
Optional Animation Standards (Read 864675 times)

Started by Jmorphman, February 16, 2012, 03:40:11 am
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#121  December 05, 2017, 03:36:53 am
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So, I'm actually wondering about this. I was looking at Yu-toharu's site at custom states, and couldn't find any information on this one at all. Yes, it is the Sexy KO animation. I'm not doing any sprites for this, but was wondering what exactly the animations for this are? I've only seen it twice, once in SYD's Kung Fu Girl, and once in Choiyer's Haruhi (shudders). What I have is from KFG:

From what I could find from KFG:

[Begin Action 25030]
25030, 0, 0, 0, 5

[Begin Action 25035]
25030, 1, 0, 0, 7

[Begin Action 25050]
25030, 2, 0, 0, -1

[Begin Action 25100]
25030, 6, 0, 0, 1

[Begin Action 25160]
25030, 5, 0, -10, 3

[Begin Action 25110]
25030, 7, 0, 0, 5
25030, 8, 0, 0, 5
25030, 9, 0, 0, 5
25030, 10, 0, 0, 5
25030, 11, 0, 0, 5
25030, 12, 0, 0, 1

Haruhi does it in a weirder way, and I'm not sure how MUGEN actually handles these. As much as I don't like looking in Haruhi's SFF, I did learn that other things can be made to happen during the animation as separate objects. But yeah...anyone that's done these animations and/or added them to characters know if this is how those work??
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#122  December 05, 2017, 05:10:40 pm
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While this thread's being bumped, I'd like to mention that I've recently updated the first post with a thorough documentation of several new animation standards. I think I've got pretty much all the major standards (still gotta add the Z2 anims, though), but I'm not sure if it's worth adding every single animation that's listed here.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#123  December 07, 2017, 04:13:27 pm
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I updated the Cused to include the states needed for flying cursed chars like when Morrigan is turned into a bat.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#124  December 12, 2017, 07:36:13 am
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Much appreciated on that, JNP~ It's nice to see that this was updated while I wasn't looking heh. As to you, JMan, probably not? Some of those I don't even know if they're used at all, or that often. Tiki's Divinestone seems to be used a lot in JP characters I've noticed, though it's only with Tiki so...

As to my question, I'd like to amend it a bit. In addition to what I asked, is there a way to set it based on a timer. For instance, if the character is defeated before 20 seconds or something, then a specific animation happens?? Doesn't even have to be Sexy KO for this one (though it's something I'm still investigating for exchange of help), could be any animation in general I suppose.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#125  September 20, 2018, 03:41:39 am
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More animations:
Eyedol by Mike Obrecht:
-Humiliation Dance: Animation 29902
      It doesn't matter how many ticks this animation is as far as what I know but  the last tick can't have a time of -1.
-Screen Smack-There's two parts for this.
      -Part 1: Flying towards screen: Animation 29907
            The last tick must end with a time of -1.
      -Part 2: Hit the screen: Animation 29908
            It must have a tick with a time of -1. Do not use sprite with a group of 29908 because of the next animation for when there's one that exists.
-For a Chief Thunder No Mercy: Animation 29908 with a sprite from group 29908.
      The Animation must have a tick with a time of -1. Don't know why Obrecht did this, but ok.

Juano16 fatalites can be seen here as a HTML file download.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#126  February 10, 2019, 03:49:54 pm
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Question: is there a special anim about the enemy being cut in half like this?? Something like being squashed on the ground but being cutted in 2 in this case.
I've one seen it in ClayFighter chars (in MUGEN by Shadowtak, a code/anim system I implemented on my Earthworm Jim) and in some attacks of Darkstalkers' Bishamon, but none of them have it in MUGEN as an anim


Re: Optional Animation Standards
#127  February 12, 2019, 02:11:37 pm
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Aren't those special (state) anims, one has to implement in the "receiving" char, like it was needed for Andres Borghi's characters?
Maybe it just wasn't included, since it was no full game conversion & so unlikely people would update their chars accordingly.

