
cartoon characters legitimacy (Read 42302 times)

Started by DJ_HANNIBALROYCE, February 08, 2021, 11:31:58 pm
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Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#21  February 09, 2021, 04:18:24 am
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The reason I got into Mugen in the first place was seeing a video of Sonic and Peter Griffin duking it out with Yoshi and Bloo (from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, had to clarify because there's also a K' edit of the same name). I thought it was entertaining and wanted in on the action. The only fighting games I had even played at that point could be counted with one hand. It's actually because of Mugen that I got into fighting games in a major way.

The majority of my Mugen roster today is made up of fighting game characters, but it wouldn't be as interesting if I didn't include characters from other media or people's original creations.

P.s. i saw what you did with your "creation".. Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?

See this? This is you.
Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 04:24:40 am by ShiroTori
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#22  February 09, 2021, 04:27:33 am
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Aside from them being poorly made in the sense that they're overpowered (which is just a problem of making original characters without a team to develop the ideas like in most fighting game developers), they're fine. I like the work of Warner and DDR, I still like BBH's Yoma Komatsu, I think they're all creative characters and I believe that mugen has space for both accurate and creative work, balance and cohesion be damned.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#23  February 09, 2021, 04:36:04 am
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Its not that same tho, Anime rosters dont have characters with good cartoon art, aka sprites. There are tons of new games out now that you can nake sprites of but havent yet. Fantasy is definitly there buddy, with so many characters to choose from , where are you gonna start looking for characters? Known fighters and their characters in so many formats that even your fantasies' expectation is shattered.

You forgot to mention Mortal Kombat and some awesome full games of it. Theres also all those pokemon shit too, if you love Pikachu he can be found, what elese.. Rosters man.. Alot of ppl have full hardrive worth of that shit , its not a joke

P.s. i saw what you did with your "creation".. Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?

You've done nothing since you've joined but shill battleborn, talk shit about people and run interference for people who steal other peoples work. What have you promoted for MUGEN?
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#24  February 09, 2021, 05:14:08 am
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When it comes to roster selections for my MUGEN, I just want good characters. I don't care about the origin, I just want characters that have decent AI and are interesting to me.

If that includes characters from anime or cartoons or something else, then that's fine by me.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#25  February 09, 2021, 05:24:59 am
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i ask this question often, but never asked it here.

i always thought the point of mugen was the "fantasy" aspect of it all. but when i see peoples rosters...its usually the same SF,KOF,DBZ...sometimes different variations of the same character.

i feel like if it isnt RYU, its often overlooked. and that sucks because there is alot of creative creators out here that makes balanced characters.
Why is that?

Well for me, personally it maintains a sense of consistency and "realism". Throwing a cartoon character in the mix against akuma or rugal feels corny to me, although I have added tmnt and Mario characters to my roster. It's another reason why I don't use joke characters, chibi or lolis. It doesn't quite feel right, If you get what I'm saying.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#26  February 09, 2021, 07:09:14 am
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Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?
Not everything for Mugen has to revolve around a human throwing punches and flinging weapons.  I'd play a pair of timbs vs 8-bit sprites of custom gameplay because that's why I like about fiddling with Mugen.  I keep a seperate roster for these kinds of stuff.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#27  February 09, 2021, 08:24:03 am
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To me Mugen is like a buffet, you want an all meat dish with little veggies then do that. You want a Capcom roster with anime characters but you want them with MVC gameplay? Then do that. See what I am saying is, people build it based on their favorite set ups, rosters or even gameplay standards. I mean a few years ago I talked to a friend who was trying to build just a Simpson and Adult Swim roster with MVC gameplay. So with that its mostly based on people's favorites or taste for their Mugen Builds. As for my tastes good gameplay and not broken. I have a crazy roster at times, hell back when I first got into mugen I did the whole "1000 Roster setup"  So I can have what I want, however as I please. Not everything is always Ryu, (although Drunk Ryu is my favorite joke character ever.)

