
[Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread (Read 1079820 times)

Started by Formerly Hoshi, April 21, 2010, 09:50:12 pm
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1661  January 22, 2016, 11:18:38 pm
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Well, seeing how good the sprites are and all that (and the fact that everyone seems to want a good Juri for MUGEN), kinda understandable their reactions heh. Hopefully it doesn't eat away too much at your time, since projects like these can be quite taxing!
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1662  January 23, 2016, 05:38:55 am
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My first Juri animation...

Any feedback is welcome.

Credits to Chamat since this is edited over his animation.
(DeviantART) - Ignore my username on DA as it was made long before I learned what the fanbase was like...
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1663  January 23, 2016, 07:16:49 am
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This is neat. 
I would put at least 1 more frame at the beginning to transition from her stance into the move, as it looks a little jerky.  And, maybe one more frame at the end to smooth back into her stance.


Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1664  January 23, 2016, 07:20:08 am
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her viewers left arm's shading is jittery, but other than that OH GOD MY BODY IS READY
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1665  January 23, 2016, 12:32:20 pm
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About this:
I would put at least 1 more frame at the beginning to transition from her stance into the move...

didn't Chamat's Juri have a transition frame? You must have missed that (I'm talking to DelusionTrim).
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1666  January 23, 2016, 03:24:28 pm
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My first Juri animation...

Any feedback is welcome.

Credits to Chamat since this is edited over his animation.


In addition to what the rest has said, I also kind of wonder where her sash goes during the animation, since it looks like it'd fall down and be visible between the legs. It's a relatively minor nitpick but I figured I'd share it none the less. Great work though, looking forward to more!
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1667  January 23, 2016, 03:41:41 pm
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It looks good! More frames transitioning her to and from her stance would definitely help it.

I would think about defining where her knees are a bit more, referencing Makoto. Knees seem to be an important stylizing thing in SF3<That's more of a opinion thing though.

Best of luck!
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1668  January 23, 2016, 06:54:28 pm
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didn't Chamat's Juri have a transition frame? You must have missed that (I'm talking to DelusionTrim).

It actually did, it's kinda odd though because she moves back in said transition frame:

It looks good! More frames transitioning her to and from her stance would definitely help it.

I would think about defining where her knees are a bit more, referencing Makoto. Knees seem to be an important stylizing thing in SF3<That's more of a opinion thing though.

Best of luck!

Tried it and it looked odd... dunno what it is but it's hard to make them look convincing (knees outlines on baggy pants) so I went with the shoto style instead...

Speaking of referencing Makoto, one thing I'll do is make those speed deformation and windy effects on some of Juri's sprites. I know other SF3 characters have this but with Makoto it's much more noticeable.

her viewers left arm's shading is jittery, but other than that OH GOD MY BODY IS READY

I actually didn't notice this before, I'll see what I can do.

This is neat. 
I would put at least 1 more frame at the beginning to transition from her stance into the move, as it looks a little jerky.  And, maybe one more frame at the end to smooth back into her stance.

I actually did put one extra frame at the end, well technically (her pants move). But looking at it again I think it's her upper half that needs to move a bit more smoothly, will look into into that.


In addition to what the rest has said, I also kind of wonder where her sash goes during the animation, since it looks like it'd fall down and be visible between the legs. It's a relatively minor nitpick but I figured I'd share it none the less. Great work though, looking forward to more!

Also didn't notice this, Chamat's original one didn't have it so I guess that's why I didn't draw her sash... will fix it, too.
(DeviantART) - Ignore my username on DA as it was made long before I learned what the fanbase was like...
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1669  January 23, 2016, 10:39:29 pm
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I guess I should speak up. I missed it before but Juri's body should be casting a shadow on her legs too.
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1670  January 24, 2016, 08:26:35 am
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Updated the animation!


Added 2 extra frames, one at the beginning of the animation and another at the end for a smoother transition, tweaked her right arm to look less jittery and added even more color separation (belt outlines and stripes on her pants).

