
KOF Raiden WIP (Read 443679 times)

Started by swipergod, June 20, 2009, 10:03:05 pm
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KOF Raiden WIP
#1  June 20, 2009, 10:03:05 pm
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Okay, this is a follow up to the SNK Raiden topic that was posted in the development section.

In light of KOF XII, I want to take CVS Raiden and convert him to KOF, '98 advanced style.  In terms of graphics, the end result should look something like this:

That's a conversion done by c00per and modified slightly by Thedge.  The head may change, but that's not a big priority. 

So, what am I doing?  Well, I'm not a spriter.  I can do things here and there, but I'm mostly a programmer.  Still, I'm hoping I can help an eventual spriter as much as I can.  I'm currently in the process of adjusting the sizes of all sprites.  Capcom -> = 97% height, 95% width.  Removing the tedious steps that spriters have to do should allow them to go straight to the pixel touch up and shading stage.  What that means, is that Raiden looks more like this at the moment:

c00per will be giving me a demo on how to further facilitate the conversion for spriters with another step.  I'm hoping with this, and my Raiden programming, that I can attract a spriter to the project. :)

Speaking of programming, I've been working on this at the same time as the resizes.  What does this mean?  Readjusting Raiden's axis, coverting collision boxes to a KOF base, fixing velocities and animations.  Raiden's not yet ready for a video, but his basics (Run, Jump, Walk, etc...) are 90% done.  Here's what I'm going with so far for his base velocities based off of Tizoc, Daimon and CVS Raiden:

walk.fwd  = 2.4   
walk.back = -2     
run.fwd  = 4.6, 0   
run.back = -5,-4
jump.neu = 0,-8   
jump.back = -2.6   
jump.fwd = 2.7     
runjump.back = -3.7,-8.3
runjump.fwd = 3.9,-8.3

yaccel = .46

I've written a movelist in my KOFE topic, but I'll port it here in the next post along with a vid of the basics (hopefully).  One thing that I haven't quite decided on yet is whether I'll be changing his anti-air to his Piledriver grab from XII.  I think it'd work nicely though.  If you're a spriter with some time who'd like to help with this project, feel free to PM me.  Thanks.

New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 06:04:41 pm by swipergod
Re: SNK Raiden
#2  June 20, 2009, 10:20:05 pm
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Raidens awesome :o
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Re: SNK Raiden
#3  June 21, 2009, 03:01:12 am
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I believe you quit... is great to see you are not!!

well, I still have my edited (unfinished) sprite... sorry if I couldn't finished yet, but I was really busy with my carreer, I'm going to make my professinal exam next week, and then, I will be out of school forever...

but, c00per has mentioned to make this Raiden a Wip Swipergod-SprAc (spriters-academy forum), to bring to mugen a new char in KOF style, since c00per-thedge and me are mods of that forum, probably if you agree, that's how it would be...

give me a few days more to finish this animation (I have another things to do before it)...

            Zorf Giudecca
Re: SNK Raiden
#4  June 21, 2009, 05:54:03 am
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Hi nio, great to hear from you.

I was on vacation in Europe.  I figured you were busy right now, so I didn't want to PM you until a little later about the stance.  Good luck with your exam.  I will wait patiently for your animation.  I have a feeling this project will be going for a while so there's no big hurry.  I think it would be great to get help from the Spriter's Academy.  I'm game for anything and will continue to help in the spriting process in any way that I can.  I should at least be able to do the rest of the resizing, if not more.  Cheers!
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 03:57:39 pm by swipergod
Re: SNK Raiden
#5  June 21, 2009, 01:57:58 pm
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Hi I can't tell which Raiden this is, the one from MGS2? MGS4? or Mortal Kombat?
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Re: SNK Raiden
#6  June 21, 2009, 02:04:13 pm
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Re: SNK Raiden
#7  June 21, 2009, 03:00:48 pm
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Welcome to the House of Fighting.
Re: SNK Raiden
#8  June 21, 2009, 03:30:43 pm
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Oh lol i never played Fatal fury but to be honest the ONLY fighting game i EVER played was MK 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9, u get the idea and tekken lol never really played SNK VS Capcom all that yada yada yada i don't really like fighting games but mugen got me interested :)
Ragnaroc444 is Dante....

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Re: SNK Raiden
#9  June 21, 2009, 06:43:21 pm
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Out of curiosity, which team is he going to be on?
Re: SNK Raiden
#10  June 21, 2009, 06:47:01 pm
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Monkey D. Luffy W.I.P Thanks to C.R.O.M Lando
Re: SNK Raiden
#11  June 21, 2009, 07:00:58 pm
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Oh lol i never played Fatal fury but to be honest the ONLY fighting game i EVER played was MK 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,7,8,9, u get the idea and tekken lol never really played SNK VS Capcom all that yada yada yada i don't really like fighting games but mugen got me interested :)

You really should expand your horizons. It helps. :)
Re: SNK Raiden
#12  June 21, 2009, 07:02:12 pm
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To make things easier, show spriters some KOF XII vids, Raiden is just... awesome in that game.
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Until I saw the holes
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Re: SNK Raiden
#13  June 21, 2009, 10:19:11 pm
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Hey Thedge!  Walt posted a great vid in the game section showing Raiden dominating (it's the last 2 fights in the vid):
This vid actually made me change switch his anti-air move to the one to his XII one.