The reason I got into Mugen in the first place was seeing a video of Sonic and Peter Griffin duking it out with Yoshi and Bloo (from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, had to clarify because there's also a K' edit of the same name). I thought it was entertaining and wanted in on the action. The only fighting games I had even played at that point could be counted with one hand. It's actually because of Mugen that I got into fighting games in a major way.

The majority of my Mugen roster today is made up of fighting game characters, but it wouldn't be as interesting if I didn't include characters from other media or people's original creations.
haha wow are we the same person? I used to love watching Judgespears videos. Also same reason I love fighting games more then I do now. I would have never been interested in Guilty Gear or any of ArcSys works had it not been for M.U.G.E.N
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#28  February 09, 2021, 08:30:01 am
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So I mostly enjoy tradition mugen stuff, but do have nostalgia for the wacky side of it. Thing is, I'm really OCD with my rosters, they always have to have a theme. Currently running;

-Late 90's-2000's streetfighter clones. standard kof/sf/PI3/RotD/cps2 era stuff (also pots style ect)

-MvC style Super Heroes. Marvel, some custom custom DC guys.

-Retro Fighter. sf2/fatal fury/art of fighting/world heroes, early 90's stuff.

-Samurai fest! Last Blade/Samsho and the like.

and finally....

Super-fun-times-random-retro-nonsense. < pretty much anything DJHannibalRoyce and The_None have made goes here. I'm also using Oldgamers awesome retro arcade screen pack, for extra seizure inducing madness.

I just don't think I'm mentally capable of mixing genres too much. it's just feels so.... wrong.

Some people are all about that mixing and matching. Me... not so much. But you do you.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#29  February 09, 2021, 10:31:27 am
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    • USA

P.s. i saw what you did with your "creation".. Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?
that was the meanest thing anyone has said to me. wow. in no way i promoted myself. i cant believe you came out of your face like that. in no way my question attacked anyone. i didnt link to any of my creations. That was fucked up...i didnt come at anybody. and not ONCE did i say those creations sucked. this legit hurt my feelings....i hate toxic energy
Dont take it personal, definitly not toxic, i just i re-read that.
the fantasy creations are so much right now its like no one uses them or they are good enough. You can even call this whole mugen a cartoon based fighter., ok now im stretching that definition by alot but  you know , Fantasy is what all these characters are. Kof, SF, Goku.
Cartoon shit like pokemon, animated shows are there in Mugen. Anime , and whatever the hell else. Like Batman vs Akuma, Batman is a good sprited cartoon character right there, ppl love this guy. The turtles they are there. Theres so much out there that you can compile it. Like dragons and shit. I wouldnt even know what the f they are called.

If you mean like original creations on mugen, i havent seen much good ones, but i do see a whole lot of shit from some older games that its ridiculous.i just kno Street Fighter and some major companies that made good amounts of spritesheets .There has to be original creations and artwork obvioisly not used here in mugenguild. Someone can take those and make a character out if it. Art right now is easy man, you dont have to even search, its right there.
I saw the simpsons shit, man they are horrible to play as. But its alright, those were made by one artist with almost 0 coding skills. You got that coding skill. So that NY shoe couldve been even greater. I like shoes btw.

I know Battleborn shut down but no need to be a jackass about it

Royce is a good man, how the fuck was any of that called for?

Yo man, It has nothing with Battleborn being cut this year. What made u think that? U trying to read my mind? U?

This ain't it man, being a dick for no reason makes you sound bitter and petty. You should definitely watch your tone and treat people how you want to be treated. DJ is one of the most coolest people in this community and you target his creations for no reason. What have you done in this community again?
Good shit. I re-read that, its not supposed to offend DJ, people  are petty scumbags , i have given community(not this one) alot of things you are not aware of. But you have done the same i'll bet.

P.s. i saw what you did with your "creation".. Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?

