QuoteShe also has long, powerful legs so she is ONE OF THE BEST FIGHTERS IN THE GAME WITH OTHERS SUCH AS KEN AND OF COURSE RAIYU I'd imagine K' appears dark and he has white and bushy hair because of the NESTS experiments. When he was given the flames, I guess the flames ran through his body and semi-permanently sunburnt him. Or some crap. Either way, K' is Japanese, not black or African American or whatever. He has dark skin because of NESTS. I highly doubt he was born like that (look at Another K'; that was K' in his early design stages, his skin is not dark and he has black hair).I guess SNK decided to mess around with his appearance a bit so he doesn't look like everyone else and to emphasize the fact he is a half-clone (I say half because he wasn't born as a clone, he was given DNA to try and make him a Kusanagi flame wielder).
Jesuszilla: I'm looking for "into..."Seth suddenly became white in Maximum Impact, even though it is a sideseriesJesuszilla: Last I checked, no.My bad, on Dudley i considered what looks to be his ancestry and heritage to be his nationality; there has to be some Indian in him, and if i'm wrong i'll eat a Mars barif you're buyingJesuszilla: uh whatguess i dropped the ball on Heavy D! as well. As soon as i hovered over his name the first time i played the gamei thought to myself "...wait the rapper??!" looking at his teammates i had assumed he was hispanic to complimentWhite Guy Brian Battler and Black Guy Lucky Glauber, round it out with Spanish Guy Heavy D!unless he looks more black to youWhat the hell are you talking about?read the second postand remember guys POWERFUL LEGS = BEST FIGHTERS... we really need to blow that out of proportionJesuszilla: Sean... What is it matsuda??Sean is Brazilian... And 1/4 Japanese.not much to say here other than all of that, i think we all decided long ago not to ask questions about why a girl from kenya would know capioera... lol
neko_warcueid said, January 10, 2008, 09:08:38 pmIndia was previously oppressed colonized befriended by the British Galactic Empire, so it would make sense that Dudley has roots in India. Just my 5 royal crests.They befriended us Africans too buddy . As a matter of fact, they did that in Hong Kong so Dudley must be Chinese.courte2 said, January 10, 2008, 06:45:14 amBefore anyone screams racist yes i am african american,You're African American?, sucks for you. We need to kill that term. mugenxero said, January 10, 2008, 07:46:33 amI believe that black representation in gaming has been less favorable than white or perhaps Asian but way better than a lot of other 'minority' groups. Indian, and Native American characters almost always appear to be awfully stereotypical. For reference take a look at SFII CE Dhalsim ending you'll be saddened.I don't believe I've ever seen an Asian in a video Game. Maybe, I have, but at least I DAMN SURE KNOW I've never seen one in an anime (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). said, January 10, 2008, 08:55:04 pmSpoiler, click to toggle visibiltyunorderly rant beginsBe it black boxers, ancient chinese secret having asians, long-legged-big-tittied-ass white/asian women, tranny-looking fighters with off-the-wall powers (i.e., Alba Meira), unusually-shy-"kawaii!" behavior-having-japanese-school-girl fighters....they're all equally bad#Shaun said, January 10, 2008, 08:55:04 pmOne of the things that pisses me off about black fighters in games is their defining features. EX: Elena from SF3, Vanessa from VF, and Seth from, last time I checked black people don't grow shimmering, long, thin white hair. Period. Characters like K' define somebody with a ludacris physique that can only be justified by staying in a tanning booth all day (literally) and dying their hair with chalk. You'd think that Japanese developers have never seen a black woman before.....That didn't seem too bad to me because they still have appeal. You could argue that K' looks like a done up version of a Feed Me Kid [God I felt horrible typing that].Yeong Woong said, January 11, 2008, 06:23:24 amNESTSWhat are NESTS? What is ROTD?On a serious Note:I just had to deal with it. I don't like it, but what can I do? Trying to educate people on the "Black Experience" or "How to identify a Black Person" is impossible (I've gotten into a ton of arguments with my American friend about how the Caribbean had slavery and them saying it was only in America). I'm good with the Power Fro and hair in Black characters has never bothered me. As long as you have my skin down right, with my lips in proportion, and my forehead not exxagerated, I don't care. Personally, i think Elena is cute. At least they didn't make her a 'Ghetto-fied' Dancer, a broozer girl ( ), or this: is the most appealing image of a Black character thus far:Spoiler, click to toggle visibiltyAt least we still have Piccolo's Black behind. I really hate DBZ.Edit:Why is it that we never see any mixed characters in these things??
