
Problem with character selector (Read 7357 times)

Started by psicoboy, December 31, 2024, 01:08:24 pm
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Problem with character selector
#1  December 31, 2024, 01:08:24 pm
    • Mexico
Hello everyone. My doubt is very specific. I hope someone can help me.
In the mugen system file you can find everything related to the character selector. I want to know what part I need to modify to resize the small portraits in the character selector. That is, the images that appear in the squares of the selector. I don't want to modify the size of the square but the image that appears there inside the character. Since in my mugen they appear smaller than normal.
Does anyone know what part of the system has to be modified to change that image size?

Please someone help me.
Re: Problem with character selector
#2  December 31, 2024, 08:39:27 pm
  • ****
  • Formerly DeathScythe
    • Brazil
portrait.scale = 1,1
Re: Problem with character selector
#3  January 01, 2025, 09:23:50 pm
    • Mexico