I guess I should speak up. I missed it before but Juri's body should be casting a shadow on her legs too.

Not sure if I quite understand, do you mean taking out the shiny parts of her leggings during her stance?
(DeviantART) - Ignore my username on DA as it was made long before I learned what the fanbase was like...
Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 08:31:25 am by DelusionTrim
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1671  January 24, 2016, 09:14:57 am
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So, somebody will finally make worthy Juri in MUGEN.
Well then, good luck!
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1672  January 24, 2016, 02:49:10 pm
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I'm saying her torso would block the light on her legs. I went back through a bunch of sf3 sprites and this seems to only be true half the time so maybe it's not that important.
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1673  January 24, 2016, 08:35:00 pm
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  • Seize the coveted miracle in the game of death.
Now for sprites for the SFV cast, I think it's time to upload one for the newcomers, boom:

She's so much fun to play in this game, love her character.

Laura's face is based on Cara Delevingne in this sprite... just like how Cammy's based on Emily Blunt, I dunno why I keep doing this but it's quite fun to do this.

I'm saying her torso would block the light on her legs. I went back through a bunch of sf3 sprites and this seems to only be true half the time so maybe it's not that important.

I tested it and at least on her right leg, erasing the light on it doesn't seem too off, on her left leg however it doesn't look good.
(DeviantART) - Ignore my username on DA as it was made long before I learned what the fanbase was like...
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1674  January 24, 2016, 09:09:03 pm
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    • Netherlands
Now for sprites for the SFV cast, I think it's time to upload one for the newcomers, boom:

She's so much fun to play in this game, love her character.

Laura's face is based on Cara Delevingne in this sprite... just like how Cammy's based on Emily Blunt, I dunno why I keep doing this but it's quite fun to do this.

I'm saying her torso would block the light on her legs. I went back through a bunch of sf3 sprites and this seems to only be true half the time so maybe it's not that important.

I tested it and at least on her right leg, erasing the light on it doesn't seem too off, on her left leg however it doesn't look good.

Its as astonishing work as usual, though I would like to point out that the back (her left) upper leg appears to connect rather oddly with the lower body. Maybe you can change the angle so it's one pixel closer, if you get what I mean.
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1675  January 24, 2016, 09:18:54 pm
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Amazing Laura. I just see that one thigh happens to be quite thicker than the other. Also, I can't remember her exact height, but she still seems a little too tall:

Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1676  January 25, 2016, 01:20:02 am
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    • Argentina
Dat Laura, she looks fantastic! :)
Pixel Art!

F*ck Photobucket!
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1677  January 25, 2016, 01:28:53 am
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Amazing Laura. I just see that one thigh happens to be quite thicker than the other. Also, I can't remember her exact height, but she still seems a little too tall:

From what I found, she's 5'9", same height as Ryu. Given that she's crouched a slight bit in her stance, she does seem a bit taller than she needs to be yeah.
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1678  January 25, 2016, 02:17:15 am
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  • Seize the coveted miracle in the game of death.
I always seem to make characters a bit taller than they actually are for some reason... I dunno what it is but it just happens, should watch out for that for the SFV characters that I have yet to make.
(DeviantART) - Ignore my username on DA as it was made long before I learned what the fanbase was like...
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1679  January 31, 2016, 09:38:21 pm
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  • Seize the coveted miracle in the game of death.
Uploaded Ken today:

I guess there are no problems with height this time around... at least I think so >_<
(DeviantART) - Ignore my username on DA as it was made long before I learned what the fanbase was like...
Last Edit: January 31, 2016, 09:54:21 pm by DelusionTrim
Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter 3/CPS3 Sprite thread
#1680  January 31, 2016, 10:49:16 pm
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  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
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Best way to tell is to stick the sprite by another character that's the same height (probably Ken's other sprite? I'd assume it'd be the same height yes? If not, Ryu's always the best base for height).