Spoiler: Iori's Changelog (click to see content)
- Adjusted Guard Damage on 100 Shiki: Oni Yaki.
Spoiler: Jubei's Changelog (click to see content)
- Explosion VFX no longer pops up when Dynamite Senbei Shuriken's Projectile clashes with another projectile.
- Added 10 new palettes by Gogngos and Knuckles8864.
Spoiler: Terry's Changelog (click to see content)
- Fixed indexing on Small Portrait.
- Terry can now Chain Cancel into Standing Far/Close Light Kick (still can't chain cancel out of it).
- EX Power Dunk EX flash lasts longer.
- Fixed a bug that caused Terry's AI to get stuck running when defeating an opponent on specific circumstances.
- Added 14 new palettes by Knuckles8864.
- Total revamp/recode. Overhauled sprites, damage levels, animations, hitboxes, and coding. Now (mostly) uses frame data/velocities/timings from CvS2.
- Movesets for Normal and EX modes largely redesigned.