Sorry if this is unfitting, me not having a clue. MODS, please delete in that case...
 ;Filename of sprite data
spr = stages/ ***.sff
Last Edit: February 12, 2019, 02:29:12 pm by TiE
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#128  March 01, 2019, 02:35:54 pm
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^Yes, you can add to your character the anims in your AIR and/or SFF to make the custom state works.

Also, I want to add a special anim I made for some of my recent chars and that was already explained in my release thread:

5305 -> Pre-Claytality pose
A state based on what I did with Earthworm Jim and later with Blue Suede Goo, it's a simple anim you can add in your character to make him/her compatible with the pre-Claytality state (for normal chars, it goes to 5300/dizzy state BTW). Only 2 sprites getting down with time 5-6 and the last one on its knees with time -1, all of them with clsn2. If it's a KOF/CVS char, you can use part of the cheap KO sprites to make the anim, but always you can improvise as I did with BSG.
PS: It was originally the 5301 but it clashed with the dizzy sparks anim, so I changed to 5305 instead. But there're some exceptions like Kong's Pocket Fighter chars that have the dizzy sparks on 5305. If there're more chars to use 5305 as dizzy sparks, maybe change it to 5310.

Also, @Jmorphman: or @Just No Point: , there're some stuff I want you to add/discuss here (or anyone who can know about it too, you are welcome):
-My state 5305 is enough qualified to be added here to this list so more people can use it??
-Is there something between states 7681 (breeze (?)) and 7688 (being a ball) to be used?? Or are they free to use for other states??
-A correction: Vertical Spinning states (5250 and 5251) are used by Thomas Hsieh's Jin Saotome, also stated in Yu-Toharu's page as "Saotome Cyclone" states
-If I can explain better some states that aren't in the thread list or are already in the Incomplete section, can you add them to the main list??
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#129  March 02, 2019, 05:24:21 am
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-My state 5305 is enough qualified to be added here to this list so more people can use it??
Yep, lemme add it!

-Is there something between states 7681 (breeze (?)) and 7688 (being a ball) to be used?? Or are they free to use for other states??
I don't believe so; nothing listed between them here, for instance.

-A correction: Vertical Spinning states (5250 and 5251) are used by Thomas Hsieh's Jin Saotome, also stated in Yu-Toharu's page as "Saotome Cyclone" states
Ah, cool. I'll note that.

-If I can explain better some states that aren't in the thread list or are already in the Incomplete section, can you add them to the main list??
Yes, absolutely! :D
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#130  March 03, 2019, 11:47:36 am
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If there're more chars to use 5305 as dizzy sparks, maybe change it to 5310.

If 5310 isn't taken, I'd suggest using that number. It sets itself apart to be unique but still close enough to know it's sort of related. and it gives 10 alts to the dizzy animation. 05 is too close, imho.
vVv Gouken718 vVv
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#131  July 20, 2020, 08:47:01 pm
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Re: Optional Animation Standards
#132  October 12, 2020, 06:59:28 pm
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Spoiler: Burning (Street Fighter II era) - 88500-88504 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Defeated Portrait - 9001 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Enma Ishi - 7699 (click to see content)

Spoiler: Cutting, Darkstalkers Series - 7700-7730 (click to see content)

Well, that's the last of the Darkstalkers gethits we know of. AFAIK, nobody's made a standard for Q-Bee's grab where she stings you, nor being covered in honey by her; both are just done with PalFX, standard gethits, and the use of a universal honey/egg sprite covering the hit sprite.
Last Edit: December 14, 2020, 08:25:47 pm by Miru962
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#133  October 28, 2020, 04:41:41 am
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And the last of the big three elemental effects has come!
Spoiler: Frozen (click to see content)

Spoiler: Squashed Flat (click to see content)

Spoiler: Smashed Into the Screen (click to see content)
Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 09:42:08 pm by Miru962
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#134  December 14, 2020, 05:29:03 am
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Spoiler: Cutting, Darkstalkers Series - 7700-7730 (click to see content)
Woah! Are those standards used by anyone? I'd love to actually be able to use all those cut in half sprites for something.