Shut up dumbass, at least he did something.
Ive had it with this idiot. Come near me again and i will put your butthole in your mouth. So you can chew on a new type of gum, gay bitch.
I'm not sure what you're asking here tbh.... Are you asking why someone would want well established fighting game chars over someone like...Charlie Brown or something? Well, I'd say Ume already answered that. Especially when it comes to creation, I'd wager 90% of creators got into Mugen because they are/or at one time were practitioners in FGs. Had I myself not been into FGs, Mugen would have never caught my attention. I don't see the lack of fantasy though as you seem to be implying. Even with said roster. Most will have chars that have never been in the same game, at the same time. Or even with specific mechanics. A lot of them may have chars that weren't ever made in pixel format prior.

Whether it's Capcom, SNK, etc. Doesn't that still fit the criteria of fantasy? Especially if you mash those chars together. Let's be real here, there's little to no chance of these companies actually doing anything close to what a lot of creators here in Mugen have done. Mainly due to licensing rights, getting along with one another, and interest at all. There isn't gonna be another Capcom vs SNK. There isn't gonna be a Capcom x Shonen Jump or something else of the like. There won't even be a SF game with all the chars from previous games. Those only exist in fantasy lol. They can only exist here.
Yo, Mortal Kombat. Got Terminator, Robo-Cop. Tekkens got Aluma, STrert Fighter with those Fighting Layer costumes,. Examples of what companies are trying to do instead of being just about themselves. Fantasy is what exists and the potential is really high.

Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?
Not everything for Mugen has to revolve around a human throwing punches and flinging weapons.  I'd play a pair of timbs vs 8-bit sprites of custom gameplay because that's why I like about fiddling with Mugen.  I keep a seperate roster for these kinds of stuff.
Yea we can agree, but his NY shoe needed to hit the hotlist,
Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 10:43:15 am by BXR
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#30  February 09, 2021, 10:41:34 am
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If you're going to say something, at least have the decency to say something that won't make that hole you're in deeper.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#31  February 09, 2021, 11:09:18 am
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P.s. i saw what you did with your "creation".. Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?

Shut up dumbass, at least he did something.
Ive had it with this idiot. Come near me again and i will put your butthole in your mouth. So you can chew on a new type of gum, gay bitch.

Who are you calling idiot, dumbass? Most of your posts are shit like this, blatantly insulting or disregarding people's work.
About coming near you...have you just arrived to the city and wanna meet REAL men? I could fuck your mouth so hard you'd be shitting teeth for three weeks. Also, who are you calling gay bitch? For making it simple to you, I'm bisexual. And if you want to know, ONLY top. Also, be careful with who you call "gay bitch", bitch.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#32  February 09, 2021, 11:15:07 am
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haha wow are we the same person? I used to love watching Judgespears videos. Also same reason I love fighting games more then I do now. I would have never been interested in Guilty Gear or any of ArcSys works had it not been for M.U.G.E.N

Oh man, Judgespear's video of Peter Griffin fighting Sakura was the funniest thing to me back then! I remember enjoying the likes of Barrysun and Pikawil64 too (and these guys' videos are still available to watch!). Sadly, the guy who introduced me to Mugen disappeared from YouTube a long time ago, I think he went by Ashaki1 or something like that.

Go back to Battleborn you sap... oh wait.
Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 11:26:52 am by ShiroTori
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#33  February 09, 2021, 11:40:12 am
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Oh hey lemme check this thread before I go to bed...

Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?
Not everything for Mugen has to revolve around a human throwing punches and flinging weapons.  I'd play a pair of timbs vs 8-bit sprites of custom gameplay because that's why I like about fiddling with Mugen.  I keep a seperate roster for these kinds of stuff.
Yea we can agree, but his NY shoe needed to hit the hotlist,

The ad hominem pointed out aside, bruh, they're timbs with a NY hat, you certainly don't have to give them the time of day. Just move on lol.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#34  February 09, 2021, 02:20:09 pm
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Cartoon characters in the most literal sense (characters from cartoons) are generally made by children who have either only ever played Smash, have played a fighting game but mashed buttons the entire time, or have never played a fighting game whatsoever. Unless the sprites are upscaled from some SNES or GBA title, they're usually hand-drawn and look, well, less than passable, so that kills appeal right out of the gate, but then they're also on several layers of jank due to a lack of proper understanding of how fighting games actually work, and that usually goes hand in hand with random assists to pad out the moveset and/or a complete lack of coherence in regards to how the character plays.

