Robin By Team CVG CS By pepin68 -!Zo8kSAxQ!0AZSwsvk9Wbw66pI572y__-HTD12i-9C6h-Mgx-_n8kWolverine By Zvitor CS By Quick Randy - Link - By brandern666 CS by Shadowlord - Sure if this is already on here But ...Ghost Rider -
I added Colossus and Captain Commando sprites to my release thread if anyone wants to update the 1st post.this thread being so dead makes me a sad little man
Sorry for the bump, but I might as well report this, the Terry CS, I just applied it to Vyn's terry and the intro with Ken, a couple of frames of the hat being picked up by ken are missing, the frames where the hat is being thrown are there, just the ones being picked up are not in the SFF, its easy to miss, I noticed it cause the AI I use has its own def and CNS files, so I had to port the code from Jman's patch.In a nutshell, Ken picks up nothing and when it gets to the throw part the hat appears. Its not a big deal, but I might as well report it. If pretty much 95% of the intro was not CS'ed I would not have reported it. I have no idea how to CS or I would have done it myself and updated the CS.Video its supposed to lookEdit, I found the frames seperated in Memo's Terry.
Good fix. One of my fav intros I am looking into doing some color separation myself. I may be posting something soon.
we should add this in here too.
Knuckles8864 said, January 18, 2018, 11:19:40 amSorry for the bump, but would I be a madman if I wanted to separate the line from the belly?I'd say that this level of separation would only be worth it if you're willing to heavily edit the sprite to get rid of all the lines and other clothing details. If you don't want to do that then I'd just leave the torso alone and only start separating from the thighs and shoulders.Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Guys, I believe this Hanzo (Neo Geo) has his hair color separated. I remembered Snake from years ago. If anyone can confirm would be helpful. If it isn't separated i'll keep looking for his one.
I have Dampir's Extended CS of Shishioh by Jin (It's a PotS Edit btw).!OiIhGSrS!0rmIXe0iK9JYQLMwzD36u1OH_j7B8SB1hzGeX3nOkts
Dampir separated SSF2T Chun-Li by MASA:
figured I'd post these herei did a B. Orchid CS a few years ago the CS for Jthesaltyy's upcoming Rubber Soul
The links to the Cyclops and Yuri color separations are down. In addition, it would be nice to link to Varo_Hades's site for color separations, and I also found direct links: some later ones: