
[Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025) (Read 1817992 times)

Started by TornilloOxidado, January 07, 2023, 12:52:31 am
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)
#321  November 11, 2024, 05:37:03 am
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Great work as per usual! Tomoka's movelist is mostly done, just want to clarify a few things before I ship it out. Namely:
  • From my testing, it appears that Innocent Charm is the only character that can appear during Tomoka's Exceed Accel unless Not Over Yet is active. Is this accurate to how the character functions, or did I just keep getting Innocent Charm over and over by pure chance?
  • I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the icons with her teammates that she has. At first I thought they were supposed to indicate whether a member of the team was unavailable because they took damage or something along those lines, but none of Tomoka's teammates have any hurtboxes so they can't be hit in the first place.
Once I have the above matters figured out, I'll post her movelist alongside the updated ones for Centralfiction, Okita and Zeta.
On an unrelated note, here's two things I noticed.
  • Nero doesn't have her basketball sprite. It's included with her palette sheet, but there isn't a sprite for the ball by itself and as such Tomoka uses her select screen portrait instead. You might want to triple check everyone who got a ball sprite in this update just in case as I haven't checked them all myself (except Shovel Knight, who I confirmed does have it).
  • The palettes for Tomoka's teammate icons won't match her selected palette unless you press a button to skip character intros. This could just be an issue caused by me using the character in IKEMEN, but you may want to check it on your end just to be safe.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)
#322  November 11, 2024, 11:23:14 am
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btw uhm when i download her it says virus n it won't let me download
Real reason I'm Called "Dude" Cuz I watched Regular Show WOOOOOOAHH
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)
#323  November 11, 2024, 03:48:09 pm
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Tomoka was by far the most problematic character i worked with, i doubt i can fix everything you pointed there but gonna try.
As for Shovel Knight most of the points i decided to ignore back then as i wanted to release Tomoka and the updates as soon as posible. (or else Tomoka will never be released).
Like i said in the first line i doubt i can fix everything but i gonna try it anyway, gonna use stuff from your Shovel Knight if i need it.

From my testing, it appears that Innocent Charm is the only character that can appear during Tomoka's Exceed Accel unless Not Over Yet is active. Is this accurate to how the character functions, or did I just keep getting Innocent Charm over and over by pure chance?

Yeah it is accurate, i actually mentioned it in a Community Post but apparently i forgot to put it in the readme lol.
The rest of characters only appear in NOY.

  • I'm not sure I understand the purpose of the icons with her teammates that she has. At first I thought they were supposed to indicate whether a member of the team was unavailable because they took damage or something along those lines, but none of Tomoka's teammates have any hurtboxes so they can't be hit in the first place.

That was the idea, but in the end it was really difficult to implement it (at least in MUGEN, in IKEMEN it would be a lot easier thanks to the rootvarset sctrl) I was having a debate if i should delete it or not but most people said i should keep it even if it doesn't work. So think of it as a decoration.
Tomoka friends will stop their actions if Tomoka herself is being hit by the way.

Once I have the above matters figured out, I'll post her movelist alongside the updated ones for Centralfiction, Okita and Zeta.
On an unrelated note, here's two things I noticed.
  • Nero doesn't have her basketball sprite. It's included with her palette sheet, but there isn't a sprite for the ball by itself and as such Tomoka uses her select screen portrait instead. You might want to triple check everyone who got a ball sprite in this update just in case as I haven't checked them all myself (except Shovel Knight, who I confirmed does have it).

I forgot it lol. Now it's there

  • The palettes for Tomoka's teammate icons won't match her selected palette unless you press a button to skip character intros. This could just be an issue caused by me using the character in IKEMEN, but you may want to check it on your end just to be safe.

I think thats quite a small bug, but i actually know how to solve it, but since it is a minor bug i gonna do it later as first i gonna release Dante and keep updating characters as well.

