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Messages by mapleleafgrappl1ng


Re: what characters do you recommend?

 February 18, 2025, 01:56:14 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in what characters do you recommend? (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng February 17, 2025, 06:35:04 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

How long have you been gone for reference? I hadn't been downloading anything for like a decade plus, and when I came back, Hyper DBZ was out and amazing. I'd definitely recommend that. The Character of the Month section on Mugen Guild has a bunch of great stuff too.

The coolest thing I've seen in a long time is dakkano's Mario 64 character. It's really funny and accurate. Hope that helps.

I believe i was gone for like 9 months or 1 year and a half.

what characters do you recommend?

 February 17, 2025, 06:35:04 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in what characters do you recommend? (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng February 17, 2025, 06:35:04 pm
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion


How do i port something (eg, screenpack or chars) into ikemen go?

 October 06, 2024, 09:38:50 pm View in topic context

since i downloaded this engine i've been noticing that there are little to no characters (or resources) made for this engine  (besides POT'S characters for the nightly version)

so how can i port something for example donald (by kishio) into ikemen go? (or any stage or screenpack)

and does the asset that i want to port need to be from 1.0 or 1.1?


Cheap or "Random" Characters (where can i get these?, multiple chars)

 September 23, 2024, 01:32:19 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in Cheap or "Random" Characters (where can i get these?, multiple chars) (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng September 23, 2024, 01:32:19 am
 Board: Requests

Looking at some MUGEN videos, some of the characters are crazy OP, so im thinking of getting them but theres nowhere

list of the characters in question:

Cheap Homer Simpson:

Symbiote Homer Simpson:

Coke ON:

notes: these characters have no videos, what versions are they compatible with? why are G-Target's palettes 11 and 12 banned?

Infinite meter Man:


Karate Man (dont ask me why i want this character):


Re: The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server

 August 24, 2024, 10:58:43 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server (Started by OldGamer July 28, 2024, 05:49:17 pm
 Board: Feedback


site is going up and down constantly... is this something we should worry about?

 August 24, 2024, 04:54:43 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in The 504Gateway need to Stop AND MFG need a new Domain Web server (Started by OldGamer July 28, 2024, 05:49:17 pm
 Board: Feedback

so as im usually browsing MFG and enjoying my time, i notice that it sometimes takes an awful time to load some pages.... but then

BOOM! i get a 504 gateway timeout and the odd "nginx" but the site goes quickly up and down constantly, think about this as Tony hawk's Downhill Jam

.... Minus the Tony Hawk and the Jam part, yeah.. just Downhill

all of this makes me wonder one thing, is there someone even maintaining the site at all? if so, then they should atleast do something about the servers or just change the web domain?

please share your thoughts if you feel like doing it? and will there be something done about all of this? if so, lets just hope...

hopefully im not the only one experiencing this

edit number "1": Also i should say that if you're writing a long message for some reason, then you need to worry about getting the "504 gateway timeout" because EVERYTHING that you wrote will not be there

imagine writing a reply that is as long as a essay and that happens.... its like "Oh dear, i forgot to turn off the stove" but instead of forgetting about the stove it's something like this:

"O no, i was writing a reply and i got the 504 error, now i need to write all of that again"


Re: How do i make winMUGEN plus go fullscreen?

 August 21, 2024, 09:34:02 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in How do i make winMUGEN plus go fullscreen? (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng August 21, 2024, 01:35:34 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Maybe that's not the issue... maybe it's your Windows

WinMUGEN (and for extension DOSMUGEN) doesn't work anymore on Windows 8 and beyond (and if still works, has a lot of errors and a lot of options don't work anymore like fullscreen), not even with DOSBox, so if you got Win8 or Win10 forget about WinM and better get M1.0, M1.1 or IKEMEN instead

i see then, so its obsolete on win10?, i guess i'll have to use 1.0 or 1.1 because winmugen is abandonware even though people still use it for cheap characters

but cant i just use something like DxWnd or dgVoodoo to run it properly?

How do i make winMUGEN plus go fullscreen?

 August 21, 2024, 01:35:34 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in How do i make winMUGEN plus go fullscreen? (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng August 21, 2024, 01:35:34 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Configuration Help

Before you say "wow, this is a very dumb topic" please dont, im seriously looking for help configuring my winMUGEN

Im using winMUGEN Plus because i cant find winMUGEN (not plus) anywhere, i've even went into mugen.cfg and changed the fullscreen option to 1,
but still, the game doesn't go into fullscreen?! (also, i've tried using alt + enter but nope, didnt work)

also, does anyone know where to get the real winMUGEN and not the hacked version? if so, thanks

what is the best mugen version?

 August 14, 2024, 02:10:15 am View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in what is the best mugen version? (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng August 14, 2024, 02:10:15 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

im new to MUGEN, so what is the best  version of it?

now im not THAT new since i already know some versions exist like: winMUGEN, Mugen 1.0, 1.1, or even Ikemen GO

so out of all these versions which one is the best?

(also im aware that DOS Mugen and LinMUGEN exist although they maybe dont work at all)

hello there!

 August 10, 2024, 11:41:30 pm View in topic context
avatar  Posted by mapleleafgrappl1ng  in hello there!  (Started by mapleleafgrappl1ng August 10, 2024, 11:41:30 pm
 Board: Introductions and Guides

hey there! i registered today, so i will now give a bit of background to myself

"who are you?"
sorry but im not revealing my real name, you may only know me by the name mapleleaf

"so how did you discover mugen?"
i well... dont really know how i discovered it! its a complete mystery...

"what do you think of the other website?"
Its dumpster fire, i could rant on how bad it is for days...

so thats it i guess..