
Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b (Read 112984 times)

Started by JustNoPoint, October 02, 2015, 04:10:58 am
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Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#1  October 02, 2015, 04:10:58 am
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The Explod controller is a flexible tool for displaying animations such as sparks, dust and other visual effects. Its functionality includes that of GameMakeAnim and MakeDust, which are now deprecated.

Required parameters:
anim = [F]anim_no (int)
anim_no specifies the number of the animation to play back. The 'F' prefix is optional: if included, then the animation is played back from fight.def.

Optional parameters:
ID = id_no (int)
id_no specifies an ID number for this explod. Used to identify particular explods in triggers and controllers that affect explods.

pos = off_x, off_y (int, int)
off_x and off_y specify the offset at which to create the explod. The exact behavior depends on the postype. If these parameters are omitted, they default to 0.

postype = postype_string (string)
postype_string specifies how to interpret the pos parameters. In all cases, a positive off_y means a downward displacement.

     Valid values for postype_string are the following:

Interprets pos relative to p1's axis. A positive off_x is toward the front of p1. This is the default value for postype. Refer to the note at the end of this controller's description.

Interprets pos relative to p2's axis. A positive off_x is toward the front of p2. Refer to the note at the end of this controller's description.

Interprets off_x relative to the edge of the screen that p1 is facing toward, and off_y relative to the top of the screen. A positive off_x is to the right of the screen, whereas a negative off_x is toward the left.

Interprets off_x relative to the edge of the screen that p1 is facing away from, and off_y relative to the top of the screen. A positive off_x is toward the center of the screen, whereas a negative off_x is away from the center. For historical reasons, the offset behavior is inconsistent with postype = front.

Interprets off_x and off_y relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. A positive off_x is toward the right of the screen.

Interprets off_x and off_y relative to the upper-right corner of the screen. A positive off_x is toward the right of the screen.

facing = facing (int)
Set facing to 1 to have the explod face in the same direction as the positive off_x (as determined by postype), and -1 to have the explod face in the opposite direction. Defaults to 1.

vfacing = vfacing (int)
Set vfacing to -1 to have the explod display vertically flipped, or 1 to have the explod display vertically unflipped. Defaults to 1.

bindtime = bind_time (int)
Specifies the number of game ticks to bind the explod to the bind point specified by postype. For instance, if postype = p1, pos = 30, -40, and bindtime = 5, then the explod will be drawn at position 30, -40 relative to p1's axis for 5 ticks, no matter how p1 moves during this time. After the bindtime has expired, the explod will no longer be bound to the bind point, and will maintain its position (unless affected by the vel or accel parameters). If bind_time is -1, then the explod will be bound until the explod is removed or another controller affects the bindtime.

vel = x_vel, y_vel (float, float)
Specifies initial X and Y velocity components for the explod. These are interpreted relative to the explod's "facing" direction. These default to 0 if omitted.
However you must include the postype and the pos parameters (to activate it in ModifyExplod).

accel = x_accel, y_accel (float, float)
Specifies X and Y acceleration components for the explod. These default to 0.

random = rand_x, rand_y (int, int)
Causes the explod's bind point to be displaced by a random amount when created. rand_x specifies the displacement range in the x direction, and rand_y specifies the displacement range in the y direction. For instance, if pos = 0,0 and random = 40,80, then the explod's x location will be a random number between -20 and 19, and its y location will be a random number between -40 and 39. Both arg1 and arg2 default to 0 if omitted.

removetime = rem_time (int)
If rem_time is positive, the explod will be removed after having been displayed for that number of game ticks. If rem_time is -1, the explod will be displayed indefinitely. If rem_time is -2, the explod will be removed when its animtime reaches 0. The default value is -2.

supermove = bvalue (boolean)
This parameter is deprecated -- use supermovetime parameter instead
Set supermove = 1 to have the explod persist until the end of a super pause, regardless of the value of removetime. Defaults to 0.

supermovetime = move_time (int)
Specifies the number of ticks that the explod will be unfrozen during a SuperPause. Used where you want the explod to be animated during a SuperPause, such as for custom super sparks. Defaults to 0.

