
Tekken 8  (Read 897239 times)

Started by videoman, September 14, 2022, 12:28:30 am
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Re: Tekken 8
#21  December 09, 2022, 03:01:10 pm
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Is it just me or did I saw "Chizuru" for a moment, but it turns out it was Jun after all.

The big question is what happened to Akuma? Did he die or just left the match?

Glad that Law is in, i thought the 'Bruce Lee' rule was added, but looks like Harada didn't follow it after all.
No breaks! No breaks!
Re: Tekken 8
#22  December 10, 2022, 12:32:10 pm
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Tekken 7 showcased Kazuya's mom, her involvement in the Mishima conflict, and made her a playable character. Not a stretch to believe Jin's mom will be playable in this.

Lots of eyecandy in the backgrounds and effects.

Glad that Law is in, i thought the 'Bruce Lee' rule was added, but looks like Harada didn't follow it after all.

That was confirmed fake, Capcom even blacklisted the person who made that rumor.
Re: Tekken 8
#23  December 10, 2022, 02:10:50 pm
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    • Philippines
"I couldn't protect anybody."

Fuck off Jin you shitty fucking character. You're the same guy who started WW3 and killed millions of people all because of a fucking unsourced theory that Azazel was going to remove the Devil Gene in you. Didn't even excuse all the evil shit you did in T6 unrelated to all of that like lying to Eddie about saving his grandpa and forcing Lars and Alisa to kill each other while gloating about it. Didn't protect anybody my fucking ass.

T8's story is already setting him up to be a Jesus savior of the world completely ignoring everything he did in T6 and you know full damn well he's not going to die. He's going to be one of the biggest karma houdini in all of video games. What's worse is majority of people either ignore all of this, justify his actions, or just completely unaware of all the atrocities he did in T6. The general perception of his character is that he's still the noble hero he was before T6.

I used to love this character in before T6 but that fucking game completely ruined his character and the series's story as a whole.
Re: Tekken 8
#24  December 10, 2022, 04:26:57 pm
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Jesus fucking Christ, it's a fighting game. Why would you expect a good story in a fighting game? This isn't the MCU, these characters are shallow as hell. At some point you gotta accept it. Gameplay is always first priority before story. Is story ever second priority? Who knows. What I do know is that you should go outside and look at the sun one of these days.
Okay, first and foremost, stop being a fucking dick. If the story is there, its supposed to be criticized and if people liked a game's story until its quality went down, they have the right to complain about it. Second: "its a fighting game" doesn't excuse poor writing, even Skullgirls, a game with no canon story mode, has a very interesting lore that its fanbase enjoys and hopes to see a canon version of, Tekken is not even an indie game, it should be held to higher standards than an indie title.

I'm sick and tired of people like you pretending like fighting games shouldn't deliver on story modes just because its not something YOU yourself enjoy, you're not the center of the universe, nobody is asking for something that was never proposed by the game itself, the story is there, the devs put it in and the players have the right to ask for better.
Last Edit: January 25, 2023, 07:37:18 pm by Macaulyn97
Re: Tekken 8
#25  December 10, 2022, 04:39:51 pm
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Jesus fucking Christ, it's a fighting game. Why would you expect a good story in a fighting game? This isn't the MCU, these characters are shallow as hell. At some point you gotta accept it. Gameplay is always first priority before story. Is story ever second priority? Who knows. What I do know is that you should go outside and enjoy the sun one of these days.

Damn dude calm down jfc

Such unnecessary aggression
what do i put here ew
Re: Tekken 8
#26  December 10, 2022, 05:13:26 pm
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Jesus fucking Christ, it's a fighting game. Why would you expect a good story in a fighting game? This isn't the MCU, these characters are shallow as hell. At some point you gotta accept it. Gameplay is always first priority before story. Is story ever second priority? Who knows. What I do know is that you should go outside and enjoy the sun one of these days.

