
I can't test my char in Fighter Factory 3 (Read 6478 times)

Started by Rabano, April 06, 2023, 11:04:29 pm
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I can't test my char in Fighter Factory 3
#1  April 06, 2023, 11:04:29 pm
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    • Argentina
I had to download FF3 again because of some PC problems, and when I press the "Run the current project on M.U.G.E.N" Insteed of loading my character in a stage to test him, it just open the mugen.

There's something Im missing????
Re: I can't test my char in Fighter Factory 3
#2  April 07, 2023, 01:41:54 am
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    • USA
I see people having problems with this feature all the time.  My recommendation is to not even bother with it.  Make a batch file (.bat) in your Mugen directory and just use that.

1) Create a text file with something like this in it.  (In your Mugen folder!)
set p1=Chuck_PLED
set p3=
set p2=cvsryu/cvsryu_normal.def
set p4=
set st=kof2k2_training
"mugen.exe"  -p1 "%p1%" -p2 "%p2%" -p3 "%p3%" -p4 "%p4%" -s %st% -p1.color 1 -p2.color 1 -p3.color 1 -p4.color 1 0 0 0 0

The important bits are that p1 is the character that you are testing, p2 is a character that you want to test against, st is stage that you want to test on.  I included all of the other options so that you can modify this for other purposes, including AI battles, simul testing, and palette testing.

2) Save the file with a name like Test Character.bat
Note that the file extension needs to be .bat.  Not .bat.txt.

3) Just run it when you need to test.  If you need to edit it for another character, right click on the file and click edit.  If you want the icon on the desktop, make a shortcut.  The batch file won't work (as is) outside of your Mugen directory.

You can use this method to create batch files for multiple projects, or shortcuts to bonus stages and boss fights...things like that.  Really helpful.