
Ikemen GO bug reports (Read 694556 times)

Started by Gacel, September 09, 2019, 11:26:09 pm
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Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#41  January 18, 2020, 10:30:16 pm
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Ikemen_GO_Win_x64 - 0.9, Kathos' fork:

- Sometimes Ikemen closes when starting, not showing a log message. Usually the first time you open it. Or after a long time when you get back to it.
- Training mode is incomplete?
You cannot select the opponent. Both player 1 and player 2 can be killed. The match does not start with full power bar and
energy does not regenerate. Besides, there is no menu.
- Some musics do not play, and others have a hushed and hissing sound (samples).

Persistent issues:
- Specific intros do not work properly, generally P1 plays a random animation while P2 plays the correct animation.
Some characters do not play specific intros when they are the player 1, but they play normally when they are player 2 (Kenshin from RKSaS for example).
- Maximum of 7 fights in arcade mode. With specific order of opponents or not.
- The standard winquote appears on the victory screen after the 4th or 5th fight. It's not 100% of the time, so I have no way to indicate the trigger, but there are times that all winquotes appear normally.
- "Round.default.anim" doesn't play.
- Draw Game anim / text appears after D.KO.

So, I tested the lifebar again and this time it worked, except what I mentioned above. It seems that there is also a problem with semitransparency of sprites in png, the edges appear to be a little black. Here's the lifebar (OpenGl version of course).
The stages do not appear on the select screen, even if they are assigned for a character and includestage is not used. HOWEVER, I think that this way is better because you can choose the order in which the stages appear on the selection screen.

One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

Did you play the new
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Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#42  January 20, 2020, 02:53:31 am
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oh wow k4thos finally responded once I dissapeared from this thread for a long time lol. Does this implment more than 3 lifebars or not yet?

edit: aaaand youre still a fucken cunt
Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 11:32:02 am by junkerde
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#43  January 20, 2020, 11:46:06 am
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- Sometimes Ikemen closes when starting, not showing a log message. Usually the first time you open it. Or after a long time when you get back to it.
Please use this file to start ikemen:
It will display command line along the game and won't close it when crashed. Post here if something will be printed there once it happens again.

edit: I've found the problem, will be fixed.

- Training mode is incomplete?
You cannot select the opponent. Both player 1 and player 2 can be killed. The match does not start with full power bar and
energy does not regenerate. Besides, there is no menu.
fixed (it's part of the screenpack repository, so you don't have to wait for appveyor to get it) You can also download it from here.

- Some musics do not play, and others have a hushed and hissing sound (samples).
Tagging @Gacel: because he added mp3 support and I don't know anything about it.

- Specific intros do not work properly, generally P1 plays a random animation while P2 plays the correct animation.
Some characters do not play specific intros when they are the player 1, but they play normally when they are player 2 (Kenshin from RKSaS for example).
this is not enough to reproduce it efficiently. Please check my previous post for example repo steps. Direct link to 2 characters that caused a problem (I assume intro that should trigger against some character didn't, so both characters are needed to test it), information which intro was problematic and (if you know how to do it) portion of the CNS code that failed to trigger (or at least some video or screenshot, so that we know what to look for). In other words please, when reporting stuff like this, always provide as much information as possible, otherwise testing is very time consuming (sometimes even impossible to reproduce).

- Maximum of 7 fights in arcade mode. With specific order of opponents or not.
Can't reproduce it. Please create "debug" directory in your main ikemen go folder. Now start the arcade mode, exit the game and upload whole "debug" folder as well as "data/select.def". With this I should be able to figure out what's up.

- The standard winquote appears on the victory screen after the 4th or 5th fight. It's not 100% of the time, so I have no way to indicate the trigger, but there are times that all winquotes appear normally.
This has never happened to me, so once again proper repo steps are needed. At least a link to character that displayed the wrong quote and his defeated opponent, so that we can try to reproduce it locally. You could also help with testing it by limiting amount of winquotes that characters have to the point that the problem is no longer random.
edit: I've menaged to reproduce it locally. Fixed.

- Draw Game anim / text appears after D.KO.
this one is easy to fix (I've tested it in mugen and indeed it should not happen)

- "Round.default.anim" doesn't play.
edit: fixed. Please read the commit description to ensure that the results of my tests are accurate to how it works in mugen.

So, I tested the lifebar again and this time it worked, except what I mentioned above. It seems that there is also a problem with semitransparency of sprites in png, the edges appear to be a little black. Here's the lifebar (OpenGl version of course).
a screenshot from both mugen and ikemen go showcasing the issue (same lifebar, same element) would be appreciated.

