
King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Winquotes) (Read 470416 times)

Started by miner600, February 28, 2022, 06:16:46 pm
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Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update 3: Team Southtown)
#21  May 22, 2022, 03:22:07 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update 3: Team Southtown)
#22  October 09, 2022, 08:53:17 pm
  • *
  • Oops ! ... I Did It Again
    • Chile
you will not add the voices of the awakened orochi team?
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update 4: Team Orochi+Samurai)
#23  October 14, 2022, 04:48:54 am
  • **
you will not add the voices of the awakened orochi team?

I was busy but finally added team orochi and samurai voices. Also uploaded the updated images HERE, only thing missing are the hud files.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update 5: DLC+Ralf sfx)
#24  October 27, 2022, 06:45:31 pm
  • **
After examining the files i noticed sfx are separated in dlc updates, so i added sound effects to Team Garou, Rugal, Team South Town, Team Awakened Orochi, Team Samurai and Ralf(easily noticeable beacuse of the machine gun punch sounds).
No names and it includes clothing sfx, some sounds are loud.
Last Edit: October 27, 2022, 07:33:14 pm by miner600
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update 5: DLC+Ralf sound effects)
#25  October 31, 2022, 05:52:43 pm
  • *****
  • A.K.A. NED
  • I like to draw fighting game characters...
After examining the files i noticed sfx are separated in dlc updates, so i added sound effects to Team Garou, Rugal, Team South Town, Team Awakened Orochi, Team Samurai and Ralf(easily noticeable beacuse of the machine gun punch sounds).
No names and it includes clothing sfx, some sounds are loud.

Thanks for the updates!
Always great content, buddy!
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update 5: DLC+Ralf sound effects)
#26  January 09, 2023, 07:38:28 pm
    • USA
Can you make a new link for the HUD rips? It's pretty old now.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update 5: DLC+Ralf sound effects)
#27  January 16, 2023, 06:00:53 pm
  • **
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Shingo sounds)
#28  January 17, 2023, 08:17:47 pm
  • **
Added Shingo sounds, images later this week.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Shingo files)
#29  January 27, 2023, 06:21:31 pm
  • **
Added Shingo images to Portraits and Color Select
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Shingo files)
#30  January 28, 2023, 08:25:13 pm
  • ***
  • Samurai Sprite Ripper
  • Currently ripping Ninja Warriors
    • Japan
wow nice rips my dude.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Kim sounds)
#31  April 05, 2023, 07:18:59 am
  • **
Added Kim sounds, images later this week.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Kim files)
#32  April 07, 2023, 06:05:50 pm
  • **
Added Kim's images, HUD assets and HUD portraits to the spriters resource.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Sylvie)
#33  May 17, 2023, 09:51:55 pm
  • **
Added Sylvie files.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Sylvie)
#34  June 24, 2023, 11:41:31 pm
  • ***
  • DerRedstar
    • Paraguay
Hello, i guess this thread isn't technically dead because of the constant updates it's receiving.
I wanted to thank you for the files extracted, this thread has been useful to me, i already made some KOF chars using XV voices and the only thing i noticed is that the victory screen voice lines are missing for all characters, do you think it is possible to extract them and add to the folders too?
Last Edit: June 24, 2023, 11:44:40 pm by TornilloOxidado
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Sylvie)
#35  July 09, 2023, 02:47:26 am
    • USA
so when are you adding the goenitz files?
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Goenitz)
#36  July 14, 2023, 08:35:35 pm
  • **
Hello, i guess this thread isn't technically dead because of the constant updates it's receiving.
I wanted to thank you for the files extracted, this thread has been useful to me, i already made some KOF chars using XV voices and the only thing i noticed is that the victory screen voice lines are missing for all characters, do you think it is possible to extract them and add to the folders too?

Sorry for the late reply, bad month here. Anyway the victory screen voice lines and other sounds (like movie file audio) are together in the corresponding update package. Base roster's quotes are a lost cause(2.478 unnamed files), dlc characters are doable but every file needs to be checked manually. Its very low in my priority list because extraction is not the problem, its checking where they belong to.

so when are you adding the goenitz files?

Done, sounds and images uploaded.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Hinako patch)
#37  December 10, 2023, 12:45:59 pm
  • **
Added Najd, Duo Lon and Hinako files.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Hinako patch)
#38  December 26, 2023, 04:29:12 am
    • Thailand
I'd like to ask why KOFXV has "No id names so it's kind of a mess (no unique character sfx for now)". Why doesn't they just rename the ID according to the number to make it more stable than what was done before? Would you mind telling me the ID name according to this number?
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Hinako patch)
#39  December 26, 2023, 04:37:31 pm
  • **
Hi, I can't tell you what the ID name means because the reference files(aka usable names) are deleted. The system didn't change from Samsho, that game used those numbers too but with the reference files i could rename and move unorganized sounds to the correct character(very important for winquotes).
Maybe in the far future something can be done, i've a couple of ideas.
Everything i could upload was done by ear.
Re: King of Fighters XV sound and image rips(Update: Hinako patch)
#40  December 30, 2023, 05:12:13 am
    • Thailand
Hi, I can't tell you what the ID name means because the reference files(aka usable names) are deleted. The system didn't change from Samsho, that game used those numbers too but with the reference files i could rename and move unorganized sounds to the correct character(very important for winquotes).
Maybe in the far future something can be done, i've a couple of ideas.
Everything i could upload was done by ear.
Look at this picture. What number of specific files will there be? Ready to tell what the file name translates to as follows:
Example: 777896486.ogg = Climax Super Special Moves sounds
Last Edit: December 30, 2023, 05:16:35 am by nuttanonp