pausemovetime = move_time (int)
Specifies the number of ticks that the explod should be unfrozen during a Pause. Defaults to 0.

scale = x_scale, y_scale (float, float)
x_scale and y_scale specify the scaling factors to apply to the explod in the horizontal and vertical directions. Both default to 1 (no scaling) if omitted.

sprpriority = pr (int)
pr specifies the drawing priority for the explod. Animations with higher priority get drawn over animations with lesser priority. For instances, setting sprpriority = -3 will cause the explod to be drawn under most characters and other explods, which usually have sprpriority >= -2. Defaults to 0 if omitted.

ontop = bvalue (boolean)
Set ontop = 1 to have the explod drawn over all other sprites and background layers. This parameter has precedence over sprpriority. Defaults to 0.

shadow = shad_r, shad_g, shad_b (int, int, int)
Specifies the R, G, and B components of the explod's shadow. Valid values for each component are 0-255. The greater a component, the less of that color will be displayed in the shadow. To use the shadow color of the stage, set shad_r to -1. Defaults to 0,0,0 (no shadow).

ownpal = bvalue (boolean)
Set ownpal = 1 to give the explod its own copy of its palette. This is desirable if you want to keep temporary changes to the player's palette (e.g. from using the PalFX controller) from affecting the color of the explod. Defaults to 0 if omitted.

removeongethit = bvalue (boolean)
Setting this to 1 will have the explod removed if the player gets hit. Defaults to 0.

ignorehitpause = bvalue (boolean)
If this is 1, the explod will be animated independently of the player that created it. If set to 0, it will not be updated when the player is in hitpause. Defaults to 1.

trans = trans_type (string)
Overrides the explod's animation transparency settings. See the Trans controller for details. An "alpha =" parameter must be specified if trans_type is "addalpha". If omitted, does nothing.

The position of an explod that is created relative to a player (eg. using "postype = p1") is determined only after all player updates have completed (contrast this to helpers, which are created relative to the player's immediate position when the controller was executed). This behavior is necessary to make explods bind properly to the player's screen position.

For example, assume the player has an x velocity of 5 and a position of (160,0). If an explod is created with an offset of 0,0 relative to p1, then the explod's actual screen position will be 165,0.

ModifyExplod 1.0 and 1.1b

Modifies the parameters of an existing Explod. Syntax is basically the same as Explod. However, this controller is subject to future change. Any code relying on this controller is not guaranteed to work in the future.

The pos and postype parameters must be specified together.

Explod 1.1b version

The Explod controller is a flexible tool for displaying animations such as sparks, dust and other visual effects. Its functionality includes that of GameMakeAnim, which is now deprecated.

Required parameters:
anim = [F]anim_no (int)
anim_no specifies the number of the animation to play back. The 'F' prefix is optional: if included, then the animation is played back from fightfx.air.

Optional parameters:
ID = id_no (int)
id_no specifies an ID number for this explod. Used to identify particular explods in triggers and controllers that affect explods.

space = space (string)
Specifies the coordinate space in which the explod is to be created. Valid values for space are:

This coordinate space maps to the screen. The upper-left corner is 0,0 and the lower-right corner is ScreenWidth,ScreenHeight (refer to the triggers with these names). Explods created in screen space are not affected by camera movement or zoom.

This coordinate space maps to the stage space in which players reside. 0,0 is the center of the stage at ground level. Explods created in screen space are affected by camera movement and zoom. This is the default.

pos = off_x, off_y (float, float)
If the explod is not bound, off_x and off_y specify the position at which to create the explod. If the explod is bound, off_x and off_y specify the offset from the object to which the explod is bound to.

facing = facing (int)
Set facing to 1 to have the explod face in the same direction as the positive off_x, and -1 to have the explod face in the opposite direction. Defaults to 1.

vfacing = vfacing (int)
Set vfacing to -1 to have the explod display vertically flipped, or 1 to have the explod display vertically unflipped. Defaults to 1.

