Here it comes.Quotedue to a crappy health care systemIt could be a LOT worse.Quotepoor water maintenace so were all forced to buy bottle waterBottled water is the greatest way to waste money I can think of.Town water is fine, unsure of city water.But bottled water is just tap, really expensive tap.QuotePro-lifers/Pro-executionOr pro-choice/Anti-executioners.I personally hate both groups.Quotestupid ignorant uneducated silver spoon fed ilbred... i wish that (continued rant)Do you think the president is capable of doing all of this by himself?Congress is just as much to blame for our current problems as the president is. They sit back while whoever is in charge takes the fall. The president changes, but does anything else?QuoteI dont know every black person in the US, but im very sure their not all one-dimensional characters.If all else fails, people resort to pulling the race/gender/religion card.
The Great and Powerful (TA)Oz said, January 15, 2008, 09:25:55 pmOK it came.Fixed [seems to be IYO]The Great and Powerful (TA)Oz said, January 15, 2008, 09:25:55 pmQuotepoor water maintenace so were all forced to buy bottle waterBottled water is the greatest way to waste money I can think of.Town water is fine, unsure of city water.But bottled water is just tap, really expensive tap.It usually is; not all of the time. The Great and Powerful (TA)Oz said, January 15, 2008, 09:25:55 pmQuotePro-lifers/Pro-executionOr pro-choice/Anti-executioners.I personally hate both groups.+1 (I'm choice though, but all the same I think the groups are ). I think the issue is stupid too, but that's for another day.The Great and Powerful (TA)Oz said, January 15, 2008, 09:25:55 pmQuotestupid ignorant uneducated silver spoon fed ilbred... i wish that (continued rant)Do you think the president is capable of doing all of this by himself?Congress is just as much to blame for our current problems as the president is. They sit back while whoever is in charge takes the fall. The president changes, but does anything else?Right now, not necessarily.A 51/49 majority requiring a 2/3 vote will always go nowhere, so they can't be to blame for all the unpassed bills.Concerning ending the War though, they need to be slapped; EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM, that is refusing to vote!!!The Great and Powerful (TA)Oz said, January 15, 2008, 09:25:55 pmIf all else fails, people resort to pulling the race/gender/religion card.Unfortunately, people are developing an immunity to that. Done too much, and whammo.
I know bush is a puppet, but see how ive been tricked into just blaming our supposed leader. Still, the race card tv episodes shouldnt really be the only reason black actors have jobs. But i also want to know, do most Black americans really hate the Boondocks cartoon/comic? If there was shows that exagerated hispanics' short comings i'd watch it.Oh, wait! Theyre called MindOfMencia, The GeorgeLopezShow[hate that cholo wannaB], and Sabado Higante [which is like PriceIsRight+SNL+AmericanIdol+Soft Core Porn]
Leo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmI know bush is a puppet, but see how ive been tricked into just blaming our supposed leader. Meh Leo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmStill, the race card tv episodes shouldnt really be the only reason black actors have jobs. That gave me something new to ponder.Leo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmBut i also want to know, do most Black americans really hate the Boondocks cartoon/comic? If there was shows that exagerated hispanics' short comings i'd watch it.Oh, wait! Theyre called MindOfMencia, The GeorgeLopezShow[hate that cholo wannaB], and Sabado Higante [which is like PriceIsRight+SNL+AmericanIdol+Soft Core Porn]I don't know about Black americans hating the BoonDocks. "I" hate the BoonDocks because it sucks [IMO]It's some ways, its like South Park. The same thing over every episode just with different people. I think black little kids watch it because they feel as though it gives them a sense of racial identity .As for the rest of those shows, I can't watch the first two because I plain can't laugh when I see them. I don't know about the last one.
Tee Hee Hee said, January 15, 2008, 08:56:52 pm(TAO)Overlord said, January 15, 2008, 08:46:14 pmThe Great and Powerful (TA)Oz said, January 15, 2008, 08:44:50 pm(TAO)Overlord said, January 15, 2008, 08:42:51 pmI sense a firestorm in the near future...Why?Ignorance, mostly.I doubt. Judging by the length of time that elapsed until there was a new post, I think people are getting tired.Also I don't think there's anything to comment on.Spoiler, click to toggle visibiltyUnless someone's looking for a pwning....which I'd be more than happy to instigate (I feel I'm on a roll with these images) 8). Besides, it's official: there really is nothing left to comment on in regards to the original topic.::watching a new debate form that could possibly be at the same level as a Charlie Rose episode::
Leo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmSabado Higante [which is like PriceIsRight+SNL+AmericanIdol+Soft Core Porn]ROFL
Leo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmBut i also want to know, do most Black americans really hate the Boondocks cartoon/comic? If there was shows that exagerated hispanics' short comings i'd watch it.I freaking love that show.
lots of Bush Bashing in a thread about characterizing all the racisms against african americans in video games?how fitting:P
Leo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmBut i also want to know, do most Black americans really hate the Boondocks cartoon/comic?I never saw the episodes (thankfully), but I hated most of the comic strips. There were a few good ones, but most were just.....ugh. It's own "black satire" is what killed it. Curtis is much, MUCH better.
checked out that rip off site... and just wowwhile it's true that characters take small pieces of inspiration from other works of fiction, that site seemed to be stating street fighter's characters were based on others from the FUTURE!! seriously it seems a little biased to call it all rip offs.
Quotestating street fighter's characters were based on others from the FUTURE!!Check the release dates of each of these works, they're right on most of the time. All you can say is that they're clearly exaggerating, and they are.