Hey, calm down, most of the games has stories.
Re: Tekken 8
#27  December 10, 2022, 06:57:01 pm
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I wonder what would happen if I wrote the schizopost about Jin being poorly written. I really fucking do. If I wrote all of that, y'all would've jumped on it like the pack of rabid dogs you are.

I'm getting sick of Catch-22 bullshit that keeps happening to me. I wasn't angry but people making that the only possibility every time just makes me incensed beyond belief.

Fuck this shit, I'm deleting both of these messages. This is ridiculous.

Mgbenz was ranting about Jin and idgaf.

You replied with a message that came off as very aggressive and like you were getting on his case for it when you too could've easily not given a fuck.
what do i put here ew
Re: Tekken 8
#28  December 10, 2022, 07:02:02 pm
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I wonder what would happen if I wrote the schizopost about Jin being poorly written. I really fucking do. If I wrote all of that, y'all would've jumped on it like the pack of rabid dogs you are.

I'm getting sick of Catch-22 bullshit that keeps happening to me. I wasn't angry but people making that the only possibility every time just makes me incensed beyond belief.

Fuck this shit, I'm deleting both of these messages. This is ridiculous.

can you please stop being a jerk?!
Re: Tekken 8
#29  December 10, 2022, 07:14:30 pm
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"I couldn't protect anybody."

Fuck off Jin you shitty fucking character. You're the same guy who started WW3 and killed millions of people all because of a fucking unsourced theory that Azazel was going to remove the Devil Gene in you. Didn't even excuse all the evil shit you did in T6 unrelated to all of that like lying to Eddie about saving his grandpa and forcing Lars and Alisa to kill each other while gloating about it. Didn't protect anybody my fucking ass.

T8's story is already setting him up to be a Jesus savior of the world completely ignoring everything he did in T6 and you know full damn well he's not going to die. He's going to be one of the biggest karma houdini in all of video games. What's worse is majority of people either ignore all of this, justify his actions, or just completely unaware of all the atrocities he did in T6. The general perception of his character is that he's still the noble hero he was before T6.

I used to love this character in before T6 but that fucking game completely ruined his character and the series's story as a whole.

From hero to zero, i see. Jin just started and he gets all the hates from Miguel, the interviewer and everyone that suffers the war. Let's just hope that T8 will get so much serious story moments than the last one. The other stories for the other fighters were terrible (Only Steve vs Nina was decent). It's also impossible to get Heihachi since he's super duper dead and what's worst, there were two voice actors passed away. So, i don't mind if he gets absent in this. But yeah, i wish we get the original story mode from the classics.

Tekken 7 showcased Kazuya's mom, her involvement in the Mishima conflict, and made her a playable character. Not a stretch to believe Jin's mom will be playable in this.

Lots of eyecandy in the backgrounds and effects.

Glad that Law is in, i thought the 'Bruce Lee' rule was added, but looks like Harada didn't follow it after all.

That was confirmed fake, Capcom even blacklisted the person who made that rumor.

I believe Harada made it clear in Twitter that Jun is not only in Story Mode for some scenes, but also playable. Good grief, almost got a PTSD of 'Dural unplayable in VF5US.'

Also, thank god that it was a fake news. That person has gone too far...
No breaks! No breaks!
Re: Tekken 8
#30  December 10, 2022, 08:15:56 pm
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    • Philippines
I've followed the Tekken series and it' story since the 90's. Excuse me if I'm being very passionate about my discontent in how they handled Jin's character. The story being "shallow" doesn't excuse it being shitty writing.
Re: Tekken 8
#31  December 10, 2022, 08:50:20 pm
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The way I see it... Jin did start the war in Tekken 6. He did all those actions that made him a pure villain here. There's no going around that.

But, wasn't he missing for a good chunk of Tekken 7? That explains why Heihachi was able to retake the Zaibatsu and continue the war between it and the G Corporation.

