
[OHMSBY Thread]: Kiryu Coco Released (09/15/24) (Read 7264706 times)

Started by OHMSBY, August 09, 2020, 05:26:17 am
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Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All characters quick update (02/19/22)
#861  February 20, 2022, 06:02:02 am
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Everyone has been updated again. This time with a quality of life improvement to go with the bug fixes:

-Characters now start to flash when the conditions for their astral heat are met
-Various Bug Fixes

You can download everyone simultaneously from the Google drive folder:

Hey OHMSBY, since you have created over 53 characters(54 with the upcoming Pyra) coming from different games and playstyles, how do you come up with the combos for the characters? Do you research combo trials of these guys and then implement them in to the development process? Or is there a specific pattern that you follow when designing them that be applied to any characters you make?

I usually check the combo trials of the source games and adapt them into the projects. More often than not however, ideas for combo routes tend to come to me as I'm in the process of making the character.

Honest question, have you considered making characters from the game Newgrounds Rumble?


Ah, cool updates, OHMSBY. Which characters had their auto combo finishers changed?

It's all just adjustments to the damage and chip damage values for the ones that use special attacks as their auto combo finishers.

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All characters quick update (02/19/22)
#862  February 20, 2022, 09:35:11 am
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Alright, all bugs I mentioned are fixed with the exception of one. So there shouldn't be anymore major updates with them from here on out unless more quality of life improvements are planned. However, I found a bug with the astral heat flash on certain characters. Instead of them flashing, a giant version of their standing animation will appear and here are the ones that are affected:
Ragna and Susano'o:

This is what happens and thought this was pretty funny. They are literally the size of Ultraman and Godzilla.

As for the ones that are fine, most of them are rather inconsistent. Like the opacity, transparency or the way they flash. Some of the flashes are just either too overpowering with color, too light, or stretches too highly which makes them look misaligned. Honestly, I prefer the way how Yang and Ruby flashes as it's a good balance of solid color, transparency and it's not too high. I like when they give a silhouette effect to them, but not to the point where their sprite can still be seen on it like Thief or Saya. I don't know which way of flashing is the correct one. Since they're your characters, you decide how the way you want them and tell me which one is it. Piranha Plant's bugs me the most as it's not fully aligned to his sprites.

Also, the one character I found on Homura after this update aside from her astral heat flashing:
-The hitspark and guard spark on her jC is misaligned.
-The hitspark on the 2nd hit of Falcon is misaligned and vignette effect is still layered behind as seen with the ground shatter on the last hit.

Another thing, I'm going to change one thing from my checklist from this as I made some errors while I was doing feedback for others. From this:
-All reversals have increased cornerpush on the last hit.
To these:
-All ground reversals are unblockable in the air and have increased cornerpush on the last hit.
-All air reversals are blockable airborne and don't have increased cornerpush on the last hit.
Of course this is not an issue for you as you would correct me about it and won't make the mistake. But not for other authors who based your characters off your style. As it wasn't specific enough, I can accidentally cause their air reversals to be unblockable in the air and still have the increased cornerpush too. An air reversal isn't usually common, but I can easily forget they don't work the same as a ground one. So this change will help me remember.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: February 20, 2022, 09:42:47 am by ZolidSone
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All characters quick update (02/19/22)
#863  February 20, 2022, 10:12:06 am
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Ragna, Susano'o, Homura and Piranha Plant have been fixed.

Since they're your characters, you decide how the way you want them and tell me which one is it.

I'd say what I have on Ragna and Susano'o should be the basis for how the flash effect works. Keeping them consistent is a little tricky since most of my characters have varying sprite sizes however. I will be going through each of them, but Pyra is my main focus right now.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All characters quick update (02/19/22)
#864  February 20, 2022, 11:00:58 am
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    • Indonesia
I found a bug when checking out the new Astral indicator, Kohaku AI decided to whip out infinite plants.

Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All characters quick update (02/19/22)
#865  February 20, 2022, 04:36:04 pm
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I just tested her out, and this didn't even happen at all.