Anti-TAO Blumentopf niggard dmagh ZZAB said, January 15, 2008, 11:01:59 pmI remember a page somewhere on this internets that was comparing all SF chars to existing both existing persons in real life and characters from cartoons...[...]let me find the link
R[E]ika said, January 15, 2008, 11:13:18 pmsabado gigante is the softest of the latin shows.¿De veras?
...but i like the Boondocks and the strip for the mere fact that it made fun of the people huey was trying to save-lol please try to not to roast me on a stake for anything though, ok'?then again i lean more towards anti-bet/mtv/vh1/e!, disgusted with most of rap, feel terrible about the exploitation and disrespect of young woman type of guy...
courte2 said, January 16, 2008, 02:44:23 amdisgusted with most of rapAren't we all?As for MTV/VH1, they don't really exsist anymore.It is inexcusable that I would need to check TV guide to see when they actually have music playing (the answer is never)It is my firm belief that music is dead.2007 went by without a single memorable song.
Spiked Liaison said, January 16, 2008, 12:05:52 amLeo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmBut i also want to know, do most Black americans really hate the Boondocks cartoon/comic?I never saw the episodes (thankfully), but I hated most of the comic strips. There were a few good ones, but most were just.....ugh. It's own "black satire" is what killed it. The key word there is "own." I see nothing black involved in any aspect of that show. All I see is the same thing repeated, repeated, and repeated . I mean, I've seen kids laugh at Uncle Ruckus saying, "I love white people. I hate black people." for 30-something episodes.aeom said, January 15, 2008, 11:59:50 pmlots of Bush Bashing in a thread about characterizing all the racisms against african americans in video games?how fitting:PI only counted 1. Could you point out the others??courte2 said, January 16, 2008, 02:44:23 am...but i like the Boondocks and the strip for the mere fact that it made fun of the people huey was trying to save-lol please try to not to roast me on a stake for anything though, ok'?I guess you'd be the perfect person to ask [I mean at least you added a little reason], what exactly is it about that show that makes you, err ah, people, actually laugh?_?The Great and Powerful (TA)Oz said, January 16, 2008, 03:29:53 amcourte2 said, January 16, 2008, 02:44:23 amdisgusted with most of rapAren't we all?...2007 went by without a single memorable song. Those two points are directly linked to each other. If you weren't interested in RAP (which is what MTV seems to gear itself toward playing now), you wouldn't get a good song. I wonder if, "Move Along", "Take Over the Break's Over", "We Have to Take Our Clothes Off", "My Love", etc. are songs you like?? I wonder if they actually came from 2007??Anywho, 2008 will be a terrible year for Rap. Everything's dwindling down. Beats are getting repeated like crazy and when people pick up on the bass, things will go haywire.
My tastes are generallyClassic rock (very wide genre)90's rock (I kind of lump it with the classics.)Some alternative music varieties. (Not emo pop garbage)And one of my favorite genres is 'Underground' or Alternative hiphop/rap as well as oldschool rap. I don't see oldschool coming back anytime soon, and under ground probably needs to stay underground to maintain quality.
Spiked Liaison said, January 16, 2008, 12:05:52 amLeo037 said, January 15, 2008, 09:41:56 pmBut i also want to know, do most Black americans really hate the Boondocks cartoon/comic?I never saw the episodes (thankfully), but I hated most of the comic strips. There were a few good ones, but most were just.....ugh. It's own "black satire" is what killed it. Curtis is much, MUCH better.Thankful for what? Not watching a cartoon? Is it because Aaron McGruder was'nt afraid to satire the truth along with stereotypes providing a message at the end that struck a nerve to make you feel guilty?Im a Black Man and The Boondocks is one of the most Funny and Thought invoking cartoons to ever come out.I read The Boondocks strip and i still read Curtis since i was in the 4th grade and Curtis is completely different obviously.Im glad that Uncle rucker is is in the cartoon and the cartoon is considered Canon now. Yeah the Fight Scenes are doone by Madhouse (Cowboy Bebop, Desert Punk) and its seems to have more of them but thats only to draw a newer audience.QuoteThe key word there is "own." I see nothing black involved in any aspect of that show. All I see is the same thing repeated, repeated, and repeated . I mean, I've seen kids laugh at Uncle Ruckus saying, "I love white people. I hate black people." for 30-something episodes.Do you know what Uncle Ruckus character is for? He does'nt just say he hates Black people for no reason. He explains and Rants because Aaron McGruder uses his expression say what white uppity people think about Ignorant Blacks in High Cirlces. If Uncle Ruckus was a white man Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton and all the other Non N-word using activist would have work for the next 5 years protesting the show. Only cause Aaron McGruder (The creator) is Black this is Overlooked most of the time.QuoteI guess you'd be the perfect person to ask [I mean at least you added a little reason], what exactly is it about that show that makes you, err ah, people, actually laugh?_?Since im People i'll just say the Show is actually good because its hits the satiracle parts right on the head.I mean Did you ever see the episode with Thugnificent's version of cribs? The overexaggeration on the references is what make it worthwhile.Look at this scene where riley platinum chain that Thugnificent gave him gets stolen and he goes back to get it. Pay attention to who has the chain. Yeah a White Kid, A Big White Kid who appears on Maury show and Knock out the Scared straight mediator lol! Not so stereotypical is'nt it?Its show the same shit happens to anybody White or Black. part is he takes busta rhymes with him to get the chain back.You have to see what happen after that and the message that goes with it.