God Damn it PotS. What were you gonna post??!!! Jesuszilla said, January 11, 2008, 07:16:37 amLet's not forget Semi-Perfect Cell, the basis for the SHOOP DA WHOOP meme.Tee Hee Hee said, January 11, 2008, 07:07:46 amI really hate DBZ.
unfortunately I mean literally African AmericanMy Father from Brooklyn went and married a woman from Ghana west africa, yes my mother, and thus i was borni suppose third times the charm (For marriages and baby makin'!!)--------------------------------completely unrelated----------------------wtf came up with the term "Virtually Unstoppable"??! I Dunno why but i just wanna beat them with something /end rantand all versions of Cell accept the final one have me shook to the core--it's odd that we see the big lips and huge fram, then think "OMG BLACK CELL!!" and yes elena is a cute char
QuoteYeong Woong said, January 11, 2008, 06:23:24 amNESTSWhat are NESTS? What is ROTD?NESTS is a criminal organization. They are responsible for the Kyo clones (excluding Kusanagi), Krizalid, Kula, K9999, K' & Maxima.ROTD = Rage of the Dragons.
C.V.S.N.B said, January 11, 2008, 08:13:41 amBalrog aka black aka mike tyson,elena black, and birdie black,deejay blackjust wow... actually i'm lost even though i brought up the topic, are we talking about nationality or simply the label Black Characterperhaps the first post would serve as a clue... and it says african americanso lets bring in all the black people AND their nationalities... <not sarcasm> seriouslyi don't even know what to say about that RoTD ogre
Yeong Woong said, January 11, 2008, 06:23:24 amQuoteShe also has long, powerful legs so she is ONE OF THE BEST FIGHTERS IN THE GAME WITH OTHERS SUCH AS KEN AND OF COURSE RAIYU I'd imagine K' appears dark and he has white and bushy hair because of the NESTS experiments. When he was given the flames, I guess the flames ran through his body and semi-permanently sunburnt him. Or some crap. Either way, K' is Japanese, not black or African American or whatever. He has dark skin because of NESTS. I highly doubt he was born like that (look at Another K'; that was K' in his early design stages, his skin is not dark and he has black hair).I guess SNK decided to mess around with his appearance a bit so he doesn't look like everyone else and to emphasize the fact he is a half-clone (I say half because he wasn't born as a clone, he was given DNA to try and make him a Kusanagi flame wielder).maybe k' is just into ganguro
Europion said, January 11, 2008, 06:25:20 pm people, what the fuck, srsly.I've said it before and I'll say it again: ganguro girls = asian minstrels.Maybe the stereotypes we see in gaming can be broken by designing some real shit in MUGEN....?
QuoteAs a matter of fact, they did that in Hong Kong so Dudley must be Chinese.That's reverse reasoning. Are you being sarcastic ? QuoteI don't believe I've ever seen an Asian in a video Game.Random pick : Ling Xiaoyu... Quotebut at least I DAMN SURE KNOW I've never seen one in an anime (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc).Hmmm... A guy from the Mithril people in Full Metal Panic actually looks asian, though I forgot his name. then after that, it's only the eyes, and we all know the reason for mangakas to draw big eyes. Ask Walt Disney.
Jesuszilla said, January 11, 2008, 05:40:09 amQuote-evil characters countWhat the hell are you talking about?To answer the question; no, color swapped characters do not count.QuoteThe only way to break the door down on stereotypes in games to make a racially justifiable game yourself.Sounds
Baiken said, January 12, 2008, 12:31:34 am... Uh ? I should care why ?Twas a joke, go ahead and piss them off.