Try redownloading her and see if it still happens for you. If it does, try to take note of what happens prior. For example, does she grab the opponent first before doing it? Does her animation loop or do multiple plants just get sent out at once?
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: All characters quick update (02/19/22)
#866  February 24, 2022, 01:46:17 pm
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  • The Vo-Cool-oid
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I got a couple quick bugs to show before you release Pyra, nothing too shabby.

-She starts moving after the end of her special intro against Lina (it happens before Lina begins to speak).

-Air Polar Star B causes expression truncated to integer debug errors.

King K.rool:
-Blast-O-Matic causes invalid palfx mul value debug errors.
He who is brave is free! - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Last Edit: February 24, 2022, 01:53:35 pm by Vocalnoid
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Quote, Lambda-11, and K Rool quick update (02/24/22)
#867  February 24, 2022, 05:39:55 pm
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All fixed.

Quote, Lambda-11, and King K Rool
-Fixes to debug related errors
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Quote, Lambda-11, and K Rool quick update (02/24/22)
#868  February 25, 2022, 04:01:36 am
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  • Resent Oneself
  • Long live the night!
    • Indonesia
Sorry for the super late response. I was feeling under the weather, so I took some days off of anything mugen related.

Speaking of the thing that I reported, I think it was a mistake on my end. I was playing around with the stage camera and it probably affected Kohaku's AI. Sorry about that.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#869  February 27, 2022, 09:56:38 pm
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    • USA
Pyra has been released.

1.0 Users: Pyra uses sffv2.1 by default. While this significantly reduces her file size, this sff can only be used with 1.1, Ikemen Plus, and Ikemen GO.
In order to use Pyra in 1.0, you will need to download this patch:

Spoiler: More Screenshots (click to see content)

Get Pyra here:

Spoiler: And my next character is... (click to see content)

Have fun
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#870  February 27, 2022, 10:17:16 pm
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I'm honestly curious on how you plan to tackle Vlov, cause I know my mind is thinking of a couple different ways on how his development is gonna go.
I dunno what to put here for a signature.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#871  February 27, 2022, 11:47:37 pm
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  • The Blind Furry
  • I’m new to this and I’m blind
    • UK
Pyra looks great!

Just wondering, what is the stage used in that Vlov screengrab?
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#872  February 28, 2022, 01:33:18 am
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  • The Vo-Cool-oid
  • Do you want to listen to the waves?
    • USA
I'm liking Pyra so far, but what bugs me is that her skin/palette looks a little (blue and/or saturated?). I know some of your other blender characters have the same attributions of having (not too sure what to call it, but take note that I barely know little about blender :P) singular colors within the face, Metaknight being the perfect example. They all seem to be fine on my end, but She's so far the only one I found to be off. So what I did is I made her Skin more lighter as you can see below.



Rex looked a little dim too, so I tweaked his palette as well.



To me this looks way nicer, although I wasn't sure if I wanted to be a similar tone like in SSBU or Xenoblade 2 (could've made Rex's lower chin a bit darker). Is there a reason you chosen this way for these chars? (specifically Pyra)

Pyra looks great!

Just wondering, what is the stage used in that Vlov screengrab?
Space Hunter DarkMoon DragonNest by Neat Unsou
He who is brave is free! - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#873  February 28, 2022, 05:45:54 am
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I have an opinion that I wanted to share about these Blender projects you make now after seeing Pyra in action, but I feel like these kind of characters truly brings something new and sets a new bar to the community. Even though the file size gets bigger, the amount in them is justified. Every single frame are utilized to the point where not even minor ones are skipped and the SFFs are mostly taken by the character's own sprites. Now I understand why you decided not to give them dedicated sparks years ago so the file size won't be bloated by the effects themselves. To see these kind of characters can still work for 1.0 proves that you don't truly need 1.1 to enjoy characters like these.

Now that is out of the way, I wanted to create a scale from opaque to translucent. Judging by how the works on Ragna and Susano'o, they look more opaque and are pretty bright. So even though I prefer how Yang and Ruby flashes, they need to be adjusted so they are consistent to them. The ones that are leaning toward to latter probably might need adjustments to be consistent with the rest:

Too light (These ones are barely noticeable by eye):

Translucent (These ones the characters details can still be seen):
Meta Knight

Stretched too highly (They feel way too stretched up and not aligned with their scale):
Robo Weiss

As for the ones not mentioned, I think they're just right. I also noticed when I turned debug mode on, the number of their helpers keep climbing the more they flash and they continue playing during superpause. Even when they flash during Not Over Yet, the helper remains on the ground for the rest of the entire round. Would this be a problem if they stand there and flash too much? I know this probably won't happen in an actual match since you'll activate astral heat already, but thought I ask.