So uh, not the best track record for these sorts of characters.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#35  February 09, 2021, 02:57:54 pm
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P.s. i saw what you did with your "creation".. Man idk what your trying to do, but that shoe character is like wtf.. Is this what you want? This what you wanna promote?? That garbage?
that was the meanest thing anyone has said to me. wow. in no way i promoted myself. i cant believe you came out of your face like that. in no way my question attacked anyone. i didnt link to any of my creations. That was fucked up...i didnt come at anybody. and not ONCE did i say those creations sucked. this legit hurt my feelings....i hate toxic energy

Dont take it personal, definitly not toxic, i just i re-read that.
the fantasy creations are so much right now its like no one uses them or they are good enough. You can even call this whole mugen a cartoon based fighter., ok now im stretching that definition by alot but  you know , Fantasy is what all these characters are. Kof, SF, Goku.
Cartoon shit like pokemon, animated shows are there in Mugen. Anime , and whatever the hell else. Like Batman vs Akuma, Batman is a good sprited cartoon character right there, ppl love this guy. The turtles they are there. Theres so much out there that you can compile it. Like dragons and shit. I wouldnt even know what the f they are called.

If you mean like original creations on mugen, i havent seen much good ones, but i do see a whole lot of shit from some older games that its ridiculous.i just kno Street Fighter and some major companies that made good amounts of spritesheets .There has to be original creations and artwork obvioisly not used here in mugenguild. Someone can take those and make a character out if it. Art right now is easy man, you dont have to even search, its right there.
I saw the simpsons shit, man they are horrible to play as. But its alright, those were made by one artist with almost 0 coding skills. You got that coding skill. So that NY shoe couldve been even greater. I like shoes btw.

YERRR is a 6 button character, with super jump, air dashes, 4 supers, 4 hypers, 12 palettes and if you're from NYC, its the most accurate depiction of New York...i pride myself in balancing, accuracy and gameplay so saying my shoe could've been better means you probably didn't even try it. if thats not your taste, cool. I can't be mad at that. but as someone who also makes content, calling someones work garbage is rude as fuck. no need to re-read shit.  My duck hunt dog (a cartoon character) won COTM and YERRR(my shoe) is all over social media as we speak, so i dont need ANY validation. this question was just to see where everyone's head was at when it comes to roster selection.
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Last Edit: February 09, 2021, 03:34:16 pm by DJ_HANNIBALROYCE
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#36  February 09, 2021, 04:51:51 pm
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Iced is a saint.

Anyways where was this conversation going again?
what do i put here ew
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#37  February 09, 2021, 04:59:55 pm
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Anyways where was this conversation going again?

i was asking why the majority of the rosters i see online is usually sf,kof,dbz. and this is NOT me complaining about the lack of cartoons! some really good answers and it does bring some clarity
Follow me on twitter! @djhannibalroyce
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#38  February 09, 2021, 05:08:37 pm
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Also the fact that resources are more easily obtainable from their respective games.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#39  February 09, 2021, 05:29:17 pm
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Why was an honest, decent question answered with so much animosity?

To answer your question, it's because people grew up playing actual fighting games.
Once they got hooked, they wanted to see crossovers. i.e. Capcom vs SNK, Marvel, etc.
We did get a few crossovers here and there, but not all characters made it so once an engine that allowed this freedom emerged, people jumped on board and started to put their favorite characters in every roster available.

With new, original characters, I'm all in.
MUGEN isn't and shouldn't be a "SF/KOF/MK only" platform. It should welcome all content.
Re: cartoon characters legitimacy
#40  February 09, 2021, 05:32:54 pm
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Dw DJ I’m not claiming you to be wrong. Personally I love going for oddball characters, cartoon characters or obscure characters. At the end of the day though most people did come from existing fighting game backgrounds like SF or KOF or DBFZ so people tend to gravitate towards those. That’s why a lot of rosters look the same.

I hope that still answers your question.
what do i put here ew