
Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter (Read 544114 times)

Started by Ryu From Streets™, May 06, 2020, 10:48:15 pm
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Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#161  December 15, 2023, 10:10:34 pm
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More update about SFV Ken


Two Questions:
1. How many sprites or animations are left to convert?
2. Is he gonna have any modern moves from the likes of 5 and 6?
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#162  December 15, 2023, 10:45:47 pm
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Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#163  December 15, 2023, 11:06:12 pm
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  • Formerly known as HyperClawManiac
  • Competitive MUGEN when?
    • UK
WIP Schedule:
Most likely my next full-game
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#164  December 16, 2023, 12:45:51 am
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Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#165  December 16, 2023, 01:20:44 am
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I swear there was something cool here!!
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#166  December 16, 2023, 06:40:39 pm
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I already made a comment on your YT video but, damn, I'm so excited and anxious to play it!
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#167  September 11, 2024, 01:34:25 am
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Hi, everybody! I apologize for my long hiatus! I've been busy with real life stuff + work getting a little bit overwhelming but I've been still working on this game whenever I had the time.

There's new lifebars with original portraits, drawn by an amazing friend, he literally did it for every characters in the game.

And here's the last Street Fighter character I've been working on, this one took me a minute because oh my god, CS'ing a 3RD strike character is just a pain in the ass, so I just gave up and comissioned the CS instead--that probably is the first time I gave up on a CS, haha.

Besides that, Kamekaze is still finishing up on the AIs, there's like 5 characters missing or something like that? They're tough as hell to beat, I ain't going to lie. There's also the SFV Ken spritesheet which is also almost done, now the only thing I'm thinking about is replacing Balrog with somebody else? I don't know what you guys think. I was thinking about Sagat, Yun or Dudley I don't know. Maybe I'm just overthinking and should just leave him here. What are you guys opinions?
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#168  October 06, 2024, 03:29:54 pm
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Release a demo, than after feedback! Go for broke again, when you get the time. Been monitoring your project, since announced. Keep up the hard work.
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#169  January 02, 2025, 04:15:59 am
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Dropping a demo!!

Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#170  January 26, 2025, 12:20:06 am
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Link of the demo in the first page! The game is quite messy so you'll probably find a lot of bugs or infinites-
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#171  January 26, 2025, 12:41:04 am
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hi! please, any chance for a dl link on media fire? Megaupload stops the download at 78% on a free account... :(
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#172  January 26, 2025, 08:18:13 pm
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Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#173  January 27, 2025, 02:36:44 am
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When I taunt with Sakura it makes me unable to do anything after she finishes. That's the only major thing I've found so far, I havent done that much with it yet so I can't really comment on anything else here right now
Re: Big Bang Beat x Street Fighter
#174  January 27, 2025, 07:33:30 pm
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When I taunt with Sakura it makes me unable to do anything after she finishes. That's the only major thing I've found so far, I havent done that much with it yet so I can't really comment on anything else here right now

I will fix that ASAP, thank you so much

hi! please, any chance for a dl link on media fire? Megaupload stops the download at 78% on a free account... :(


Link of the demo in the first page! The game is quite messy so you'll probably find a lot of bugs or infinites-
I'm having a blast! thank you so much for the demo, cheers!

Glad you're having fun!