Also, if Heart's flash is planned to be adjusted, I got some feedback for her that completely slipped:
-The normal shockwaves on 5BBB and her running throw is layered incorrectly (I just realized those are in front and not behind like her 66B).
-The opponent's get hit position on her backwards throw gets misaligned for half a second.
-The Super Flash on Super Amazing Iron Fist Punch of Love when she summons Partinias should be 7002 instead of from the fightfx (Previously it was fine before NOY, but now uses the stronger spark sound. So having that would be much fitting like Kirby or Terumi).

I'm liking Pyra so far, but what bugs me is that her skin/palette looks a little (blue and/or saturated?). I know some of your other blender characters have the same attributions of having (not too sure what to call it, but take note that I barely know little about blender :P) singular colors within the face, Metaknight being the perfect example. They all seem to be fine on my end, but She's so far the only one I found to be off. So what I did is I made her Skin more lighter as you can see below.
The original palette that had blue skin had an RGB of (215, 201, 192) and already changed to (226, 206, 197). It already should have been more closer to Smash Ultimate render now as that's where he taken the color sample from. The alternative palettes were left unchanged.
I will still do detail and aesthetic feedback for the rest.
Last Edit: March 20, 2022, 11:08:36 am by ZolidSone
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#874  February 28, 2022, 12:03:35 pm
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  • Self-proclaimed best creator!
More Melty Blood characters is good!
Still waiting for the blue-eyed maid though.
This is fate.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#875  February 28, 2022, 06:07:57 pm
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  • The Vo-Cool-oid
  • Do you want to listen to the waves?
    • USA
He who is brave is free! - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#876  March 02, 2022, 05:16:30 am
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  • Keep up the Good work!
    • USA
More Melty Blood characters is good!
Still waiting for the blue-eyed maid though.

As am I.   Hisui in OHMSBY's style would be dope!  As well as Mech Hisui and Hisui, Kohaku, and Mech Hisui Together.  I'd also like to see Maori Kasuga from Arcana Heart in his style as well.
 We can all dream, can't we? 
Mysterious Warrior 777
Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 09:47:01 pm by Mystrious warrior
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#877  March 02, 2022, 05:18:52 am
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  • Keep up the Good work!
    • USA
I just tested her out, and this didn't even happen at all.

Try redownloading her and see if it still happens for you. If it does, try to take note of what happens prior. For example, does she grab the opponent first before doing it? Does her animation loop or do multiple plants just get sent out at once?

Big fan of your work BTW.  ESPECIALLY Kohaku. 
Mysterious Warrior 777
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#878  March 02, 2022, 05:28:27 am
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  • 仮面ライダーグランドジオウ
  • The Scavenging Time and Space God
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Say....for Touhou, there are a few characters that use MMD models for them, so you can probably use those as a base.
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Pyra Released (02/27/22)
#879  March 02, 2022, 09:48:59 pm
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  • Keep up the Good work!
    • USA
Patchouli Knowledge comes to mind...   She's my Favorite Touhou Character. 
Mysterious Warrior 777
Re: [OHMSBY Thread]: Everyone Updated (03/18/22)
#880  March 19, 2022, 04:01:12 am
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Another update for everyone:

-Adjusted Astral Ready flashes to be more consistent with eachother
-Fixed an error where the opponent could skip straight to their liedown animation without a shockwave effect upon hitting the ground during the custom fall states
Other minor bugfixes
-Slightly reduced meter gain
-Untechable time decay for Flame Nova now starts even if it's the first move used in the combo, EX version is unchanged

As usual, you can download everyone at once from the google drive link.

Also, new poll question on how Bursts should regenerate. This won't be something that I'll be implementing right away, just something for me to consider for a future large scale update.