
Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion. (Read 365343 times)

Started by Koop, October 12, 2011, 10:55:19 pm
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Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#61  November 09, 2011, 07:04:59 am
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I dunno, I kinda like that design.  It's like a definitive "best of" for Athena.  It has bits and pieces of all the things she's known for.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#62  November 09, 2011, 07:15:35 am
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worst shoes she ever had + stocks and tighs at the same time. I always hated her lower part the most in that design (and KOF 97's one aswell for that matter).

I also remember how the sprites looked like and... you'll have to do tons of fixes for that thing to look decent. Mixing KOF 02 and pre 02 sprites in the same char (And with that kind of frankenspriting) is never a good idea :P. And the costume doesn't even look different enough as her upper body is still way too similar to her KOF 99 costume.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#63  November 09, 2011, 07:17:25 am
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But but but....she has long hair!  In KOF 99 she had short hair!
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#64  November 09, 2011, 08:12:26 am
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You don't like Rednavi? I want to hear your suggestion. HERE.  ;)
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#65  November 09, 2011, 08:22:29 am
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Use KOFXIII Athena and get over it
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#66  November 09, 2011, 08:31:23 am
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That would be extremely inconsistent.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#67  November 09, 2011, 08:34:56 am
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Well, unless it was her XI sprites edited to have the sleeves.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#68  November 09, 2011, 08:38:11 am
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KOF99, just like the real deal :P (I mean she does change to different outfits during her moves right?).
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#69  November 09, 2011, 09:09:56 am
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I liked KoF 97 Athena design =/
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#70  November 09, 2011, 09:37:50 am
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Seems like I messed up a bit. Athena E isn't going to be used. Also, due to some other circumstances, XI Athena will not be used either. SO. What to do?
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#71  November 09, 2011, 10:35:50 am
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there is a guy working in Athena color-separation process here on the guild (in projects I think) is you want to use XI Athena that can be helpful...

if not... mmhh... Athena Heidern? :P
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#72  November 09, 2011, 12:56:21 pm
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Athena is definitely going to be included. The costume changes may make it in.

Nice - Athena may not be a personal favorite, but she's certainly got a lot of interesting features and background to work with.

The trickier part to get the transformations to work would be establishing a palette that would cover most, if not all, of her looks throughout the 96 to XI age of KoF sprites (there are samples of the 94 and 95 looks in her 98 intro and Psychic 8/9 moves) - if that's done, it should be fairly simple to add more alternatives for any given move.

For example:

* since some version of her give her different outfits during Shining Crystal Bit, that principle could be applied to other moves, using different sprite looks for any given special attack provided their clsns match

* her taunt could change the outfit she's using in her stance (her stances change quite a bit between games though, I guess this could be narrowed down to a small subset - off the top of my head, KoF2000 had her in one of her most practical stances, but her hair wasn't as iconic in that one; XI went with a "plain" schoolgirl look that matched what she wore in SvC MotM, where she was intended to look as iconic as possible, so that could work well - even if only for the idle stance)

* a pet idea for the concept was having each move match the outfit where that move debuted, but her base specials haven't really changed all that much since 95 (and IIRC she only got Psycho Sword added compared to 95, and the aesthetics difference consisted on shorter sleeves) - plenty of variations on her reflector though, I wonder which will make the cut - might be worth considering applying the concept to which version of which move is used

* silly idea that involves more editing than anyone's likely to bother with, but might as well toss it in: in some games Asamiya seems to channel the other Athena (the demi-goddess version which eventually made it to SvC and NGBC) during some high-end supers, as if she had some "higher self" thing going on, so that could be an alternate look to consider for some brief transformations if she had a power bar full, using EX version of moves (probably not applicable), or if she were to have some temporary transformation mode like Leona. Not necessarily a good idea, but one in the back of my mind and there's no harm in putting it out there.

I think I had this discussion of giving her the best versions of her specials.

What do you figure those are? I haven't used her that consistently throughout the series, although I recall people mentioning she was quite strong in 2002.

Though it is a bit extravagant and I would have loved to do something like that out side of a full game. Athena is about no 7 on my to do list. I think now would be a good time to set in stone how she should play.

Her specials don't see to change much, but later games had some variety in her supers, there's a move she only ever had in SvC MotM (that sword super you had to unlock), and her crouching D seems to have a lot more range in recent games than it did in the earlier ones.
I could be wrong, but I think the NGPC Gals  Fighter let her use her teleport mid-air - the game took some fun liberties with everyone, but I'm not sure how much some of them might mess with balance in another game...

Anything you're considering prioritizing? In the very least she should feel a bit distinct from the other characters play-wise, but from the current roster that doesn't seem like a major problem.

-I was thinking of using the custom Athena sprites made by EI (the clean version of course). It would be nice to use those as it's something she doesn't have in the standard KOFs, yet similar to her 99 outfit which she has in the original SGF (complete with short hair).

Doesn't feel quite as classic Athena to me, even if it succeeed at being a new alternate look for here - the NGPC game was a bit bound by a time when SNK was trying to promote 99 and new characters, so it went with that look, but at least to me an iconic Athena has long hair, and maybe that purple bead nacklace she had in the earlier games.

The XI look could work well as a base/idle stance, and you could probably pick and choose from each and every move in her history then use the sprites from that for that specific attack, and Athena being Athena it wouldn't look out of place, just use the little glitter effect she uses in her transforming 98 intro or something.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#73  November 09, 2011, 04:10:46 pm
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If anything, you could use Athena's classic outfit from 94/95. In my opinion it's her best one.

I don't think there are any fully sprited characters from Metal Slug (a shame, I really like Fiolina).

There are half-assed ones. And I'm sure you wouldn't ever use them.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#74  November 09, 2011, 04:36:11 pm
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98 athena, 2k2 is decent too; I prefer goddess athena but that requires heavy editing, I remember I was editing like 3 athena sprites per week to that outfit but stopped after one month.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#75  November 09, 2011, 06:53:42 pm
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02 Athena is the best.  03 is up there too.
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#76  November 09, 2011, 06:55:26 pm
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2k2 Athena, bouncy :3
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#77  November 09, 2011, 09:17:05 pm
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If anything, you could use Athena's classic outfit from 94/95. In my opinion it's her best one.

It's not really an option, as the 94 and 95 sprites are smaller - there are a few usable ones in later games, such as the 98 intro and the Psychic 8/9/10 supers, but it's not possible to get a lot of use out of those.

02 and 03 Athena are kinda too frilly for my tastes, I tend to prefer the outfits that don't emphasize skirts like the 96 one - if edits end up being needed, I getss skirts make it harder too...
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#78  November 10, 2011, 01:58:09 am
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I prefer the look that came with the original Gals Fighter or the one below me:
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#79  November 10, 2011, 02:08:50 am
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The original look is based on KOF99 outfit with little variants in special moves like the air teleport.
Check my DeviantArt for more amazing spriting stuff!
Re: Information on the game (System, Roster) and discussion.
#80  November 10, 2011, 01:29:57 pm
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KoopaKoot In the original Story (later I will tell something of my own). She fought in the tournament to get her long hair back by winning in it so either her 99 incarnation or other depending a a story i thought for sometime
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