
(EDIT) [WIP] Ryuko3rd: Fixing what's Broken... (Read 3341 times)

Started by Sleepy Eskimo, October 06, 2014, 02:15:47 am
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(EDIT) [WIP] Ryuko3rd: Fixing what's Broken...
#1  October 06, 2014, 02:15:47 am
  • *
  • meep
    • USA
    • Skype - Mag
So for my first project...
I'll be fixing OGGY's utterly broken Ryuko (Also sorry OGGY for not giving you permisson)
Right now I'm fixing up Hitboxes for Ryuko.
The things I would try to fix...
- Redefine the moveslist
- Learn how to make Palettes
- Gameplay
- More Hitboxes
This could take months due to my inexperience on Fighter Factory 3 and Real Life.
Preview on Hitboxes


Ideas and Feedback are welcome.
Current Project: Ryuko2nd by OGGY, remade as 3rd.
Status: WIP, Cleaning Palettes, redefine moveslist, making some gameplay changes, and staying inactive a long time.