bindID = bind_id (int)
ID number of a player or helper to bind to. The position of a bound explod is relative to the object that it is bound to. Special values are -1 (bind to any single player) and -2 (do not bind). Defaults to -2. The bindtime parameter is required if bindID is not -2. Screen space explods cannot be bound.

bindtime = bind_time (int)
Specifies the number of game ticks to keep the explod bound. After the bindtime has expired, the explod will be explod will no longer be bound to the bind point, and will maintain its position (unless affected by the vel or accel parameters). If bind_time is -1, then the explod will be bound until the explod is removed or another controller affects the bindtime.

vel = x_vel, y_vel (float, float)
Specifies initial X and Y velocity components for the explod. These are interpreted relative to the explod's "facing" direction. These default to 0 if omitted.

accel = x_accel, y_accel (float, float)
Specifies X and Y acceleration components for the explod. These default to 0.

removetime = rem_time (int)
If rem_time is positive, the explod will be removed after having been displayed for that number of game ticks. If rem_time is -1, the explod will be displayed indefinitely. If rem_time is -2, the explod will be removed when its animtime reaches 0. The default value is -2.

supermovetime = move_time (int)
Specifies the number of ticks that the explod will be unfrozen during a SuperPause. Used where you want the explod to be animated during a SuperPause, such as for custom super sparks. Defaults to 0.

pausemovetime = move_time (int)
Specifies the number of ticks that the explod should be unfrozen during a Pause. Defaults to 0.

scale = x_scale, y_scale (float, float)
x_scale and y_scale specify the scaling factors to apply to the explod in the horizontal and vertical directions. Both default to 1 (no scaling) if omitted.

angle = angle (float)
angle specifies the explod's drawing angle in degrees. Defaults to 0.

yangle = y_angle (float)
y_angle specifies the explod's drawing angle around the y-axis in degrees. Defaults to 0.

xangle = x_angle (float)
x_angle specifies the explod's drawing angle around the x-axis in degrees. Defaults to 0.

sprpriority = pr (int)
pr specifies the drawing priority for the explod. Animations with higher priority get drawn over animations with lesser priority. For instances, setting sprpriority = -3 will cause the explod to be drawn under most characters and other explods, which usually have sprpriority >= -2. Defaults to 0 if omitted.

ontop = bvalue (boolean)
Set ontop = 1 to have the explod drawn over all other sprites and background layers. This parameter has precedence over sprpriority. Defaults to 0.

shadow = shadow (int)
If shadow is not 0, a shadow will be drawn for the explod, else no shadow will be drawn. Defaults to 0.

ownpal = ownpal_flag (int)
If ownpal_flag is 0, the explod color will be affected by subsequent execution of the player's PalFX and RemapPal controllers. This is normally the default.

If ownpal_flag is 1, the explod color will not be affected by subsequent execution of the player's PalFX and RemapPal controllers. This is the default if the anim is from fightfx.air.

remappal = dst_pal_grp, dst_pal_item (int, int)
Forces a palette remap of the explod's indexed-color sprites to the specified palette. This parameter is used only if ownpal_flag is non-zero and a fight.def anim is not used. If dst_pal_grp is -1, this parameter will be ignored. Defaults to -1, 0.

removeongethit = bvalue (boolean)
Setting this to 1 will cause the explod removed if the player gets hit. Defaults to 0.

ignorehitpause = bvalue (boolean)
If this is 1, the explod will be animated independently of the player that created it. If set to 0, it will not be updated when the player is in hitpause. Defaults to 1.

trans = trans_type (string)
Overrides the explod's animation transparency settings. See the Trans controller for details. An "alpha =" parameter may be specified if trans_type is an additive type. If omitted, does nothing.

Deprecated parameters:
postype = postype_string (string)
postype_string specifies how to interpret the pos parameters. In all cases, a positive off_y means a downward displacement.

Valid values for postype_string are the following:

Interprets pos relative to p1's axis. A positive off_x is toward the front of p1. This is the default value for postype for characters with a mugenversion of 1.0 or less.

