
Dr. Octopus (Beta) by BigPimp released (Read 11310 times)

Started by Nemuresu, July 09, 2021, 01:29:27 am
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Dr. Octopus (Beta) by BigPimp released
#1  July 09, 2021, 01:29:27 am
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Never thought I'd see the day, but finally, there's a Dr. Octopus with good sprites out there. He doesn't have a taunt and only has one win pose, but otherwise, he's pretty complete as far as moveset goes.
BigPimp's words said:
Hey guys! so i decided not to hold it until weekend, i think everything that i could do at this moment is done and i see no point in holding out the character (i mean there will be probably some bugs found or something else, but its just best way find them anyway). I hope i didnt forget anything

so, without further adieu, here is Dr Octopus beta release

-Deanjo2000 for greatly helping me with head edits, and also providing several very useful body sprites (i wish i used more for this beta release, but thats all that i was able to fit in for now)
-Bambulin(Bam77) for his Scorpion character, parts of code and inspiration was used to make Grab and Smash hyper and Tentacle Launcher special
-theFuTuR3 & T.O.P.S for their Carnage character, parts of code and inspiration was used to make 4 Tentacle Attack hyper and Tentacle Grab special
-X-boy and Verz36 for their tentacle sphere and claw sprites, and inspiration
-AvX team for great template (Black Panther was used as the base)

-MMV forum, and all the members (and some people outside of MMV forums, will not name anyone specific, to not forget anyone, but you guys know who you are;))
that were following my releases and commenting in the topics and pm's with ideas and support, you guys made my return to mugen community feel welcome and worthwhile, thank you

The character's link:

And a demonstration video by BigPimp himself:
Re: Dr. Octopus (Beta) by BigPimp released
#2  August 04, 2021, 10:47:07 pm
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Great release! works pretty fine for a beta.
thanks for share.
Re: Dr. Octopus (Beta) by BigPimp released
#3  August 05, 2021, 01:39:19 am
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It looks great. As a suggestion: I'd ease up on the envshake, kinda gave me a headache.
Re: Dr. Octopus by BigPimp; update by DC VS MARVEL (08/27/2021)
#4  September 07, 2021, 02:13:58 am
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DC VS MARVEL released an update of Doc Ock. (08/27/2021)


Update log
- Fix palette issue so now can use any pallete fine
- Fix Time Lose so now he doesnt disappear also add extra sprites
- Add Taunt with new sprites
- Add Throw with new sprites
- Fix tentacle sprite 250 was missing part of the tentacle
- Add sparks and fix spark pos at some hit def
- Remove walking forward hit def
- Change HIT_GETUP sound with shorter
- New palettes
Last Edit: September 07, 2021, 02:28:00 am by 【MFG】gui0007
Re: Dr. Octopus (Beta) by BigPimp released
#5  September 12, 2021, 09:20:19 pm
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Hello Peter!!!