
WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released (Read 10941 times)

Started by Cobra Caddie, May 01, 2011, 03:14:13 am
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WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#1  May 01, 2011, 03:14:13 am
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Download Link:

Game info
WWF Wrestlemania is a Mugen remake of the NES game of the same name. My goal is to recreate the game with improved controls and new features, and then build off that engine with more upgrades and improvements. The finished build will have 10 characters and a tag team mode.

Current status:
The current release is the first game beta. It features one character, Hulk Hogan, and limited gameplay modes(one on one only).

Feel free to give me any gameplay suggestions you have. Even though the first full release will try to be faithful to the original game(with some enhancements), I plan on building off the engine and developing it. Also, of course, let me know about any bugs you find.

Edit: There was a bug where if you do a drop kick onto a fully downed opponent, you'll land inside of them and when you try to move, it'll freeze the game. I removed that bug, but because of that there is a bug if both Hulks get behind eachother and walk the same way, back Hulk will slide. It's better to have that then the freeze, but both bugs will be fixed later. The whole game has been reuploaded.
Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 03:33:39 am by Caddie
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#2  May 01, 2011, 03:58:42 am
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*checks out stages section*

NES Wrestlemania? Looks fun ;D
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#3  May 01, 2011, 04:01:26 am
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I'll have the stages up soon, don't worry. They're uploaded I just have to design the pages so yall can get to them. :)

Edit: UGH! I just noticed I left tag mode in. Tag mode is OBVIOUSLY broken. The rar has been updated again to remove it. Sorry guys, I was in a hurry to release the game. :(
Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 06:10:16 am by Caddie
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#4  May 09, 2011, 01:24:39 am
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How did this get to page 2 with so few answers !?

Thanks for this very nice beta Caddie. Game is very fun and SO old school. Gotta love all the little things you put inside. :D
Can't wait to see what you're cooking up with the other chars, to give more variety to the game.
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#5  June 11, 2011, 04:58:39 am
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How did this go under my radar? This looks nice dude. Downloading now!  :)
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#6  June 16, 2011, 10:50:23 am
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Glad to see a few others checking out the beta. Let me know if you find any more bugs, or if you have any suggestions or questions about the game.
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#7  June 17, 2011, 01:44:52 am
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I'm so evil.

But anyways....while I never played the original your basing this off of, I get the general idea.....pretty cool game for Mugen.  I like it.  The only suggestion I can give for now, without moving too far from the original source, is could you please make the options screen bigger?  Perhaps some animation in the back...?
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#8  June 17, 2011, 01:51:06 am
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Sure, I'll mess with it. It's like that because the options screen font for some reason doesn't resize when you resize the game, and the games natural resolution is 256x224. I designed the game around that but when I released it, I released it double size.

Next release will have a fix for that. Maybe I'll have links for a single res and a double res version of the game.
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#9  June 17, 2011, 02:00:00 am
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Ok I just tried it, it was pretty fun, the options are pretty small though :(

Can't wait to see what other wrestlers you add into the game :)
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#10  June 17, 2011, 02:03:37 am
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I've also noticed something that doesn't really surprise me, but I should point out anyways.  The game will shut down, saying it can't read the DEF files for some characters I've tried to put in.  Of course, practically everyone made for Mugen thus far aren't supposted to go with this game, but some do, such as Broly. (Character's called Broli, though)

I don't know what coding mumbo jumbo is going on that's preventing it from working with some characters, but I figured I'd let you know now, as long as your in earily Beta.

Currently, the only ones I saw not work were Ami by Kenshin Himura, Rocky Balboa by Lokust187, and MvC Peter Griffin by.....a whole lotta people.
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#11  June 17, 2011, 02:09:01 am
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That really doesn't seem like a problem considering his game is only going to use his characters.
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
New #12  June 17, 2011, 02:17:21 am
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I know, I know, I just felt I should point out this issue anyways......whatever helps.
Last Edit: June 17, 2011, 03:41:52 am by Llong Jjohn Killer
Re: WWF Wrestlemania beta by Caddie released
#13  June 17, 2011, 03:24:20 am
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OMG so pumped.