Hello! Today is the day... Welcome to the Capcom vs. SNK Stage Collection! All of this stages have sound.Cvs2k_pro-GeeseTower AKA Geese TowerBy UnknownAnimated: NoZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: Yesgouki_cvs AKA Stage of GoukiBy UnknownAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoYDA_CVS-Shadaloo-HQ(Extended_version) AKA Shadaloo HeadQuartersBy "Master Yoda"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesYDA_CVS-Shadaloo-HQ(Purple_Fire) AKA Shadaloo HeadQuarters - FireBy "Master Yoda"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: Yescvs-paopao AKA Pao Pao CafeBy "Dark Saviour"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: Notrain-L AKA Stage of TerryBy UnknownAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesCVS2K-suzakucastle AKA Stage of RyuBy UnknownAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesCvs2k_pro-osaka-sinsekai AKA Stage of OsakaBy UnknownAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesCvs2k-neogeoLand AKA Stage of SNKBy UnknownAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: idkSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesKamuiKL2021 AKA Stage of NakoruruBy KenJou_LirtAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: YesIntro: NoCVS2K_Pro-Hansin_highway AKA Stage of CapcomBy UnknownAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: idkSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoCvs2k_pro-Metro_City AKA Stage of Final FightBy UnknownAnimated: NoZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesCvs2K_pro-ayutaya AKA Stage of SagatBy UnknownAnimated: NoZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesCvs2k_pro-Ayutaya_EX AKA Stage of Sagat EXBy UnknownAnimated: NoZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: YesXX'AENSLAND'XX AKA Aensland MansionBy "EXSHADOW"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoCvS2_Training AKA Training StageBy "MACKX"Animated: NoZoom: NoParallax: idkSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoCvS2_Aomori AKA AomoriBy "MACKX"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoCvS2_Kinderdijk AKA KinderdijkBy "Drex"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoCVS2_London (Day-Evening-Night) AKA LondonBy "Drex"Animated: Yes (all)Zoom: No (all)Parallax: Yes (all)Super Jump: No (all)Intro: No (all)XX'CVS2'NAIROBI'XX AKA NairobiBy "EXSHADOW"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoXX'CVS2'NEW'YORK'XX AKA New YorkBy "EXSHADOW"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: Nocvs2_shanghai AKA ShanghaiBy "JAM"Animated: Yes (No spin plataform)Zoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoCvS2_Arctic3D AKA BarentsburgBy "MACKX"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: Nocvs2_stadium (cvs2_stadium-00-01-02. The first one is in blue sky, 00 is a extended version of the first, 01 is in black clouds and 02 is a fighting thing, idk) AKA StadiumBy "JAM"Animated: Yes (all)Zoom: No (all)Parallax: Yes (all)Super Jump: No (all)Intro: No (all)CvS2_OsakaTower AKA Osaka TowerBy "MACKX"Animated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: No Burning_Osaka_CVS2 AKA Burning OsakaBy UnknownAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: YesIntro: NoAsuraStage AKA Burning Osaka - Blood Fire(edit) By NessTheAvatarAnimated: YesZoom: NoParallax: YesSuper Jump: NoIntro: NoSpoiler, click to toggle visibiltyDownload link, I hope y'all like it https://www.mediafire.com/file/enqi352ome5czhw/CVS+Stages.zip/file
Speedpreacher said, June 11, 2022, 04:56:49 pmIf you're releasing a pack of stuff that you didn't make or edit, don't post it in Your ReleasesOh... but, where will I post this?