Now, we get to Tekken 8 and Jin is placed in a position he didn't want to be in: The hero. HE has to be the one who has to save the day even though everything he has done in Tekken 6 hangs on him like the weight of the world.

But, with a greater evil in Kazuya... it has to be done.
Re: Tekken 8
#32  December 10, 2022, 09:11:05 pm
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I'm a fan of Tekken since its first iteration, back in 1995 or so. I liked Jin till T5 but from that point on, the character became a mess, story wise. But I don't see the need to hate him that much because it's a fictional character. A douchebag, yes, but a fictional character in the end of the day.

ALSO, Jun has some Chizuru vibes, plus remember Asuka had that "curative" powers in Jin's ending(T5), so maybe the chains(and the DNA chains in the intro) represents Jun purifying Devil gene in Jin. And I've read somewhere that Jun means "pure" in Japanese, but thix is something I DON'T really know.

What I don't like are the visuals. Every guy seems to be HIGH on steroids and all the textures SHINES as Hell. That was a detail I didn't like at allin T7 and seems it's present here too. Shiny wool, etc.
I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Tekken 8
#33  December 10, 2022, 10:10:49 pm
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I also want to like the story but I agree that Harada's hard-on for the idea that "power corrupts even the hero" went way too hard in T6. I can't see him trying to find a path to redemption for Jin. I already wasn't fond of the white-washing of Heihachi going all tyrant over the love for his dead wife that tried to murder him after figuring out if he would destroy the world or not (which just looks like being the trigger to your own self fulfilling prophecy).

I like that they finally gave Paul new hair, and I'm impressed with Law's puffed up face.
And I've read somewhere that Jun means "pure" in Japanese, but thix is something I DON'T really know.
Nope, same pronunciation, different kanji.

The purification powers that Asuka displayed, I think that was retroactively tied to Jun back when she calmed Kazuya down long enough to get pregnant, yeah, and linked to the entire Kazama line from there.

What I don't like are the visuals. Every guy seems to be HIGH on steroids and all the textures SHINES as Hell. That was a detail I didn't like at allin T7 and seems it's present here too. Shiny wool, etc.
Remember back when Tekken 5 was revealed, and the first teaser was a super close up of Jin showing off the sweat evaporating from his collarbone ? Man, they still stuck to a weird obsession with that level of shiny detail.

ah right, T6 reveal in 2005. Behold the power of the PS3 !
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: December 10, 2022, 11:45:30 pm by Byakko
Re: Tekken 8
#34  December 10, 2022, 11:10:12 pm
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I also want to like the story but I agree that Harada's hard-on for the idea that "power corrupts even the hero" went way too hard in T6. I can't see him trying to find a path to redemption for Jin. I already wasn't fond of the white-washing of Heihachi going all tyrant over the love for his dead wife that tried to murder him after figuring out if he would destroy the world or not (which just looks like being the trigger to your own self fulfilling prophecy).

I like that they finally gave Paul new hair, and I'm impressed with Law's puffed up face.
And I've read somewhere that Jun means "pure" in Japanese, but thix is something I DON'T really know.
Nope, same pronunciation, different kanji.

The purification powers that Asuka displayed, I think that was retroactively tied to Jun back when she calmed Kazuya down long enough to get pregnant, yeah, and linked to the entire Kazama line from there.

What I don't like are the visuals. Every guy seems to be HIGH on steroids and all the textures SHINES as Hell. That was a detail I didn't like at allin T7 and seems it's present here too. Shiny wool, etc.
Remember back when Tekken 5 was revealed, and the first teaser was a super close up of Jin showing off the sweat evaporating from his collarbone ? Man, they still stuck to a weird obsession with that level of shiny detail.

I believe it was in Tekken 6 was revealed, and the first teaser was a super close up of Jin. That felt realistic than in-gameplay. But looking at Jin's close-up in Tekken 8, i just got a nostalgic feeling in 2022 to 2006. Time sure flies by...

