
Miyako Arima WIP (Read 13193 times)

Started by Nep Heart, June 16, 2019, 09:01:45 am
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Miyako Arima WIP
#1  June 16, 2019, 09:01:45 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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 Since Mai was the last EFZ character for the while has been released, this will be the unveiling of my next WIP. This time, I'll be tackling a Melty Blood character that I personally enjoy playing in the source game and the thought of making her in my own style has lingered for a while. With the introduction of Series Abilities, Miyako will retain a few Melty Blood mechanics while converting her in my own custom style.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#2  June 17, 2019, 05:44:32 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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 You know how I said that I'll be taking a few Melty Blood mechanics for Series Abilities? Well, this is one of them. The Shield FX is actually my own idea because the source game apparently is five layers of very complicated effects and that's a bit much even for me.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#3  June 19, 2019, 07:52:09 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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 Bye bye, Brawly.

 Also, shown below will be the input version of Miyako's level 3 in Blood Heat mode. Yes, that's the other Melty Blood Mechanic I'm adopting into her Series Ability, although it differs quite a bit from the source game otherwise.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#4  June 20, 2019, 06:07:23 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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 The alternative version of Miyako's level 3 in Blood Heat Mode and how to enter said mode. During this mode, all of Miyako's EX specials have their cost cut by 50%, restores life on start-up based on current her power bar (up to 300 life), gains an additional 1000 power and Max Mode is disabled. Also, as part of her Unique Ability called "Bajiquan," Blood Heat mode makes all but a few attacks have a 100% critical hit chance, the first hit in a combo is always a counter hit. On start-up, Miyako is surrounded by an unblockable blast that sends the opponent flying across the screen to prevent them from punishing her after entering it. However, she loses access to Kyuu-Kyoku Ougi as a result while Blood Heat is active.

 There will be more on Miyako's Unique Ability in what she can do outside of Blood Heat mode that will give her monstrous mix-up potential.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#5  June 22, 2019, 05:42:38 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
    • USA

 Finished two of her level 1 supers, just need to finish one more.

 I'm trying to actually retain her EX Specials from the source game, but because they're unremarkable to to be supers, I've assigned them a different purpose of being similar to EFZ Reinforce Specials, except they use up power meter instead and apply an extent of reverse damage scaling in trade of being less damaging than supers. Also, for the record, Shino-Ichigeki can be canceled from Sashin-Ken provided you have enough power to do so and you've hit a target in the process.

 The combined damage would actually be somewhat lower when Guts is factored, but it's a good way to finish combos since Shino-Ichigeki's damage increased based on hitcount.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#6  June 27, 2019, 07:48:54 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
    • USA

Been recently practicing AI coding, so, Miyako may not be the first potato I'll ever release. It also means she may take longer than usual since I'm still new to this.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#7  July 03, 2019, 07:30:55 am
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Holy moly, that damage looks wicked
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#8  July 07, 2019, 12:09:59 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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 Tbf, my characters' and their combo damage are designed with guts in mind, which they so happen to have. Even then, the damage is slightly toned down since then.

 Anyway, while I do not really like watch mode videos much, this one actually has a purpose in showcasing the current progress on Miyako's custom AI.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#9  July 08, 2019, 06:37:20 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#10  July 09, 2019, 11:38:37 am
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Wow, the AI seems pretty good. Have you thought about giving the previously released characters an AI at some point (I know Holn gave Mio and Nayuki AI patches recently, but still)?
I dunno what to put here for a signature.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#11  July 10, 2019, 12:59:16 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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 Definitely, although it'll be a slow process as I'll be doing AI for each previous character one at a time since it can be pretty time consuming to get it to work the way you want it. I do plan to go on a break as far as character creation goes, so, I can use that opportunity to give my previous characters AI from there.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#12  July 14, 2019, 08:00:28 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
    • USA
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#13  July 18, 2019, 02:29:19 am
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 It's sorta obvious at this point that I draw a lot from ArcSys games for my own stuff, so, Gold Mode is going to be a thing for everyone sooner or later. However, it'll be a slow progression as I update everyone with their own Gold Mode, so, for now, only Miyako's getting it.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#14  July 18, 2019, 04:21:02 am
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  • 仮面ライダーグランドジオウ
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Uh, forgot when she was releasing.
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#15  July 18, 2019, 06:27:48 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
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 I don't really set release dates, I just release whenever I feel ready and I usually take my time with projects, which is why they usually take 1 to 2 months per character (Sayaka being an exception as she was a 4 month learning experience).
Re: Miyako Arima WIP
#16  July 21, 2019, 03:35:46 am
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  • CPU Purple Heart
    • USA