And speaking of Togakubi Sarashi, I've found that that animation usually works well with 5888 (slammed into ground). For example, Demitri gets cut in half at the waist and stares at the camera looking annoyed, which works well with the concept of being driven into the ground with only your upper torso sticking out. Of course, Bishamon's own animation wouldn't really make sense for that purpose since he turns into a weird demon head thing, but perhaps that could be explained away because Darkstalkers is so cartoony.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#135  December 14, 2020, 08:24:51 pm
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Woah! Are those standards used by anyone? I'd love to actually be able to use all those cut in half sprites for something.

And speaking of Togakubi Sarashi, I've found that that animation usually works well with 5888 (slammed into ground). For example, Demitri gets cut in half at the waist and stares at the camera looking annoyed, which works well with the concept of being driven into the ground with only your upper torso sticking out. Of course, Bishamon's own animation wouldn't really make sense for that purpose since he turns into a weird demon head thing, but perhaps that could be explained away because Darkstalkers is so cartoony.

Basara-Kun will add these standards to his Clayfighters and Bishamon. 5888 being used as a placeholder/emergency animation for characters without 7730 is a good idea. Maybe if they don't have either 7730 or 5888, they would just become their small portrait?
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#136  August 13, 2021, 03:25:13 am
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I just posted about this, but it worked!! :D so the claytalities cutting you in half are coming very soon!!

Woah! Are those standards used by anyone? I'd love to actually be able to use all those cut in half sprites for something.
Oh yeah, I'll use them for my cut-in-half claytalities and probably I'd add it to Bishamon when I come back to work on him. So yeah, you should post that in the main post so anyone else can add them too ;)
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#137  August 17, 2021, 02:03:36 am
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Here's another standard from SF3:

Spun 180 Degrees Standing - 5600, 5610

In Street Fighter III, several characters had a grab game revolving around grappling victims from behind. While getting behind the enemy was rather difficult, there was a work-around; a "turned back" state that could be triggered with some attacks. In the animation 5600, your character is blown away and spun over while standing, leaning over and having their back face the opponent, and they are stunned for a bit. You will need CLSN2 boxes for it to make the frame work,

The next animation, 5610, shows your character recovering from being spun back. Show them quickly turning.

Examples: GM's SF3 characters use these animations.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#138  October 07, 2022, 04:18:31 am
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Spoiler: Smashed Into the Screen (click to see content)

I believe I mentioned that one. Also, I started a wiki for these animations. If you want, you can add everything here to the wiki. There's also stuff on the wiki that's not here. Also, there's not much as of the making of this reply but there'll be more.
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#139  October 07, 2022, 09:21:46 pm
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Not sure if this counts, but lemme contribute:

Rest in Peace! - 11114

The opponent is turned into a ghost and ascends to heaven, while the opponent simply reuses a hit frame with a ghostly palette, this can be taken advantage of by other characters using unique sprites for Rest in Peace!

Example: Yu & Rei by Enterku

Ravange's Mummification - 11360, 11361, 11362, 113603

The opponent is sealed into a sarcophagus with a face of itself on it.

Example: Ravange (No specific author, but compatibility should be implemented)
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Last Edit: October 08, 2022, 05:15:17 am by Ganbare-Lucifer
Re: Optional Animation Standards
#140  April 27, 2023, 12:52:40 am
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Gearing up to release my MK2 Cage, I noticed the existing Mortal Kombat standards are both incomplete, and a little inflexible. I made this system using anims 57600-57699 for special move reactions, 57700-57799 for MK2 Fatality Reactions, 57800-57899 for MK3 Fatality Reactions and 57900-57999 for other assorted reactions. I know that sounds like a lot but these games have a TON of custom anims. Afaik these anim numbers aren't used for anything else.

These are the ones Cage actually uses:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

These are anims used by other MK characters for their fatalities and special moves. Cage doesn't actually use these so I'm just proposing some standards here:
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

In addition, Cage also uses:

5180 = Stumble backwards. One of the lists on the 1st page says 5180 is the number to use for this but doesn't provide any specific examples. Is this widespread enough that characters won't be using it for anything else?
Last Edit: April 27, 2023, 02:20:38 pm by SaltAddict