I recently got into modding the Persona Series on PS2(I know not exactly relevant for this site but the tool itself you may still find useful here). I started with modding music which I used adxencd in order to encode the files and loop them accordingly. Now the problem is its all terminal based and a bit time consuming having to go in and edit the commands each time in terminal. I started looking for a GUI for it and I did find one here on this site. Unfortunately the link for it is down and I couldn't find a working link in the topic.(
http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/adx-frontend-v2-released-88136.0.html )
Now I during my searches I discovered adxencd originally came from the CriWareSDK and its pretty old. So I submitted a request to obtain a copy of the SDK on their website(It's really easy and only takes a couple days to get an email back. However it has a 3 month evaluation period). Once I dug through it I found that adxencd had been replaced with a newer encoder called criatomencd and has a lot more options than adxencd did.
I then decided to create this despite there being a GUI included in the sdk for it. My reasoning for that is that their GUI did not allow me to select where I saved the encoded file or the name of it. Plus this is more legal than cracking the license for the GUI just to continue using it after 3 months.