Interprets pos relative to p2's axis. A positive off_x is toward the front of p2.

Interprets off_x relative to the edge of the screen that p1 is facing toward, and off_y relative to the top of the screen. A positive off_x is to the right of the screen, whereas a negative off_x is toward the left.

Interprets off_x relative to the edge of the screen that p1 is facing away from, and off_y relative to the top of the screen. A positive off_x is toward the center of the screen, whereas a negative off_x is away from the center. For historical reasons, the offset behavior is inconsistent with postype = front.

Interprets off_x and off_y relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. A positive off_x is toward the right of the screen.

Interprets off_x and off_y relative to the upper-right corner of the screen. A positive off_x is toward the right of the screen.

Interprets off_x and off_y as an absolute position. This is the default value for postype for characters with a mugenversion of 1.1 or higher.
The use of p1 or p2 postype will create an explod in stage space. The use of front, back, left or right postype will create an explod in screen space.

The postype parameter has been deprecated in 1.1, with its functionality replaced by a combination of the space and bindID parameters, as well as the ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight, and various Edge triggers.

In 1.1, the equivalent parameters that replace postype are:

postype = p1

space = stage
pos = Pos X + CameraPos X, Pos Y
facing = facing
postype = p2

space = stage
pos = (enemynear, Pos X) + CameraPos X, (enemynear, Pos Y)
facing = enemynear, facing
postype = front

space = screen
pos = ifelse(facing = -1, 0, ScreenWidth), 0
facing = 1
postype = back

space = screen
pos = ifelse(facing = 1, 0, ScreenWidth), 0
facing = facing
postype = left

space = screen
pos = 0, 0
facing = 1
postype = right

space = screen
pos = ScreenWidth, 0
facing = 1
random = rand_x, rand_y (int, int)
Causes the explod's bind point to be displaced by a random amount when created. rand_x specifies the displacement range in the x direction, and rand_y specifies the displacement range in the y direction. For instance, if pos = 0,0 and random = 40,80, then the explod's x location will be a random number between -20 and 19, and its y location will be a random number between -40 and 39. Both arg1 and arg2 default to 0 if omitted.

supermove = bvalue (boolean)
This parameter is deprecated -- use supermovetime parameter instead

Set supermove = 1 to have the explod persist until the end of a super pause, regardless of the value of removetime. Defaults to 0.



The position of an explod that is bound to a player is determined only after all player updates have completed (compared to helpers, which are created relative to the player's immediate position when the controller was executed). This behavior is necessary to make explods bind properly to the player's screen position.

For example, assume the player has an x velocity of 5 and a position of (160,0). If an explod is created with an offset of 0,0 relative to p1, then the explod's actual screen position will be 165,0.
Last Edit: September 10, 2020, 10:25:09 am by Odb718
Re: Explod (SCTRLs)
#2  October 02, 2015, 06:49:12 am
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You have a typo in the topic title.

Further info about ontop = 1. This completely ignore sprpriority.  The explod shown with the highest priority will always be the last one created. If you have a reason for specific layering of explods, do not use ontop, make use of varying sprpriority values instead.

If the whole screen needs to go black a combination of allpalfx and ownpal = 1 on explods will allow you to do SGS (common example) without making use of envcolor or ontop.

In M.U.G.E.N there is no magic button

They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance.
Re: Explod (SCTRLs)
#3  October 06, 2015, 02:57:46 am
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It should be noted that 1.1b added a "space" parameter. I would share input if I played with it more.
Re: Explod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#4  October 23, 2015, 06:15:04 pm
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Added 1.1b documentation
Re: Explod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#5  October 27, 2015, 12:59:05 am
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I know this isn't quite the modifyexplod thread but the ownpal attribute cannot be modified whatsoever :(
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Hahahah fuck you photobucket.
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#6  October 30, 2015, 03:29:50 pm
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It's part of ModifyExplod now.
Seemed fitting to add this here since it didn't have a lot of information.
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#7  October 30, 2015, 05:26:26 pm
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ModifyExplod will not change the animation of the Explod. To change the animation, it is necessary to remove the previous explod and display the new one, use a RemoveExplod and then a new Explod
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Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#8  October 30, 2015, 06:55:12 pm
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If you put a player into a custom state, and use Explod to display an animation from that player, the sprite will be drawn at the actual size.

