In this topic, you can recommend users who have contributed MUGEN content and who you think deserve Contributor status. Please provide a link to the user's profile and a short description of why they deserve to be made Contributor, so we can give those people Contributor stars and more message space.Feel free to suggest yourself as contributor.
I vote for Binho too.For the others, I still have to test their releases Quotego for broke QuoteYeah, if left like that, I'm sure this topic will become a flamewar, with everybody screaming to become a contributorWe just have to make a simple "rule", Don't ask to promote yourself, if you deserve it someone else will ask for you.
I love Bihno's stuff, but why haven't I seen him around the Guild before QuotePosts: 11 (0.009 per day)Position: UserDate Registered: March 19, 2004, 10:42:29 PMOh right... the 11 posts BTW, is this even... administrator approved?
TempesT said, 17 years agoBTW, is this even... administrator approved?No, but WTF ! I was one of the only ones in this topic before (when it was private) to ask promotions for people. I might as well continue it. Plus, they're asking for transparency, so might as well make a public topic out of it.BTW, now that TempesT has made something else than sigs, I request her for contributor too.
Aww thank you Well, about gwa_po, his SP is actually really well put together, so... if this ever gets admin attention, I definitely think he should be contributor.Think we should use our sexual secrets to get their attention again?
TempesT said, 17 years agoThink we should use our sexual secrets to get their attention again?Nope, not this time. The matter is not specially on a hurry. People can wait to become contributor, it's not as if it gave them access to holy special stuff, it's just a recognition.Plus, in the old version, we sometimes had to wait one week until an admin promoted someone. Moreover, VinnyJ was almost always the one who promoted people... and he's not admin anymore.
Extra attention? As in, you think that's why I made my stage? Ho ho ho, silly Yoshi. Shut up please =D. COOL!
I meant the sex...nevermind...misinterpreted the angry smileys I guessas far as you being contributor you have def. done more than I have and I don't think anyone who has been here this long is making anything just to become contributor. Good luck on the pink ranger btw.
C'mon Grand Pa ! Don't be so lazy, and go buy me an ice cream ! (and since you have time, promote the guys too )
Cybaster said, 17 years ago;u=4519Binho, quality sprites, quality stuff...check!Quote;u=15932MugenJF : interesting stages;user=gwa_paogwa_pao : not sure about this one, since I haven't tested his SP yet. Waiting for more voices.
Cybaster said, 17 years agoor asking the admins to promote a n00b as contributor because he palette swapped KFM's temple stage. I coulda sworn you were bringing up my Lord KFM sprite swap, Really, I would love contributor status, but I haven't earned it, and nor do I have the time beyond a simple sprite swapping.But I'm certainly no n00b just haven't been here long enough to show it.
gwa_poa's lifebars (dont know bout his screenpack though) is realy well doneand if i may;u=23417 nick_09he has released several dozen stages many of them are very unique and i believe they are all high and low res
Ichierzen don't worry.And generally, being a "normal" user really shouldn't mean you're worthless.The star/title thing is a, uh, gesture. I dunno, THANKS maybe. Something like that. It doesn't come with any special priviledges like in the previous forum incarnation (access to requests or things like access to private boards) anymore.Valodim said, 17 years ago1) Do not write users off as worthless beings because they:have not seen all episodes of your favorite animecannot tell the original from an obviously badly stolen and over-powered MUGEN character of a very good friend of yoursappear unable [or unwilling!] to simply contribute a half-decent stage background to MUGEN.. . .
gwa_pao's lifebars didn't have any real problems, good photoshop ability, and he/she/it doesn't complain too much
Wait i don't understand can we ask for our selves to be promoted or does someone else have to ask for you?my bad if it sounds like im thristy