
[Fighting Game Template] (Read 28644 times)

Started by HQ, December 05, 2020, 10:59:22 am
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[Fighting Game Template]
#1  December 05, 2020, 10:59:22 am
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Hi :)

Not entirely sure where to actually post this (if wrong, pls mods move it to the right section).

So, me and a friend have been working on a 2D Pixel Art Fighting Game Template for quite some time now & are happy to finally show it to you!

The template uses Unity as a base, so exporting your game creation to about any platform is easy :)

Besides a fully animated character, three stages and all the screens, fx, ui graphics, you will als find a proper palette system, a rim light shader and many many more things that will help anyone to create a proper 2D Pixel Art Fighting Game. The release will also allow commercial use, so selling your own game creation will be no problem.

Enclosed some work in progress snippets:

P2 Position in the Select Screen has been fixed of course :)

What you see here is the rim light shader, the palette systems working with the lightning and the rain particle system at work :) (the palettes are this colorful to highlight the change possibilities)

Also, here's the training stage (that uses a color separation & has a few different palettes) All the stuff you see is only 2D of course!

and here the official twitter account:

Would love to hear your thoughts on it :)
Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#2  December 05, 2020, 11:59:34 am
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  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
I like the initiative.
It's a good opportunity to hva more people making some real 2D fighing games in, the future.

Nice graphics BTW.
Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#3  December 05, 2020, 12:25:08 pm
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Shouldn't the hit count reset when the enemy gets out of the get hit states?


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#4  December 05, 2020, 01:21:15 pm
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Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#5  December 08, 2020, 08:08:21 am
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Enclosed a quick preview of the rim light shader:

+ a video of the different shadows:

Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#6  December 11, 2020, 11:37:07 pm
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    • Germany
That looks realy cool so far, could you show a bit how the character coding in this Template looks like?


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#7  December 12, 2020, 12:11:05 pm
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Thanks Lichtbringer!

Unity is using C# - we created a very modular system that can easily be expanded if needed.
We had modability in mind since day one & put two years into perfecting while covering all the angles.
Users of any level shouldn't worry about the code but if someone wants to tweak it, we provide a fully commented code that explains everything in detail.

Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#8  December 12, 2020, 07:06:53 pm
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    • Germany
Thanks Lichtbringer!

Unity is using C# - we created a very modular system that can easily be expanded if needed.
We had modability in mind since day one & put two years into perfecting while covering all the angles.
Users of any level shouldn't worry about the code but if someone wants to tweak it, we provide a fully commented code that explains everything in detail.

Oki good to know. :)

To be honest I don't know much about Unity.^^
Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#9  December 19, 2020, 12:33:57 am
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  • SNK is life
This looks pretty good. Do you think it's only aplication is Fighting games, or could it be used for other genres like, say, Sidescrollers or Platformers?


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#10  December 22, 2020, 12:51:48 pm
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Oki good to know. :)

To be honest I don't know much about Unity.^^
Unity is a fantastic game engine! Been working with it for about 5 years now & love it! Give it a try!

This looks pretty good. Do you think it's only aplication is Fighting games, or could it be used for other genres like, say, Sidescrollers or Platformers?

Thanks Walt!
We have created a lot of tools that can be used in any game that's using pixels. The code of the template is by design very modular and open to modification but our goal with this is to provide everything you'll ever wish for when making a fighting game like SF or Kof. For other types of genres we have future plans however ;)

Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#11  December 22, 2020, 01:10:43 pm
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  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Awesome!! This seems so cool!!

1) Is there a colour selector from the select char window? I mean, as SFV, where you actually can see the colour you're chosing.

2) Interactive stages? Like breaking stuff OR secondary stages(as in one of those old Fatal Fury, where you hit your rival in the limit of the stage SO hard it broke something and appears in another stage). Transition? As cloud-storm-sunny?

3) Coding tutorial? I'm a bit stupid at this.

4) Personalized rival for character before the final boss(as in Tekken: Nina-Anna; Kazuya-Wang, etc). Allowing a post-final boss(as Gouki in SF-4)

5) Story mode? With images and text. And maybe a part of the story mode previous to certain combat.

6) Select different outfit before fight? I mean, imagine Mortal Kombat where Kitana, for example, has MK2, MK3 or MKX outfit. Select the one you want before the first combat.

I think it's all which comes to my mind. Thaks a lot, HQ :)!!!
I swear there was something cool here!!