Meaning, the enemy's local coordinate space (LCS) is not factored into the scale of the sprite.
As far as I can tell, there is no possible way to detect a player's LCS in order to compensate for this in the "scale" parameter.
So, if P1 and P2 do not have the same LCS in their Definitions (.def) file, the results will range from the sprite being drawn 2X or 3X larger than expected, as well as 1/2 or 1/3 smaller than expected, depending on the difference between their LCS.

For this reason alone, you should avoid using the Explod controller in a custom state.  It's a different story if you are making a fullgame

Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 07:13:10 pm by altoiddealer
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#9  October 24, 2016, 02:51:34 am
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If you use an envshake to shake the screen while an explod is paused due to Pause or SuperPause then the envshake will have no affect on the Explod.

Everything on screen will shake except the explod.
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#10  April 18, 2017, 06:44:33 pm
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Seems like 2017 is the year of discoveries for the mugen engine. Thanks to a bug report someone submitted regarding some of my characters, I came across the following:

Rice - Today at 11:50 AM: hah
Rice - Today at 11:50 AM: turns out explods are bugged in mugen
The 14th Doctor - Today at 11:51 AM: Mugen is never safe from the bugs
Rice - Today at 11:51 AM: let me put this way
Rice - Today at 11:51 AM: if an explod is spawned by a helper, and the helper destroys itself while the explod still exists, the next helper to be spawned that used the previous helper's playerID will become the owner of the explod
Rice - Today at 11:51 AM: which means you can have explods on p1's side using p2's sprites and animation data
Superteletubbies64 - Today at 11:52 AM: holy shit
Superteletubbies64 - Today at 11:52 AM: are there videos of that
Rice - Today at 11:52 AM: no but I have a screenshot thanks to Plas's bug report
Rice - Today at 11:52 AM:
Rice - Today at 11:53 AM: take a close look at Flandre's spellcard selection menu, its using Ichirin's sprites
Superteletubbies64 - Today at 11:53 AM: oh f*ck

So what's going on here? Basically explods are tied to the playerID of the helper (or player) that creates it, and persists even after the helper that spawned it calls a destroyself controller. For players, this isn't an issue since players never can call destroyself, but if another helper from Player 2's side is spawned and uses the PlayerID of the helper that spawned the explod (very likely when the PlayerID is a lower value), thus the explod is now owned by Player2's helper, thus it inherits player2's animation & sprite data, causing the bug in the screenshot. The solution?

Rice - Today at 11:54 AM: the solution to this problem was the easiest one, just have the helper stay on screen until the explod is gone, preferably through a changestate

tldr; be careful when using helpers to spawn explods.
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#11  June 30, 2017, 08:55:49 pm
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Multiple 1-Tick Long Explods that are constantly drawn (always triggered), on the same Sprite Priority, will always be drawn "as One sprite"

Example using this: Jailbot (by me  ;D)

If you want to have a sprite/animation that behaves independently from another one, but are meant to appear combined "as one sprite/animation"...
Meaning, this can't happen---
Spoiler: Both players AND shield have same sprpriority, but the shield helper still gets drawn on top (click to see content)
--it is 100% possible.  In fact, I did this with the majority of character.  My character's face is a separate Explod which changes depending on the enemy's position - so it appears that Jailbot is watching the enemy.

So here is a simple example which will draw the face and player on one sprite layer, which no other player, sprite, helper, etc can ever get sandwiched between.

Jailbot standing:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

So in this example my character and his face float up and down.  In-game, no other sprites will get drawn between them.

