
what game are you playing right now (Read 1065179 times)

Started by Shunu, December 09, 2009, 09:37:27 pm
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Re: what game are you playing right now
#5001  July 16, 2017, 11:31:46 am
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Torment: Tides Of Numenera

Runs like shit on PS4.

Fun so far though. The effort system is really interesting and I much prefer the turn based combat to the original Torments real time stuff.
"Multiple exclamation marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind."

"Okay, okay. So you put a Nazi on the Moon. Fuck you, Moon."
Last Edit: July 16, 2017, 11:35:12 am by Mechy
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5002  July 16, 2017, 02:14:23 pm
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Mighty Gunvolt Burst
This game is a huge embarrasment for Mighty No. 9, because this is the game Mighty No. 9 should have been, IMO. The bullet customization and Burst Combo system is the evolution the Mega Man-style gameplay needs, and everything from level design to boss patterns actually has some thought put into it. It feels like an actual Mega Man game rather than a pale imitation of one. And with Beck being a playable character, it makes me look back on MN9 and wonder why, if the talent was clearly there, that game couldn't have been this.

That said, I'm still a scrublord who keeps dying over and over. And I can't understand why the game would make you pick a reward when the boss' element weakness chart is still a thing. Surely they should just give you the elements as standard?
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5003  July 16, 2017, 03:53:26 pm
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The Punisher (2005)

Ooooh, man. How many feelings I have for this game?
You see, this is one of the games that goes with me through my life. It was one of the first games I ever played on PC, and even today I'm playing it with so much joy.
I just want to say here, this game is SO MUCH CRAZY FUN! Come in the room with two pump actions, mess the whole room around with TWOHANDED (!!!!!!!) shotgun shooting, beating survivor with white skull above his head into pulp to get aome ammo, throw druglord Damage out of the balcony... And that's just level one.
And right now, when upcoming Spider-Man for PS4 is going to create Marvel's Gaming Universe I hope they'll remember old good Frank and finally create a new game about him, with tortures and badguys. And, preferably, some updates since 2005. Open world and "Hitman: Blood Money"-like guns customization system would do nice...
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5004  July 19, 2017, 07:23:35 am
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The Wolf Among Us: Episode 2

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

This one had some moments that pushed me forward when I didn't want to be pushed forward, and some scenes that didn't really work with the choices I made. The writing for the different paths was a little weak. Still liking the overall story and tone, though.

Also Beauty is terrible. Beast is pretty terrible too. I wonder if there will be an option to fuck them over later. I'll take it.


Episode 3 choices:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty


Episode 4 choices:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty


Episode 5 choices:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Final thoughts:

Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 01:35:31 am by Snakebyte
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5005  July 23, 2017, 10:28:25 pm
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Demon souls.
where the fuck do i go? why is there strong ass enemies that one shot kill me in the first level?
the combat is very good tho, and i really like collecting the hidden loot.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5006  July 23, 2017, 11:09:00 pm
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Super Robot Wars V

been trying to get this game for long while, now I have it , but...............



Why did they change the game system ?  you don't get to keep your money or levels if you get a game over , and also you can never try to get SR points if you get a game over ether
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5007  July 24, 2017, 01:53:14 am
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Dark Souls 2 SotfS NG+
You'd think just adding a few more enemies,1 or 2 new boss mechanics and additional item drops here and there,wouldn't make the game feel incredibly fresh
But you'd suprisingly somehow be wrong
I am somehow liking this game FAR more than DS1 and the Souls fanbase will have my head for it
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5008  July 24, 2017, 04:22:25 am
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The souls fans want your head for anything even your build. They're as irritable as smash fans.

Dark Souls 3
2 hours and 34 minutes with 0 deaths this time. If I keep this up I'll be distortion but with more wool.
Iroha stripped for me
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5009  July 26, 2017, 02:20:16 am
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Fun fact; starting a new game for your little brothers, even without the intention of saving anything, auto-deletes all your previous saved data of your previous run.  Cool feature you got there, dudes.

Ugh.  Well, day 5 of owning a Switch, at least it's not like I made any significant percentage into the real content of the game.  I'd only met Impa last night.  But goddamn it, all those Koroks I'm not going to remember.  And all those shrines I excavated.  And I'd only just got lucky with the amiibos and got the Tunic of Time, too.