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#12  December 22, 2020, 01:57:08 pm
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Thanks FeLo! :)

1) right now it works like Mugen, so depending on which button you select the fighter, you have a different palette.
2) Interactive stages are already in. Transitions are in/ a weather change as well. A breakable stage object is on the to do list :)
3) You won't need to change the code if you don't want to, but there will be videos explaining how to make a new character, how to add x behavior etc.
4) Yes doable, but we only have one character right now so yeah :)
5) Yes is in.
6) We have different palettes selectable by the key you press. If you want different characters to be selectable from one character (example: Instead of showcasing 5 different Gokus, you could showcase just one Goku in the select screen and depending on the key you press it loads a different character instead of the palette. So Input x is Goku Normal, Input y is Goku SSJ, etc...)
Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#13  December 25, 2020, 06:40:21 pm
  • ******
  • ¡Ni p*ta ni santa! ¡Digo!
Thanks, [HQ]
What I meant with the 1st question was if there's the chance of seeing which colour are you selecting, before the fight starts. Just me terribly expressed. Something like this, but in the select menu:

Once selected the colour you want, start the fight. I know there are a lot of characters that have a palette selector INSIDE the fight, but not from the select window, appearing the different colours.
I swear there was something cool here!!


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#14  December 26, 2020, 01:49:52 pm
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Oh! While it would be possible to add the feature in the future, we decided -for the moment - to not add a palette selector inside the select screen.
The reasoning behind that, is that it just prolongs the time to start playing. After the character selection, one has to select the stage as well.
What you see in the video/ gif a the top of the page is only one character to begin with that already shows the different palettes.

Either way, it's worth noting for future updates! :)

Also tight sprite work!!


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#15  January 19, 2021, 01:43:18 pm
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News bump:

Enclosed a small preivew of behind the scenes:
We are working on the simplest combo creator for the AI - it's not force playing moves but rather injecting the input sequence of each one.
Meaning you'll actually see it go through the motions like a real player; but it can fail sometimes (if the AI get's interrupted on the sequence for example).
This is a subcase for our AI only; we have a fully fleshed out conditional score based AI system in the works as well.

How to think of this in simple terms, is that instead of just relying on the AI doing random moves, you can tailor a few combos like this and give them a score (how high the chances are the AI has to pick this combo, e.g. ultra combos will have less score). This is helps to make the AI more human-like, like a prepared player and not just button mashing. The AI deciding to do a combo is of course conditional as well; you can specify other behaviors with a set of conditions, playing an anti air move for example.

All these might seem complex to do but rest assured we have a created a user interface in the editor to simplify them to just clicks :)

Video Link just in case it doesn't load via the image tag:


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#16  January 26, 2021, 01:35:32 pm
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Still working hard on this:
Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#17  February 01, 2021, 06:30:23 am
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Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#18  February 04, 2021, 03:27:10 pm
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    • Germany
News bump:

Enclosed a small preivew of behind the scenes:
We are working on the simplest combo creator for the AI - it's not force playing moves but rather injecting the input sequence of each one.
Meaning you'll actually see it go through the motions like a real player; but it can fail sometimes (if the AI get's interrupted on the sequence for example).
This is a subcase for our AI only; we have a fully fleshed out conditional score based AI system in the works as well.

How to think of this in simple terms, is that instead of just relying on the AI doing random moves, you can tailor a few combos like this and give them a score (how high the chances are the AI has to pick this combo, e.g. ultra combos will have less score). This is helps to make the AI more human-like, like a prepared player and not just button mashing. The AI deciding to do a combo is of course conditional as well; you can specify other behaviors with a set of conditions, playing an anti air move for example.

All these might seem complex to do but rest assured we have a created a user interface in the editor to simplify them to just clicks :)

Video Link just in case it doesn't load via the image tag:

That is a realy interesting system to create some "non cheating" AI's, and having everything in an interface will save a lot of time for users who want to create for example an Hard boss that is suposed to do some crazy stuff, or chars on harder difficultys instead of coding every possible combo by hand.

I'm realy excited to see more progress on this. =)


Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#19  February 15, 2021, 12:27:06 pm
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Thank you Lichtbringer!

The past weeks were pretty hectic but we made some good progress nonetheless. There are some really exciting things happening behind the scenes now, but here's something I can share right now:

The Cutscene System:

Re: [Fighting Game Template]
#20  February 19, 2021, 11:44:59 pm
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    • Germany
The Cutscene System:

About that, can you explain how it works right now, and what kind of triggers it recognizes?

For example can it play different Cutscenes between the same characters if for example the stage is different? Or change depending on if you play in Story/Arcade mode or in VS mode?