The drawback: it often takes special attention to animate things, since the Explods must be 1-Tick anims to always be drawn as "one sprite"
Example, I use a Var to control the glitch effect of one of his faces which is composed of only 1-Tick anims
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 09:15:55 pm by altoiddealer
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#12  August 26, 2017, 04:54:41 am
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While transitioning all my Mugen projects to 1.1, I came across multiple deprecated parameters. I am going to post some alternate methods to get past errors that are in FF3 when it comes to coding for Mugen 1.1.

Explode; postype
In 1.1, the postype parameter in 1.1 is deprecated, although it still works in Mugen but FF3 will highlight it as a deprecated parameter. Within the docs, it says to replace postype = p1 with..
In 1.1, the equivalent parameters that replace postype are:

postype = p1

space = stage
pos = Pos X + CameraPos X, Pos Y
facing = facing

It works for any explod that is not binded to your character. Any effects, such as blinking, and needs to be in a fixed area, even if your character is moving this will not work.

This is an example of the code above, if the character is being pushed while the explod spawns, the explod will not move along with your character. To fix this we will need to add:
bindID = -1
space = stage
pos = Pos X + CameraPos X, Pos Y
facing = facing

This will bind the explod to your character's position. However, this will happen.

The bindID is actually the 'new' postype. The value "-1" will bind it to the character's axis, whereas "-2" does not, which is the default value.
Now to fix this code entirely, we will reset the pos back to 0,0.
bindID = -1
space = stage
pos = 0.0
facing = facing

And now we have a replacement for any postype = p1.


[State VelS, 1]
type = VelSet
trigger1 = time = 0
x = gethitvar(xvel) * facing
y = gethitvar(yvel)
This code is self explanatory. It takes the velocities of both X and Y within the opponent's HitDef and uses it to set the value of your character's velocity.
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#13  March 12, 2018, 01:41:18 am
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Mugen 1.1 BindID
(Edit 2) Using Statedef -2 is not the best place to use explod tracking. My mistake there - I developed another way have special effects track p2.

The bindID definition value "Special values are -1 (bind to any single player) and -2 (do not bind)." is WRONG. -1 value binds the explod to p1 only. Meaning that explods cannot bind onto p2 at all. Explods will only spawn on p2 position.

The way to have special effects bind to p2 is to use helpers.

Here is the code to spawn explods onto p2.
[State Helper, 1]
type = Helper
trigger1 = numhelper(9999) = 0
name = "Bind_Effect"
ID = 9999 ;These numbers can be changed
stateno = 9999 ;These numbers can be changed
pos = 0,0
postype = p2
persistent = 0
keyctrl = 0
ownpal = 1
size.xscale = const(size.xscale)
size.yscale = const(size.yscale)

;Bind Helper
[Statedef 9999]
type = A
ctrl = 0
anim = 9999

[State PosS, 1]
type = PosSet
trigger1 = 1
x = enemynear, pos X
y = enemynear, pos Y

[State DestroyS, 1]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = animtime = 0

The image below will be the result of the code above.
Last Edit: March 12, 2018, 03:00:29 am by Seraphs Ares
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#14  June 07, 2018, 03:56:38 pm
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Noticed that Ikemen doesn read deprecated sctrl's as well as mugenversion of characters,which lets me use 1.1 zoom sctrl  with mugenversion being 1.0,as well as explod postype still working even if I update it to mugenversion=1.1
Re: Explod & ModifyExplod (SCTRLs) 1.0 +1.1b
#15  August 08, 2020, 04:29:06 am
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Noticed that Ikemen doesn read deprecated sctrl's as well as mugenversion of characters,which lets me use 1.1 zoom sctrl  with mugenversion being 1.0,as well as explod postype still working even if I update it to mugenversion=1.1

So, you're saying postype = front doesn't work on Explod?


Re: Explod (SCTRLs)
#16  May 28, 2021, 03:08:05 pm
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Further info about ontop = 1. This completely ignore sprpriority.  The explod shown with the highest priority will always be the last one created. If you have a reason for specific layering of explods, do not use ontop, make use of varying sprpriority values instead.

layering with ontop is possible through spawning the lowest priority layer first and the highest priority layer last.