btw uhm when i download her it says virus n it won't let me download

That same issue i got with K' for some reason, i tried deleting the file and reuploading entirely with a different link, though i tried with another computer of mine and it doesn't say it is a virus, how is it now?
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)
#324  November 11, 2024, 04:38:02 pm
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It still had the issue cuz idk man, my google drive is ok with others but not tomoka like i'm questioning is my google drive not working?
Real reason I'm Called "Dude" Cuz I watched Regular Show WOOOOOOAHH
Last Edit: November 11, 2024, 04:45:12 pm by Dude01
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)
#325  November 11, 2024, 08:44:56 pm
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Thanks for getting back to me! Tomoka's movelist is now up in the collection, and the movelists that needed updates to reflect gameplay changes should be as well. While I'm here, I wanted to report another issue I discovered. For some reason, the ball sprites for Nero and Okita are significantly larger than they should be when they appear in Shiny Gift specifically. The Drive folder below has a few images demonstrating what I mean. (Don't worry about the background effects being off, that's a byproduct of how my IKEMEN build is set up and has nothing to do with Tomoka.)
My best guess as to why this happens (knowing very little about how these characters work under the hood) is that the ball sprites weren't designed to account for the fact that the individual character sprites for Nero and Okita are noticeably smaller than characters with high-res sprites. I don't know if that would explain why this doesn't happen with Steal or Fireworks, though.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)
#326  November 12, 2024, 09:47:21 am
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Tomoka was by far the most problematic character i worked with, i doubt i can fix everything you pointed there but gonna try.
As for Shovel Knight most of the points i decided to ignore back then as i wanted to release Tomoka and the updates as soon as posible. (or else Tomoka will never be released).
Like i said in the first line i doubt i can fix everything but i gonna try it anyway, gonna use stuff from your Shovel Knight if i need it.
I know. If only Infantry00 fixed the debug errors of the moves beforehand like he did with Tatsuya, it would've saved you some headaches. Hopefully you'll figure it out. I wish I knew how to fix them, but I only encountered them during testing in-game and not when looking at the code. I would have more feedback on your other characters, but IRL still doesn't give me enough free time. The only reason why Shovel Knight gets the most is because of mine and any errors I had can carry over to yours since we both used k666orochi's original as the base. I personally do think you should be using Mid117's palettes over someone else's as he's been helping you on your other characters a lot.

As for using stuff from my Shovel Knight, feel free to use whatever you want. Although I noticed some voice clips are gone like his 5C, jA, 2A, running throw and Dead Angle Attack. Try not to copy the code completely as there may be sounds that are organized differently and might not be arranged the same as yours. I plan to add more voice clips on mine in a future update, but there's just not enough currently that have been ripped yet. I'll help you for Hail the Troupple King!, the End code for removeexplod and destroyself was set to -10 on both and why it disappears sooner. I set it to -150 so there's enough time for the Troupple King to move off screen before it disappears. ALso, don't forget to change the trigger2's pos x axis on destoryself from -240 to -640 as well because it's not enough time when doing on P2 side for some reason, it still cuts off when he goes straight left.

Yeah it is accurate, i actually mentioned it in a Community Post but apparently i forgot to put it in the readme lol.
The rest of characters only appear in NOY.
I also didn't know how it works either. Since you now mentioned it, I also discovered in detail that each character causes expression truncated to integer debug errors and this is when it happens:
-Innocent Charm causes one at the end, but by Tomoka herself.
-Hatsune Miku causes one in the end of the last hit.
-Kino and Hermes in the beginning of the first hit and another on end of the last one.
-Boogiepop causes debug flood in the middle of it and ends when they disappear.

That was the idea, but in the end it was really difficult to implement it (at least in MUGEN, in IKEMEN it would be a lot easier thanks to the rootvarset sctrl) I was having a debate if i should delete it or not but most people said i should keep it even if it doesn't work. So think of it as a decoration.
Tomoka friends will stop their actions if Tomoka herself is being hit by the way.
If the icons serve no purpose, I personally think it should be deleted as there no functionality involved. But if you plan to keep them, I also want to mention that they are layered behind the Awakening Cut In whether P1 or P2 performs an Ultra Burst. Maho and Saki's icons are being covered up by her and the opponent's Awakening Cut In. Even if it's just an aesthetic, you don't want to be blocking it.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Tomoka Minato Released (10/11/2024)
#327  November 18, 2024, 07:34:01 pm
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Did a fix on NOL Noel where it was impossible to perform Valkirye Veil Prototype, and fixing an invalid action 61000 after finishing said attack.

Edit: Did another update but for the regular Noel too where the AI sometimes stuck on Flashing Supressor.
Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 07:50:02 pm by TornilloOxidado
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#328  January 29, 2025, 09:20:57 pm
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Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#329  January 30, 2025, 03:02:09 am
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Dante Sparda released.

Spoiler: Screenshots (click to see content)




Spoiler: Coming Soon. (click to see content)
Sorry dude, i'm confused.

I thought you use all your Chars (like example your BlazBlue Chars) using only Originaldub(Japanese) instead of english, no seriously, i mean it.
First i thought okay, because of the issue between latinamericans and unitedstatenorthamericans that's why the reason you never use engdub on your characters, but now all of a sudden, with your OHMSBY-Styled DmC/MvC3-Dante.........

Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#330  January 30, 2025, 10:21:16 am
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can you try fix about dante ai try to infinite combo....too hard to get rit on it
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#331  January 30, 2025, 08:05:37 pm
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Sorry dude, i'm confused.

I thought you use all your Chars (like example your BlazBlue Chars) using only Originaldub(Japanese) instead of english, no seriously, i mean it.
First i thought okay, because of the issue between latinamericans and unitedstatenorthamericans that's why the reason you never use engdub on your characters, but now all of a sudden, with your OHMSBY-Styled DmC/MvC3-Dante.........