Well....darn.  I guess I'm doing a new run, straight through the story to catch up that and see where I end up comparatively.  Maybe I can spam restarts of the game now until I get a nice run of amiibo items to get Link looking like himself from the beginning.
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5010  July 26, 2017, 03:47:13 am
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My Little Pony:Rise of the Clockwork Stallions DX

Right now, I just started in the first world, but this game has its charm. It has a few instances that make you think the game engine is buggy (game maker's a nice starter engine but has flaws indeed) but I do like the efforts put into this. Plus, I did play the original and I can see the quality in the updates.
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5011  July 26, 2017, 03:51:08 am
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Pokemon Rejuvenation.

So far, a really good Pokemon Fan game, its based of Reborn an awesome game in itself, 1st city is massive, and (like reborn)you get to pick from all starters. so far its damn fun, and its fun as hell to explore.
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5012  August 07, 2017, 11:45:15 am
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back again with demon's souls.
i fucking love it, it's so damn addicting. im currently farming souls from latria's second level. i like farming from gargoyles because killing them grants you twice as much souls (their kill rewards and their drops). i even looted a gargoyle crossbow and a spiral rapier from them.
once i upgrade my magic enough, ill go kill that flamedemon with the gargoyle crossbow.
I'm going to let god handle you people ✞
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5013  August 17, 2017, 09:16:03 am
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Sonic Mania

Just finished my first run of the game. I only managed to get four chaos emeralds, but I'm definitely gonna replay this game (and hopefully get them all eventually) because it's just fantastic! I can really feel the love Christian Whitehead and Co. put into this game. It captures the spirit and feel of the classic Sonic games so well.

Tom Fry's sprite work and Tee Lopes' music deserve a special mention too for how much I love them. I think Mania might have overtaken the CD soundtracks as my favourite of the series.

In case my gushing wasn't enough, this game is well worth getting!

Gonna try to do all emeralds runs with all three characters next.
Last Edit: August 17, 2017, 09:23:52 am by ShiroTori
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5014  August 18, 2017, 08:49:58 pm
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Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice

I'm about three hours into this so maybe my opinion will change, but I'm bored and need something to talk about so have my thoughts.

The presentation is amazing. One of the most beautiful games I've ever seen, with amazing voice/mocap acting and sound design. The story/writing is interesting too. However, the gameplay is really disappointing. It's basically a walking simulator with occasional combat bits, and the combat is very basic. Even though I knew that's what it was going in, I expected more. It has puzzles that are just puzzley and lengthy enough to be annoying and take you out of the narrative, and the combat bits are just lengthy enough to be annoying and do the same.

So far, this doesn't live up to the hype, but it's still pretty good. I don't regret buying it, I'm gonna finish it, I'm liking it but not loving it. From the preview footage, I was expecting something better.
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5015  August 19, 2017, 07:06:34 am
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I'm sorry for doubleposting but I need to correct my impressions.

That game was fucking great. The pacing in the first couple hours is pretty terrible, but that was real goddamn good and if past me dissuaded anyone from picking this game up, ignore past me. Past me is an idiot.


Re: what game are you playing right now
#5016  August 20, 2017, 01:38:44 pm
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Agents of Mayhem

Saints Rowverwatch. That is, the continuation of Saints Row's Gat-rebooted-the-universe ending, as a Saints Row style game involving an Overwatch-style privately funded mercenary group that fights evil. The whole thing's framed like a 90s TV show, with animated cutscenes and public service announcements whenever you go back to the hub.

Biggest change is instead of one Boss character that gets all the guns and all the powers, you play as any three of fourteen unique characters, all with their own gameplay overhauls unique to them. Some play samey as fuck, like Hardtack (the heavy sailor man who shotguns people and chucks harpoons) and Redcard (ze German soccer hooligan who shotguns people and uses a shockwave vest), but others are unique as hell, like Oni (the yakuza hardman who demoralises enemies by staring them down or just being within his aura of death), Daisy (the roller derby tank girl who balances between bullet hose minigun and knocking people out with hipchecks) and Scheherezade (the middle eastern ninja who has no long range weaponry at all and ambushes people with teleports and swords). Each has strengths and weaknesses which you can build up or account for, and you switch between them in fights. It stops things from getting too stale and grindy, which was to me one of Saints Row's biggest weaknesses.