I'm planning to show what I'll be doing with SNK Raiden in vids to get people excited, but I'm currently in the boring phase of working on the basics (now on hit states).  I also played a little Fatal Fury Special to give some alternate perspective.  Anyway here's the vid of where Raiden's at so far.  He's resized in this version, with all his new velocities and KOF sounds:

Not much of an exciting video, but it's a start right now.  I've upped his yaccel by 0.01 because he felt just a sliver too floaty.

SNK Raiden's on whatever team you'd like him to be on. ;)  KOFE Raiden will be on the villains team along with Billy, Eiji and Yamazaki.

Move set:

Command attack:

Stepping Headbutt (from the original FF.  Will have combo potential and function as an overhead hit)

Special attacks:

Charging Tackle (The FFS version would be broken in KOF because the invincibility is so huge.  There is a 4 tick delay between getting to the opponent and hitting them.  There may be a balancing issue to address there, but won't know until I code the move.  It works the way I believe it does in XII since his back is facing you when he dashes, but he turns when he hits you.  Thinking about giving it the cancellability it has in XII.)

Poison Mist (Will use Lin's poison mist graphics.  The button pressed determines the speed and length of the move).

Anti Air Piledriver (His XII move.  Since I'm going for '98 mechanics, I'll probably follow the same rules that Brian Battler's Anti Air follows).

Flying Clothesline (His CVS move.  It will animate differently though and follow different mechanics.  Thing Blue Mary's Spider from '98, but less height and more distance).

Air Powerbomb (His other CVS move.  Would prefer his "Head Crusher" throw from FF & KOF XII, but I think that'd be too many custom sprites.  To make it fun, I plan to have Raiden send the opponent twirling to the ground like a drill).


Ground Spark (His FFWA move.  Raiden will pound the ground and send an electrical current few steps along the ground.  Kinda the way Geese's Thunder Break does in 2k2UM.  Will need to block it low.  SDM version causes an earthquake like Daimon's ground smash and has the current travel further).

Rolling Thunder Grab (the DM and SDM versions are variations of his new XII DM.  They'll start off with Raiden grabbing and rolling.  DM version does a leaping Powerbomb and the SDM is closer to his XII version, but Raiden stomps the opponent instead of sitting on them).

Fire Breath (Just think Chin, since it'll pretty much be a rip off of his fire breath DM and SDM).

Anyway, that's the move set.  Boring to read, but you'll get a better idea when I start coding these moves with the sprites that I have currently.  The best part is, aside from a few hit defs and a sprite or two for the Ground Spark DM, there won't be any real need for completely new sprites!  :)
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 10:22:36 pm by swipergod


Re: SNK Raiden
#14  June 21, 2009, 10:22:56 pm
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w00t! Big Bear's theme!

Anyway, hes looking pretty solid dude. How to see an new vid showcasing more.
Yeah Titiln, in fact, You Made Him
Re: SNK Raiden
#15  June 22, 2009, 12:15:33 am
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it would be released for normal mugen too?!  :S (say yes!!)
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: SNK Raiden
#16  June 22, 2009, 12:36:00 am
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Okay then i'll go *cough* download it *cough* huh what oh my throats sore that's all hehehe.... i wanna see it
Ragnaroc444 is Dante....

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Re: SNK Raiden
#17  June 22, 2009, 05:43:59 am
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it would be released for normal mugen too?!  :S (say yes!!)

Absolutely.  That was the plan from the get go.  That's why all DMs will have SDM versions, why he'll be able to pow, he'll have more hitstates for compatibility etc...  The SNK_Raiden and Raiden_KOFE will be different, but will use the same sprite base. :)  Maybe a special intro with Tizoc?

I was thinking about Raiden's DM's and got a little creative.  Instead of using the FFWA (Ground Spark) DM, I put together a new DM.  Those who played SF3 will recognize the move.  You can see a very preliminary version here:

What do you think?  Should I go with this one or keep the Ground Spark?  Thought this new one might work better because it doesn't require any custom sprites and I think the Ground Spark would be overkill in the DM projectile side of things.  Haven't quite figured out an SDM version of the new move yet.

New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs:
Re: SNK Raiden
#18  June 22, 2009, 10:10:09 am
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I like it, fits pretty well the character
            Zorf Giudecca
Re: SNK Raiden
#19  June 22, 2009, 06:12:03 pm
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 o_O Woot!!! I also was thinking the MK Raiden --; ;P But well the KOFXII raiden would be a great addon for the KOF Mugen roost, i have to come back to see the progress ;D Congrats ;)
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Re: SNK Raiden
#20  June 24, 2009, 04:00:30 pm
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Thanks supporting the project!  I've touched up the new DM a bit.  I'll resize the sprites a post the updated vid.  The final velocities will be calculated once I've done the other moves so it can be balanced accordingly.  For the SDM version, I figure I'll add more hits to the shoulder hits and finish off with something like an exploding Flying Clothesline.

Question:  For the test vid, I'll be using the KOFE sparkset, but for the actual release which sparkset should I include with Raiden? '98 or XI?  Or maybe another?  The concept of the character is that he is a '98 character, but since he'll be for general mugen and there are a lot of XI sparks out there, I'm really scratching my head over what to use.  When I way sparkset, I'm basically talking hit sparks and super sparks.  XI fire sparks are horrible IMO (they look shiny).
New KOFE website is up.  Go visit it for all your KOFE needs: