
MvC Ninja Turtles Team (Read 5978 times)

Started by horcon, March 18, 2010, 07:55:29 pm
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MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#1  March 18, 2010, 07:55:29 pm
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Originally this char was MvC Balrog (Boxer) by Scar ( ),
used with his permission. Thank you very much pal !!!!
Sprites ripped by Dcat ( ), those are Open Source from him.



I don't put so many effort on make it since I don't have so many free time since the big
earthquake we suffered some few weeks ago in Chile, where my house has a lot of things
to fix after that terrible natural disaster, but I want to share it anyways in case of
someone would like it.

Download : ( Mae77's stuff / Mugen chars 4 download )

Cheers !
Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 09:41:53 pm by Mae77
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#2  March 18, 2010, 08:34:54 pm
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So um, this is Mvc because they can super jump yes?
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#3  March 18, 2010, 09:07:06 pm
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Personally, I think it's kinda stupid how they're synchronized together.
As in, they all attack at the same time.

Couldn't you have made them like Yaten's Juli/Juni?
Where one of them is AI controlled and has a separate HP bar, and one of them is controlled by the player, and if she dies, they lose?

Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#4  March 18, 2010, 11:27:40 pm
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I know the char looks bad and stupid, I just made this for get a little distraction for all little the earthquakes we're suffering in my zone still. Just that. If I would be relaxed, perhaps can make something better :D
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#5  March 19, 2010, 03:08:27 am
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Heh, if only you seen or had Tenshins "Ken Gang" character then maybe this would work.
You can youtube it so see what I mean but its a Mugen Dos character so it will have act file problems.

Either that or Most Mysterious' Rox Howard clones......
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#6  March 19, 2010, 06:53:48 am
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"MvC" styled? All 4 turtles at once? Warning flags just lit up to me.

I don't put so many effort on make it since I don't have so many free time...

Warning flags are really showing now.

I know the char looks bad and stupid, I just made this for get a little distraction for all little the earthquakes we're suffering in my zone still. Just that. If I would be relaxed, perhaps can make something better :D

Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#7  March 19, 2010, 11:18:50 am
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What a warm and inviting bunch we have on this forum, you know?

The guy said himself in the first post that the character is not good and was made to kill time, be easy guys.
How about something along the lines of:

"holy shit man, how are things in Chile, did you and your family make it through the earthquake ok?  Feel bad about the earthquakes but the char sucks, lol!  ;P "
-suggestions/feedback go here-

See how I said the char sucks while still joking and being nice? 
Be nice... you filthy bunch of animals. (JK ;) )

P.S. Ken & gang is f'n awesome.
Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 11:22:45 am by YagamiC4
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#8  March 19, 2010, 11:32:50 am
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The idea is interesting and could give something nice, but the work put in practice ended up failing a bit.
With four turtles you could have made them each attack on their own time ( and them all taking damage, just like you made them  ) you could also have moves where you throw out a turtle from the group to attack.
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#9  March 19, 2010, 01:16:38 pm
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What a warm and inviting bunch we have on this forum, you know?
Thnx to God Internet is not Serious Bussiness for me ! Thanks for your post pal ;).

The idea is interesting and could give something nice, but the work put in practice ended up failing a bit.
With four turtles you could have made them each attack on their own time ( and them all taking damage, just like you made them  ) you could also have moves where you throw out a turtle from the group to attack.

Yeap, that was my original idea. Not as the Ken Gang.

I work on an enterprise as a guard. Now my job is relaxed since almost all was destroyed :S ...
I did this in one night since I couldn't be relaxed since the earth didn't stop of shaking and my work is close to the beach, and we've suffered a tsunami some weeks ago...
So I did this for getting a little distraction, really the situation is desesperated here :S.
I'm not using this as an excuse for the regular quality. Just I'm saying I put this here in case of anyone would like to use it. But really I don't have many effort since we are living here:

My house:

My town:
(and for shitting more, the experts say we will suffer more shakes in about 6 months after the big earthquake :S )

Sorry if I made you waste your time guys, just I was sharing my "distraction" from one night.

Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#10  March 19, 2010, 01:17:26 pm
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Its never a waste, guy.
Its a good idea like I said, interesting one at that.
Good luck with everything.
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#11  March 19, 2010, 01:43:45 pm
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Its never a waste, guy.
Its a good idea like I said, interesting one at that.
Good luck with everything.

Thank you.
I was invited to work with Sic Graphics Mugen in Darkclaw (Batman & Wolverine amalgam) since I did a private edit of him from other chars ( ) to make a new one, not using someone else's sprites. But with all I must to fix here (my house specially), really I don't have many effort for make stuff right now, so I left the project :S.
Now I understand americans after Katrina and 9-11...
See ya guys !
Last Edit: March 19, 2010, 01:51:42 pm by Mae77
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#12  March 20, 2010, 05:21:15 am
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The guy said himself in the first post that the character is not good and was made to kill time, be easy guys.

I'll pass. I treat everyone the same.

How about something along the lines of:

"holy shit man, how are things in Chile, did you and your family make it through the earthquake ok?  Feel bad about the earthquakes but the char sucks, lol!  ;P "
-suggestions/feedback go here-

I would rather have the author not making excuses for making his character shit. If you're not even going to try you might as well look for something else to kill your boredom with or help out someone else that got struck harder from the earthquake

See how I said the char sucks while still joking and being nice? 

That's not how I roll. It's not me and I gotta be me, you know.
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#13  March 21, 2010, 05:53:22 pm
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Nice idea. I'd like to see it finished or updated in the future.
That earthwake was terrible. Fuerza hermanos chilenos.
Re: MvC Ninja Turtles Team
#14  March 21, 2010, 10:07:34 pm
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