I just hope that Paul will go to the serious-routh of story. No aliens, no fighting Panda, nothing. Just the Paul i know him since T4.

As for the returning animals, i expect nothing to bring back Kuma and Panda. Kuma will take revenge to Kazuya for killing Heihachi and Panda whatever Xiaoyu is doing to take Jin back and just playing 'Harley Quinn' again like she did in SF x Tekken.

There's so many questions in the new Tekken game. There'll probably be answered and even more questions.
No breaks! No breaks!
Re: Tekken 8
#35  December 11, 2022, 12:58:39 am
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    • Brazil
As someone who likes Sindel (and MK lore in general), I know how it feels to have a character you like suddenly start acting out of character because of shit writing...
Re: Tekken 8
#36  December 11, 2022, 01:06:58 am
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I'd say it's not really out of character, it's just the way it's set up. "Power corrupts" was Harada's type all the way back since Tekken 1 : Kazuya is the young hero out to get revenge against his evil father, but when he wins, he turns out to be evil too. That smirk on the cliff, that was the whole deal. Jin was also already going this way as early as his T3 ending when he turns into Devil Jin. IMO it's actually T4 and 5 that misled us, gave us false hope, trying to make us think that Jin would end up a good guy who breaks the cycle and punishes evil, if at most the edgy anti-hero kind. And at the same time developing Devil Jin as a separate entity "just for gameplay purpose, guys !" (remember that bullshit lol) But then T6 just blew that up and Devil Jin was canon.
It's just not that interesting when everyone is evil and then at the very end the narration tries to tell us "actually it was good". Heihachi got a glory ending for no reason, and Jin apparently talks about saving people now even though he destroyed the world. It's like watching a weird kink hoping it's actually vanilla.
(on Jin's line, it seems to me that the Japanese line is slightly ambiguous on purpose, he might be saying "mom, I still can't save you", but I assume the translation is official and the actual cutscene will be more obvious one way or another)
If I struggled to the end of my determination, to the end of my way of life with my followers, if the result is ruin, then this ruin is inevitable. Grieve. Shed tears. But you cannot regret.
Last Edit: December 11, 2022, 01:19:45 am by Byakko
Re: Tekken 8
#37  December 11, 2022, 03:34:52 am
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wonder what would happen if I wrote the schizopost about Jin being poorly written. I really fucking do. If I wrote all of that, y'all would've jumped on it like the pack of rabid dogs you are.
Well, if you insist...

I would really recommend you to take a second and try and view this whole situation as an impartial observer. Because these last two posts (and the associated profile changes) really ain't it, chief.

This all began with an extremely benign post by Mgbenz, wherein he lamented what he perceived to be the derailing of Jin's character arc and his apprehension about the direction Tekken 8 seems to be taking him, given past events. This is not, in any sense of the (made-up) word, a "schizopost". It is an utterly benign personal opinion that one is free to agree or disagree with. It certainly doesn't warrant a reply filled with outsized bile and demands that Mgbenz should abandon his investment in a story that has been built up for nearly 3 decades—a reply that doesn't even at all engage with the content of the post or the arguments made therein, but takes offense at the very notion that one could have feelings about this kind of thing at all. Beyond the sheer incoherence and misplaced outrage this reply contains, it simply does not add anything useful in the context of the wider conversation about this game—and is, as such, a genuinely puzzling reply.

Everyone's reaction to such a reply were therefore pretty much about as one could expect: confusion, mixed with criticism over the misplaced anger. Some of the people responding even have personal experience with getting too heated in discussions about fighting games on this very forum, and have suffered lengthy bans for incidents where things got out of hand. So they know a thing or two about what is and isn't normal, polite conversation, and what is an outsized reaction based on the most mild of discussions.