The stages do not appear on the select screen, even if they are assigned for a character and includestage is not used. HOWEVER, I think that this way is better because you can choose the order in which the stages appear on the selection screen.
fixed locally (not uploaded yet). As for the second part - stages assigned as character parameters are added after [ExtraStages] section (if not already present there), so, unlike mugen, you still have control over the stages order.

oh wow k4thos finally responded once I dissapeared from this thread for a long time lol. Does this implment more than 3 lifebars or not yet?
this is a bug report topic, please use it only for this purpose.
Last Edit: January 24, 2020, 01:52:19 am by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#44  January 20, 2020, 09:51:44 pm
  • *****
  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
  • Competitive MUGEN when?
    • UK
Maybe you could tag Gacel for the Screenbound issue on the previous page aswell. I haven't seen him respond here honestly.
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Most likely my next full-game
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#45  January 20, 2020, 10:27:12 pm
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    • Greece
The sudden crash at the start happens when ikemen has to load many characters.The crashes started when it had  to load over 60-70 characters.
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#46  January 21, 2020, 11:03:32 pm
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The sudden crash at the start happens when ikemen has to load many characters.The crashes started when it had  to load over 60-70 characters.
indeed, I've found where the problem lays, will be fixed.
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#47  January 21, 2020, 11:39:02 pm
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force close bug video

select screen roster Huge Lag problem
Join My JUSMUGEN Community.
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#48  January 23, 2020, 10:06:42 pm
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Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#49  January 24, 2020, 05:40:41 pm
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    • Greece
newest version with ratio system has a bug at tag-simul mode, when you dont have a second character with the same order and you have onlyme=1 option for a character ikemen skips the fight.You must have the same character twice for ikemen to not skip the fight.

example:(ikemen doesnt skip the fight)
akuma, vsscreen=0, stages/YDA_CVS_Gouki/YDA_CVS_Gouki.def, stages\XX'BLUE'XX\XX'BLUE'XX.def, includestage=0, order=11, onlyme=1
akuma, vsscreen=0, stages/YDA_CVS_Gouki/YDA_CVS_Gouki.def, stages\XX'BLUE'XX\XX'BLUE'XX.def, includestage=0, order=11, onlyme=1

(ikemen skips the fight)
akuma, vsscreen=0, stages/YDA_CVS_Gouki/YDA_CVS_Gouki.def, stages\XX'BLUE'XX\XX'BLUE'XX.def, includestage=0, order=11, onlyme=1
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#50  January 24, 2020, 09:53:01 pm
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Maybe you could tag Gacel for the Screenbound issue on the previous page aswell. I haven't seen him respond here honestly.
he is aware about this issue

newest version with ratio system has a bug at tag-simul mode, when you dont have a second character with the same order and you have onlyme=1 option for a character ikemen skips the fight.You must have the same character twice for ikemen to not skip the fight.

example:(ikemen doesnt skip the fight)
akuma, vsscreen=0, stages/YDA_CVS_Gouki/YDA_CVS_Gouki.def, stages\XX'BLUE'XX\XX'BLUE'XX.def, includestage=0, order=11, onlyme=1
akuma, vsscreen=0, stages/YDA_CVS_Gouki/YDA_CVS_Gouki.def, stages\XX'BLUE'XX\XX'BLUE'XX.def, includestage=0, order=11, onlyme=1

(ikemen skips the fight)
akuma, vsscreen=0, stages/YDA_CVS_Gouki/YDA_CVS_Gouki.def, stages\XX'BLUE'XX\XX'BLUE'XX.def, includestage=0, order=11, onlyme=1


@Rurouni, please read edits to this post - most stuff you've reported has been fixed in recent commits. Still waiting for repo steps regarding intros problem you've mentioned, screenshot presenting blending problem, as well as debug dir + select.def needed to investigate your arcade issues.

- If you press "ESC" in Arcade Mode, you go to the continue screen. In MUGEN 1.0 you go back to menu, in MUGEN 1.1 you go back to select in Arcade Mode, imo, this is better).
I've changed it to mugen 1.1 behavior in the latest commit.
Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 11:05:05 am by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#51  January 25, 2020, 03:56:29 pm
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  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
  • Competitive MUGEN when?
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You may want to cut sounds off like the KO sound for lifebars when leaving the match, unless this was fixed and I've missed it.
Also Order doesn't seem to apply to Boss Rush.
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Last Edit: January 25, 2020, 04:03:31 pm by RagingRowen
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#52  January 26, 2020, 04:35:47 am
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  • Rurouni Fan
  • The dream is nothing yet drive us to the end.
@Rurouni, please read edits to this post - most stuff you've reported has been fixed in recent commits. Still waiting for repo steps regarding intros problem you've mentioned, screenshot presenting blending problem, as well as debug dir + select.def needed to investigate your arcade issues.

- If you press "ESC" in Arcade Mode, you go to the continue screen. In MUGEN 1.0 you go back to menu, in MUGEN 1.1 you go back to select in Arcade Mode, imo, this is better).
I've changed it to mugen 1.1 behavior in the latest commit.
Oh, that's great. I'm taking a short break, but I'll be back soon. Keep up the good work.
One day someone will rip the Inuyasha stages... Not today nor tomorrow, probably not even in this decade. But you know, someday... :')

Did you play the new
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Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#53  February 08, 2020, 06:53:58 am
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I think is better to report bugs here since the thread can get crowded on Discord.

