
General gameplay discussion (Read 23122 times)

Started by mr_bourrepalestick, May 08, 2017, 09:44:00 am
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Game mechanics/Character preview and presentation- Which format do you prefer ?

I like text, I miss good old GAMFAQS
2 (25%)
I like pictures, lot of them
2 (25%)
I like tutorial videos, 5-10 minutes each, with explanations, slo-mo, zoom-ins
3 (37.5%)
I like 10-15 second clips, tiktok RULES !
0 (0%)
I don't really care, but I do like polls so here's my vote !
1 (12.5%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Voting closed: February 04, 2024, 10:06:24 am

General gameplay discussion
#1  May 08, 2017, 09:44:00 am
  • **
    • France
For detailed info, please check the spoilers


A - Kick
B - Parry
C - Roll  (or B+any other button)
X - Light Slash
Y - Medium Slash
Z - Heavy Slash  (or X+Y) = overhead & launcher
(Start - Taunt)

A+any slash = grab/throw

Common command normals
back + X  : Jab
fwd + Y : Long Medium slash
d + Z : Sweep

In addition, each character has 1 or 2 unique command normals in his moveset.


Fwd x 2 : Run
Spoiler: Run details (click to see content)

Back x 2 : Backdash
Spoiler: Backdash details (click to see content)

Up : Jump
Spoiler: Jump details (click to see content)


B : Standing Parry  --> vulnerable to low attacks
cr. B : Crouching Parry --> vulnerable to aerial & special attacks
either will work against all attacks, but not projectiles > made the same to simplify the defensive mechanic

Spoiler: Parry details (click to see content)


While in control of your character, and while he is on his feet (or gets up) :
C : Roll forward
back + C : Roll back

Spoiler: Roll details (click to see content)

every special-cancelable normal move can also be cancelled into forward roll on hit/on block, for 2 special meter slots

last 8 frames of forward roll can be cancelled into any crouching normal move, and into DPs (if the character has one)
this makes some new combos possible

when performing a roll cancel, the damage reduce is cancelled > roll cancel combos can be devastating


When you've been sent into the air by your opponent, you can escape his juggles/OTG with "recovery" command. But it doesn't come for free ...

any button (near the ground) :  Fall tech
Spoiler: Fall Tech details (click to see content)

any button (falling, in mid-air) : Air recovery
Spoiler: Air Recovery details (click to see content)


Spoiler: Ground combos (click to see content)

Spoiler: Juggles & OTGs (click to see content)

Spoiler: Damage scaling (click to see content)


Every character has a 1000 point lifebar
Every character has a 3000 point "Special" gauge, divided into 3 meters of 1000 pts each

Spoiler: "Specials" meter use (click to see content)

Spoiler: Meter gain (click to see content)

- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Last Edit: January 14, 2024, 08:22:06 pm by mr_bourrepalestick
Re: General gameplay discussion
#2  May 08, 2017, 10:18:34 am
  • **
    • France
Even most of the mechanics above seem to work pretty fine and make the game enjoyable as it is, I often got myself wondering about tweaking some of them. Here are the most recurrent question i ask myself :

  • Backdash
    Too much recovery ? --> make it more "nervous"
  • Jumping
    air parry possibility ?
    make regular jumps higher + implement hops (short jumps) ? (--> risk of jump heavy gameplay)
  • Parry
    instant active frame : breaking normal chains on guard too easy + anti-meaty --> too strong defensive option ?
    -> make regular version of parry with vulnerable startup  + bring back a meter-consuming version with instant active frames & less recovery ?
  • Rolls
    Too slow ?
    Make "cross-back" ability more consistent ? Even in corner situations ?
  • Fall Tech (ground tech)
    Too good get away option, even/especially in corner situation ? (full invincible) --> make it have vulnerable recovery frames
  • Juggles & OTGs
    6 Juggle points : not enough --> more juggles points for all characters, then adjust some attack juggle points
    Implement wall bounce for A+B overhead instead of regular "fall" state ?

Feel free to quote me on those and add your own suggestions. Every feedback is appreciated ! :)
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Last Edit: May 08, 2017, 10:51:08 am by mr_bourrepalestick
Re: General gameplay discussion
#3  August 15, 2017, 01:15:39 pm
  • **
    • France
Well, after few experimentations, I've implemented many of the tweaks I've mentionned before
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty
Backdashes are more nervous, rolls have better cross ability, Ground techs are invincible only at startup, and juggle points have been reevaluated (18 points). I find those tweaks very satisfying since they've brought some more possibilities, without breaking out all the rest.
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: General gameplay discussion
#4  January 14, 2024, 07:34:17 pm
  • **
    • France
For your input configurations


A - Kick
B - Parry
C - Roll  (or B+any other button)
X - Light Slash
Y - Medium Slash
Z - Heavy Slash  (or X+Y) = overhead & launcher
(Start - Taunt)

A+any slash = grab/throw

Below some layouts that work fine on different controllers that i would recommand

Arcade stick / hitbox
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Xbox and PS basic layout
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

Xbox and PS alternative layout
Spoiler, click to toggle visibilty

- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: General gameplay discussion
#5  January 28, 2024, 10:12:25 am
  • **
    • France
Talking about presenting game mechanics, give a preview of a new character, WIP stuff etc.
I was wondering what gets more attention from the community : pictures ? videos ? text ?
So i made a poll on this section to get your feedback on this.
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade
Re: General gameplay discussion
#6  February 03, 2024, 11:35:51 am
  • **
    • France
Talking about presenting game mechanics, give a preview of a new character, WIP stuff etc.
I was wondering what gets more attention from the community : pictures ? videos ? text ?
So i made a poll on this section to get your feedback on this.

Reminder : i'll be closing the poll tomorrow.
Let me know what kind of content you prefer.
- samurais, swords & stuff ? → Another Blade