??? Where did you pull that off?
As far as i know i never specified why my chars have japanese voices over eng voices unlike the other authors, it just happens that i preffer the japanese voice over the eng dub in anime games, speciffically Blazblue, as it sounds more natural than the eng dub, it never was about politics or something like that.
In case of Dante, it just happens that i like his eng voice more, like many other people, but that doesn't mean i don't like his jp voice too,in fact,Toshiyuki Morikawa voice fits Dante extremelly well too.

I'm not gonna make a jp voice for him if that's what you asking, going over MvCI sounds was a real pain and i wasted a lot of time doing just that, but anyone is welcome to try.

can you try fix about dante ai try to infinite combo....too hard to get rit on it

I reduced the times when the opponent can tech up after Dante's Volcano and Killer Bee, hope that will fix it.
Also fixed a error where Million Carates gained meter on hit

And edited the readme as i forgot to include Crystals (D,DB,B,A) on it.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#332  January 30, 2025, 10:04:13 pm
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BTW, Kamui also pointed out 2 bugs with Tomoka, 1. The "RO-KYU-BU!" Distortion has P2 land to the ground before the Distortion ends. 2. she can do a infinite with crouching light if P2 is in the air.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#333  January 31, 2025, 02:30:08 am
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??? Where did you pull that off?
As far as i know i never specified why my chars have japanese voices over eng voices unlike the other authors, it just happens that i preffer the japanese voice over the eng dub in anime games, speciffically Blazblue, as it sounds more natural than the eng dub, it never was about politics or something like that.
In case of Dante, it just happens that i like his eng voice more, like many other people, but that doesn't mean i don't like his jp voice too, in fact, Toshiyuki Morikawa voice fits Dante extremelly well too.

I'm not gonna make a jp voice for him if that's what you asking, going over MvCI sounds was a real pain and i wasted a lot of time doing just that, but anyone is welcome to try.

What do you mean with "sounds more natural than the EngDub", i dunno why but yeah okay, about the non-engdubbedchars(example Hibiki Kohaku, Hades:Izanami, and Enkidu) i get the gist that they sadly haven't why you trying an language equalizing on your Noel and Makoto, but Dante, okay which if your next chars is suppossed to be going in only-engdub available be?(My guessing example [not guaranteed] is your "Sparda Vergil", "Nero" maybe, Kennedy Leon, Redfield Chris, or Valentine Jill) :mhmm:
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#334  February 03, 2025, 04:12:20 pm
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Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 02:06:57 pm by Kamui_De_Los_Vientos
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Dante Sparda Released (29/1/2025)
#335  February 25, 2025, 01:03:04 am
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Nice work on Kagura, as per the norm! Wanted to report that it seems like he can't jump while running for some reason. I'm not especially familiar with the Blazblue series so if that's how it works in those games then it's no problem, but it struck me as unintentional given that other characters in this style that can dash don't have this restriction.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025)
#336  February 27, 2025, 09:40:52 pm
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Nice work on Kagura, as per the norm! Wanted to report that it seems like he can't jump while running for some reason. I'm not especially familiar with the Blazblue series so if that's how it works in those games then it's no problem, but it struck me as unintentional given that other characters in this style that can dash don't have this restriction.

No, that was a error from me, now i fixed it, thank you.

some bugs about Tomoka and Dante

Fixed these too.

Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025)
#337  February 27, 2025, 09:49:20 pm
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Kagura Mutsuki was released some days ago, downloads are on the first page.

His Astral Finish was not made for higher resolutions, i use a fixed aspect ratio and also StageFit mode in my mugen.
So keep that in mind, his Astral still works, but it will look horrendous if you play in widescreen


Kagura Mutsuki
-Fixed error where he was unable to jump while running
-Fixed error where jC was also jump cancelable.

Dante Sparda
-4A normals recovery frames were reduced
-Volcano will now push the player 2 into the ground if said move or Killer Bee were already used in a combo.
Last Edit: February 27, 2025, 09:56:13 pm by TornilloOxidado
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025)
#338  February 28, 2025, 07:12:41 pm
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Fixed an error in Kagura where canceling Dragon Slaughter on block made him turn the opposite direction, he will now turn correctly.
Also fixed his intro against Hibiki Kohaku, and added a match win voice line against him.

Edit: also fixed the custom state during Berserk Rush that in IKEMEN it wasn't working properly
Last Edit: February 28, 2025, 07:18:22 pm by TornilloOxidado
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025)
#339  March 07, 2025, 08:13:44 pm
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Added movelist.dat for Kagura (for IKEMEN) by dreadedpotato
also changed palette 11 to Mysterious Executioner C.I.E.L from Fate/Grand Order by MT7.
Re: [Tornillo Thread]: Kagura Mutsuki Released (27/2/2025)
#340  March 09, 2025, 10:26:08 am
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Small question but, Just like how you added an English voice patch for Noel Vermillion, Makoto Nanaya, Izayoi & Zeta, Are you gonna try and do the same with Kagura Mutsuki? (I can understand if you don't wanna add an English voice patch to him)