Using Gacel build 0.84
The Linux build doesn't include an executable. I had to compile it myself.

So far I have to mess with some new stuff related to the menu, but for anyone else who was using motif.lua to set Ikemen exclusive items on the menu, you have to use now system.def to show those items.
Code: = "Online" = "Training"
menu.itemname.extras = "Extras"

; MAIN MENU -> ONLINE SUBMENU = "HOST GAME"               ;Ikemen feature = "JOIN GAME"               ;Ikemen feature = "BACK"                          ;Ikemen feature

; known IP addresses show up before serverjoin.back item = "NEW ADDRESS"     ;Ikemen feature = "BACK"               ;Ikemen feature

menu.itemname.extras.freebattle = "FREE BATTLE"             ;Ikemen feature
menu.itemname.extras.100kumite = "100 KUMITE"            ;Ikemen feature
;menu.itemname.extras.bossrush = "BOSS RUSH"                 ;Ikemen feature
;menu.itemname.extras.bonusgames = "BONUS GAMES"             ;Ikemen feature
;menu.itemname.extras.replay = "REPLAY"                      ;Ikemen feature
;menu.itemname.extras.randomtest = "DEMO"                    ;Ikemen feature
menu.itemname.extras.back = "BACK"                          ;Ikemen fe

I want to share this before someone reports bugs related to Menus.

Now you can go from any "Arcade Mode" to versus mode if p2 start button is pressed but if you press Escape after entering on Versus from arcade, it just crashed to desktop with this error

./script/start.lua:2013: 2番目の引数が数ではありません。
stack traceback:
[G]: in function 'setTeamMode'
./script/start.lua:2013: in function 'f_p1TeamMenu'
./script/start.lua:1858: in function 'f_selectScreen'
./script/start.lua:1296: in function 'f_selectArcade'
script/main.lua:1480: in function 'f_itemname'
script/main.lua:1874: in function 'loop'
script/main.lua:2289: in main chunk
[G]: ?

No more crashing to desktop after finishing arcade mode. thanks!!
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#54  February 08, 2020, 10:30:43 am
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Now you can go from any "Arcade Mode" to versus mode if p2 start button is pressed but if you press Escape after entering on Versus from arcade, it just crashed to desktop with this error
fixed locally (not uploaded yet)
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#55  February 10, 2020, 01:42:00 am
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    • Colombia
Using Gacel build 0.84
The Linux build doesn't include an executable. I had to compile it myself.

The reason why it does not include is because the Docker image is missing "libglib2.0-dev"
"sqweek/dialog" uses "gio-2.0", "glib-2.0" and "gobject-2.0" included in the package.

I'm building a new Docker image with it fixed right now but it will take a while.
But wait!! We haven't made the Suave Dude character yet!!
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#56  February 11, 2020, 11:05:43 pm
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So when attempting to identify a bug with the old S-SIZE IKEMEN Plus, I discovered one (and then a second, unrelated bug) with GO.

Basically, red health takes an extra frame to clear, which means if an attack makes contact with the opponent on the same frame they regain control, the red health will imply it was a true combo, when it wasn't.

The other bug is to do with drawing positions. When I was trying to replicate the bug in GO, I noticed my version of Training's display was off.

Every time I redrew the display, the positions of each Explod would be randomly offset.

I can post a link to this version of Training if you'd like. It's a little outdated compared to the one I'm using for an IKEMEN game, but the display code is the same.

Oh, I want a diagram. I fucking love diagrams.
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#57  February 13, 2020, 07:44:26 am
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Single in any team mode cant be only disabled by editing the line

teammenu.itemname.single = ;Ikemen feature

in the system.def or motif.lua. Can not be disabled from the options anymore...
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#58  February 16, 2020, 09:00:44 pm
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  • IKEMEN Go interactive stage object creator
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For my latest stage pack release, go here:

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Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#59  February 17, 2020, 12:06:42 am
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Single in any team mode cant be only disabled by editing the line

teammenu.itemname.single = ;Ikemen feature

in the system.def or motif.lua. Can not be disabled from the options anymore...
this option will be removed in the near future (there is no point to have it when each option can be disabled by assigning empty itemname in screenpack DEF file)


Another bug report related to 16:9 aspect ratio.

In mugen if you use 16:9 resolution (e.g. 1280x720) and stage with 4:3 localcoord (e.g. 320x240) then by default stage is rendered in 4:3 aspect ratio:

Ikemen Go renders such stage using 16:9 aspect ratio, zooming it in:

There is no such problem when the stage uses the same aspect ratio as game resolution. Current Ikemen GO behaviour actually also exists in mugen after disabling stagefit option in mugen.cfg, but since it's not disabled by default, I consider current behaviour as compatibility issue with mugen resources.
Last Edit: February 17, 2020, 12:23:29 am by K4thos
Re: Ikemen GO bug reports and know bugs
#60  February 17, 2020, 01:37:01 am
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