Even though it's too early i got a few funny ideas for his supers, I'll write them to make sure they don't get lost
- Super ghost kamikaze attack could make a ghost appear, it would be a helper floating towards p2 and if touched causes a big explosion, like a mix between babidi's bomb and a saibaman, later on if you give him an emo mode this attack could be improved, adding a ghost per emo level reached. Taunting could detonate all the ghosts at once.
- Then there is the ultra volleyball attack (you know the one I talk about), it traps p2 in the ball, bouncing all over the screen borders and gotenks could hit the ball to bounce it back, the more hits the more damage within a reasonable amount of course. I 'm not sure if this kind of super has ever been created ^^
And by the way this move and the previous one really intrigues me :p

Is that some kind of hard punch you charge ?