/20) 10 Chars Updated (12/16/20)
#196  December 17, 2020, 07:16:01 pm
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  • The Scavenging Time and Space God
    • USA
A small feedback on your Jin Kisaragi is that his Astral kills everyone but Ragna. Instead, it sends him to a very great height. Ragna's health immidiately reduced to 1 and after the fall he can still stand up and fight.

It may have been intentional?
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi + 7 Characters Updated (12/17/20)
#197  December 18, 2020, 04:08:34 am
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    • USA

Alright, All fixed. Go ahead and redownload them.

Jin Kisaragi
-Dust effect size for Forward dodge and back dash now match
-Fixed an error where Musou Tousshugeki launches the opponent in the wrong direction when hitting them from behind
-The "Vs. Ragna" specific voice clip for throwing now plays during the air throw
Heart Aino
-Dust effect size for Forward dodge and back dash now match
-Width change during EX Iron Fist Punch now starts sooner to prevent heart from passing through smaller characters at close range
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where rapid canceling Type: Assaulter "Erec" at a specific frame causes the opponent to freeze
-Added sliding dust effect to Type: Slasher "Galahad"
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where the effect for Secret Ninja Art: Ice Pillar lingers after rapid canceling
Yu Narukami
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where Izanagi wouldn't attack when repeating 5B by rapid canceling
Tohru Adachi
-Fixed an error where Multiple Magastu Izanagis would appear when repeating 5B by rapid canceling
Yukiko Amagi
-Fixed an error where a second Konoha Sakuya would appear when repeating 5A by rapid canceling 5AA and onward
-Dust effect size for Forward dodge and back dash now match
-Realigned hitsparks for jB and Megalith

A small feedback on your Jin Kisaragi is that his Astral kills everyone but Ragna. Instead, it sends him to a very great height. Ragna's health immidiately reduced to 1 and after the fall he can still stand up and fight.

What version of Ragna do you have? Because he had that issue with some instant kill moves and it was fixed long ago. I've also used Jin's Astral Heat on Ragna several times in regular matches, and this never happened.

It seems to me that you just need to redownload Ragna. Either that or you tried this out in Training mode, in which case, that's exactly whats supposed to happen, not just on Ragna, but on any opponent.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi + 7 Characters Updated (12/17/20)
#198  December 19, 2020, 02:14:00 am
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  • The Lord of Vampire
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    • Skype - guiaugusto20

Finally a decent and great Jin. Thanks OHMSBY. :)
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Jin Kisaragi + 7 Characters Updated (12/17/20)
#199  December 19, 2020, 01:26:54 pm
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    • USA
On second thought, I was actually wrong about not finding anything on those 3. It took me two days as I doing in-depth testing, but I finally found something on them:

-The hit spark and guard spark on Suzuran and the first hit of EX Suzuran is misaligned (It hits nowhere close where the tip of her spear is).
-The dash dust on Moon Blossom is slightly higher on the ground.
-Juncture and EX Himeyuri has no sliding dust at the end of the animation.

-Rapid canceling the 2nd or 3rd hit of Full Spartan right when it makes contact makes the opponent unable to attack (They can only walk and jump).
-The opponent takes a little too long to recover from the running grab after he rapid cancels the first hit (It takes 3 seconds, enough time for a direct hit with a distortion drive).

-Rapid canceling Aberrant Mighty Arm right when it makes contact makes the opponent unable to attack (They can only walk and jump).
-It's possible to rapid cancel This Will Hurt at the tip before the throw, but it just breaks them free from the throw and lets them go (It's rare, but can be done by accident).

Also I hate to bring up some old characters again, but I found a few more things I noticed on them:
-The strong ground shockwave on the jB when you hold it is still layered incorrectly.
-The ground shatter and purple fire effects on the forward and backwards throw still share the palfx.
-After rapid canceling the last hit of Mika Revolution, the stuck effect should vanish immediately since she never got stuck due to the rapid cancel.
-Don't know if it's intentional, but her jC can't be rapid canceled if it hits the ground and the opponent (That's why I couldn't tell if the ground shatter effects shared the palfx at first).

-The projectiles on the Plasma and Beam copy abilities still share the palfx.

-The swing effect on her jC still plays when it's used very close to the ground.
-The effects on her Hell Thrust and Taiga Knee Crush follows her after rapid canceling.
-Rapid canceling Taiga Rampage right when it makes contact will cause the opponent to disappear indefinitely.

With them out of the way, that should be everyone not including Waldstein and Shantae.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: December 19, 2020, 01:59:59 pm by SolidZone 26
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: 8 Characters Updated (12/19/20)
#200  December 20, 2020, 03:59:14 am
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    • USA
Waldstein, Azrael, Shantae, Mai, Saya, Maid Taiga, Mika, and Kirby have all been updated. Go ahead and redownload them.

-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where certain effects would share the Palfx
-Adjusted Hurt Boxes for normals
-Adjusted frame data for 2A
-Fixed an error where Waldstein's background arm wouldn't show up during the throw escape window after grabbing
-Fixed a layering issue with some shockwaves
-Realigned the shockwave produced by the air throw
-Fixed an error where Sturmangriff Rage and Werfen Erschlagen could be rapid canceled at the exact moment the opponent is first grabbed
-Added special intro against Bisclavret
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed some truncation errors
-Fixed an error when the opponent won't return to their own states upon rapid canceling the 2nd or 3rd hit of Full Spartan
-Fixed an error where Azrael would continue with Full Spartan after the first hit connects with anything other than the opponent
-Reduced the amount of time before the opponent recovers from the first hit of the running grab
-Added special intro against Bisclavret
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where certain effects would share the Palfx
-Added voice clips from Shantae and the Seven Sirens
Mai Natsume
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Realigned hitsparks for Suzuran and EX Suzuran
-Realigned dash dust for the ground version of Moon Blossom
-Added Slide effects to the end of Juncture, Himeyuri, and EX Himeyuri
-Holding up since the first jump will no longer trigger an air jump
-Fixed an error where Aberrant Arm, EX Aberrant Arm, and Aberrant Mighty Arm could be rapid canceled at the exact moment the opponent is first grabbed
Maid Taiga
-Fixed an error where jC's effect would still show up when Taiga lands
-Effects for Taiga Knee Crush and Hell Thrust will now disappear upon rapid canceling
-Fixed an error where Taiga Rampage could be rapid canceled at the exact moment of the first hit, causing the opponent to disappear
-Fixed a shockwave being layered incorectly (for real this time)
-Fixed an error where the effects from the normal throw shared the palfx
-The small crater from the end of Mika Revolution now disappears upon rapid canceling
-Fixed an error where rapid canceling wasn't possible during certain points of jC and normal throw
-Fixed an error where plasma's effects were still sharing the palfx
Last Edit: December 20, 2020, 06:19:17 am by OHMSBY