
Everything Anime and Manga Thread (Read 2621142 times)

Started by ( ゚ o゚) It's Urza!, August 27, 2007, 02:30:58 am
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Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#41  October 04, 2007, 10:32:10 pm
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like cars in reverse ,  ya better back up
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#42  October 04, 2007, 10:39:34 pm
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Johann was so misunderstood that even he didn't understand himself.
conscious dreamers can be treasurer to their own currency
im a conscious dreamer
therefore i can be treasurer to my own currency

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Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#43  October 05, 2007, 05:30:53 am
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Pretty Face manga, it's worth reading.


Man, is my face red... I posted the wrong damn link!

Ecchi, it calls to me...
Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 07:36:29 am by Urza, Planeswalker
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#44  October 09, 2007, 08:20:29 pm
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only interesting thing is the big amount of sequels, and that one might like at least one of those, i guess this means i will have to watch marimite, some ovas and movies are a bit interesting too, but nothing really noteworthy besides sequels in this season.


oh, and pretty face is the best, too abd there is no pf anime for this season either... considered it ended/got cancelled in 2002, it will be very hard to see a sequel.
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#45  October 12, 2007, 12:21:52 am
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Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#46  October 12, 2007, 12:36:27 am
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ok, which work is that?
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#47  October 12, 2007, 12:44:20 am
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Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 12:50:51 am by videoman
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#48  October 12, 2007, 01:06:52 am
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only interesting thing is the big amount of sequels, and that one might like at least one of those, i guess this means i will have to watch marimite, some ovas and movies are a bit interesting too, but nothing really noteworthy besides sequels in this season.


oh, and pretty face is the best, too abd there is no pf anime for this season either... considered it ended/got cancelled in 2002, it will be very hard to see a sequel.

You can try Mx0. It's by Yasuhiro Kano as well.

Perfect Girl Evolution (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichihenge) is up on onemanga.

Genshiken will finally have another season (about damn time). I just hope it wont turn out to be like Jigoku Shouko's second season (it failed).

I've been looking forward to the second season of Wellber no Monogatari and all seven parts of type-moons' Kara no Kyokai.

You can imagine that I pumped my fist in happiness as the release date for the Trigun movie was shown.

Ecchi, it calls to me...
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#49  October 12, 2007, 01:13:46 am
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oh, i started yamanade by rading the manga, thx anyway. now about mx0 that is surprising , will definitely giove it a look.

and when i asked which work, i was not asking by the author, but which of rumiko's manga is that as it does not seem familiar (and i was actually hoping for something new after inuyasha).
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#50  October 15, 2007, 04:12:54 am
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I watched the first two episodes of Goshuushosama Ninomiya-kun and so far I really like the anime.

The main male character is Ninomiya Shungo. He has qualities of a typical western male and not that of the standard anime male. How so? Well for one he is not shy around females, and he's in charge of the upkeep of his house.

So far, this anime is worth following (at least for my tastes).

Ecchi, it calls to me...
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#51  October 16, 2007, 08:29:37 pm
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slam dunk worth watching or is there something better?

like cars in reverse ,  ya better back up
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#52  October 17, 2007, 05:22:42 pm
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sports wise, there is hardly anithing better than slam dunk.
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#53  October 17, 2007, 05:49:41 pm
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Rock, paper and scissors? Yes please!
conscious dreamers can be treasurer to their own currency
im a conscious dreamer
therefore i can be treasurer to my own currency

i can be the mind controller
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#54  October 17, 2007, 06:06:57 pm
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Thanks for the suggestion of "Monster," it looks like I have something new to keep me busy during weekly releases of Bleach!
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#55  October 17, 2007, 11:33:54 pm
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I watched the first two episodes of Goshuushosama Ninomiya-kun and so far I really like the anime.

The main male character is Ninomiya Shungo. He has qualities of a typical western male and not that of the standard anime male. How so? Well for one he is not shy around females, and he's in charge of the upkeep of his house.

So far, this anime is worth following (at least for my tastes).

similar topic, i love it when they put completely unrelated protagonists in anime, like pretty face where they put a "regular" shounen hero in a romance manga, mx0 seems to follow a similar vein, and sakuratetsu taiwahen takes the prize in that respect.
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#56  October 17, 2007, 11:58:49 pm
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what chapter do i read after the mashiba kimura fight in hajime no ippo anime ? i cant find a site that has all of the chapters either :'(

like cars in reverse ,  ya better back up
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#57  October 18, 2007, 01:16:18 am
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PS: I am LOVING 'Monster'! I'm already on episode 10 >.< I should have started my homework instead :sugoi:
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#58  October 18, 2007, 04:00:17 pm
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  • Yume De Aetara fanboy of the highest caliber!

Ecchi, it calls to me...
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#59  October 21, 2007, 12:42:05 am
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Hm, this has been bothering me for a while.
Does the Melty Blood have an anime? What's it called?
And this..."Immaterial and Missing Power" stuff...?_?
The Answer to the Ultimate Question:

For rare M.U.G.E.N. characters, click here.
Re: Everything Anime and Manga Thread
#60  October 21, 2007, 12:55:56 am
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  • Yume De Aetara fanboy of the highest caliber!
Hm, this has been bothering me for a while.
Does the Melty Blood have an anime? What's it called?
And this..."Immaterial and Missing Power" stuff...?_?

Tsukihime has an anime adaptation, but it was a very poor quality one.
It's as if they didn't even look at the manga and started to make up their own little stories.

Melty Blood is the sequel to Tsukihime. It has it's own manga, but as of yet there is no anime.
They should re-do Tsukihime first before they make a Melty Blood anime...

Ecchi, it calls to me...