People are gonna miss the old stuff, like the more wacky diversions of Saints Row, or the super powers of the last game, but for me this is at least on par with the old ones on personality alone. Pick it up on consoles because the Steam version has Denuvo, but well worth a shot.
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5017  August 21, 2017, 03:06:14 pm
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I'm sorry for doubleposting but I need to correct my impressions.

That game was fucking great. The pacing in the first couple hours is pretty terrible, but that was real goddamn good and if past me dissuaded anyone from picking this game up, ignore past me. Past me is an idiot.

Me too. This game I didnt think would be good, but it is really amazing.
minor spoiler alert - the main character suffers from some mental illness and thats what makes it so interesting.
The developers wanted to put you right inside the mind of the character and her mental state and said that this game is supposed to be played in complete darkness with 7.1 headphones - and man where they right. If you have a 4k Gaming PC I highly recommend
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5018  September 09, 2017, 02:41:24 am
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Been a while since someone's posted in here, so just bringing a little revival with a mass of text.  Been playing Pokémon Diamond recently.

I skipped gen 4 and 5 initially, my interest in the series waned when they were new, the then-new Pokémon were lackluster, the legendaries did not catch my eye, etc.  But since ORAS gave a nice little shot in the arm to bring me back in, alongside Sun and Moon being fun but lacking in the postgame department, I figured I'd bite the bullet and try the games I passed before.  Maybe they'd be good, who knows.  I'd have loved to get HeartGold or SoulSilver actually, but it'd probably defeat the purpose of even doing this and I'll be getting the Virtual Console original titles later in the year anyways.

So, 3 badges in right now.  I'm...not hating it, to be civil.  I apologize if this is someone's favorite generation or it gets better later on, but the world isn't gripping me with anything of interest, the selection of Pokémon aren't all that preferred for later on, and I noticed something odd about transitioning to this generation.  In most generations, they throw in a handful of oddball evolution methods.  Gen 1 had trade evolutions and evolutionary stones.  Gen 2 had pre-evolution baby forms and trades while holding items.  Gen 3...actually, I don't recall what they did different in evolution trees, they were more focused on the new natures and weather.  Maybe they started time-based evolutions.  Gen 4 here seems to be the starting point for friendship evolutions.  The problem is, as far as I've encountered, no one even mentions this as a possibility.  In Kanto, you'd have a number of pedestrians with flavor text hinting or outright stating how their Graveler or Machoke changed when traded.  Gen 2 told you about Steelix and baby Clefairy.  But if I didn't already have prior knowledge from later gens, it seems unfair to thus far not have told the player at least there is an unseen friendship meter that needs to be raised for your starter area Buneary or Budew to evolve.  Especially Budew, also needing to be done in the daytime alongside the friendship thing.

The bad guys do amuse me this gen, though.  They're even more flamboyant than Team Aqua or Magma, but act like complete gangsters more like Team Rocket, which is a funny disconnect when they threaten to straight-up kill you and rob the town of their Pokemon but all have neon blue Hatsune Miku hair and the captains are dressed as go-go dancers with the Milky Way splatted all over them.  Not sure if the OCD kid from your hometown is your rival or Dawn, but I like Dawn so far.  The other guy is more annoying than Hau, though.
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5019  September 09, 2017, 02:49:45 am
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Frienship-based evolution was present since gen II. That's how the original batch of baby pokemon evolved.
Re: what game are you playing right now
#5020  September 09, 2017, 03:01:18 am
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Ah.  Well then, never mind me then.  Though I will stay stubborn on they should have at least had someone mention that a handful of these new Pokémon will being focusing on that friendship meter, especially some of them not being baby Pokémon.

There is one other reason I'm picking up these generations as well I should add on, in that I've rediscovered my copies of Sapphire and Emerald, and after laughing at myself at my terrible "god-tier" team from 12 years ago, I've been considering transferring some of the old guys up to more current games, like my Shadow Lugia.  But looking into the procedure, to go from gen 3 to 4 your gen 4 game needs to have completed the Sinnoh Pokedex and get the national one.  Which...may be impossible with just a copy of Diamond and Platinum, I don't got no Pearl.

I really hope that's not necessarily the case, but if not I guess I'm hunting down a copy of Pearl at some point.