There is no grand conspiracy of turncoats ready to pounce on you with knives out—and, in assuming there is one, you are giving yourself undue importance and attention as the center of the universe of this little community. Again, try to take a look at this situation out of context: this is not a situation where someone is getting special treatment and someone else isn't. The context of what has been posted matters, and everything follows from that.

Trying to make a martyr of yourself won't lead to anything pleasant, I assure you of that.
Re: Tekken 8
#38  December 11, 2022, 05:01:18 am
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I'm just genuinely surprised that we didn't get any glimpse of the new Tekken 7 cast like Claudio, Lucky Chloe, Katarine and etc. I thought they'd make an entrance by the 2nd trailer... or at least one of them.

On the topic of Jin... Yeah his agency for Tekken 6 was kinda meh. Too abrupt and out of character for someone who's so out of touch with reality/society. But then again, TK6 was full of nonsensical, fantastical elements out of all the installments (Alisa, Lars, Zafina, Azazel, etc) so it comes naturally i guess. I think the devs are quietly trying to put the whole thing under the rug nowadays haha.

On a side note, I'm a little on the fence on the design choices for Tekken 8... Some of the outifts look a little goofy and Jun looks like a Dynasty Warrior character...
Re: Tekken 8
#39  December 11, 2022, 06:34:15 am
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For me, it's too early to make judgement on where they are going with Jin's story in 8.  The ending to 7 at least has him atoning for his crimes but I really hope the writers aren't acting like that sort of casualty meant nothing and god forbid they have the world root for Jin to vaquish the evil purple devil despite him being the reason the war is happening in the first place.  I don't have full confidence that the story will improve for any character but the reunion with Jin and Jun is worth seeing, even it is brief.  Also, really curious how they are gonna handle Akuma's story considering we don't know if this is even the same Akuma from the SF-verse and the current war setting isn't helping (just say it's all Rose's fault and somehow connect the stinger from her SF5 story involving time traveling to this).

All I really hope is that this is not just another Mishima story while they leave a good chunk of the cast in the dust like they always do. Law's story is likely him trying to gain ownership of his restaurant and that will be literally it, ugh. 

"I couldn't protect anyone" is a tad weird.  I mean, Xiaoyu and Hwoarang are doing just fine.  Who else did Jin failed to protect to warrant that statment?

Gameplay-wise, a new feature is in the works dubbed the "Heat system". This time, Harada promises this mode will promote a more agressive gameplay favoring those that go for the offense.  My guess is that this will introduce guard breaks and guard reversals at the cost of red health in order to hasten matches based on his vision.  Pleases some and frustrates others

I'm just genuinely surprised that we didn't get any glimpse of the new Tekken 7 cast like Claudio, Lucky Chloe, Katarine and etc. I thought they'd make an entrance by the 2nd trailer... or at least one of them.
I don't think Katalina is even gonna show up.  Like, her story with Gigas is wrapped up, sloppily at best, and she didn't garner much interest in tournaments. See her in Tag 3, I guess.

If anyone from T7 were to appear first, I will say either Claudio or Leroy.
Last Edit: December 11, 2022, 06:42:03 am by Kirishima
Re: Tekken 8
#40  December 11, 2022, 02:36:33 pm
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I'm not really fond of how Jin was handled in T6 as well but with Tekken I've learned to roll with it by just laughing at it. The gameplay's probably gonna be solid and Jin as a fighting game character is gonna be as fun to play with as he was in previous games (but if Harada starts removing moves like Savage Sword or Laser Cannon or Corpse Thrust i'm shitting in his air filters) but when it comes to story, no Harada I'm laughing AT you, not with you. Jin watched Code Geass and thought that Lelouch bloke was onto something, that's my belief.

"I couldn't protect anybody"

I mean you did kinda start WW3 and cause untold millions of deaths upon agonies on what was basically a hunch but sure

In other news...Tekken 4 Paul is back?
There was a sig here. Its gone now (thanks photobucket ya fecks)