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Messages by Trololo


Re: General Sonic Game News Thread

 June 14, 2024, 06:58:16 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in General Sonic Game News Thread (Started by TrinitroRoy May 31, 2021, 04:07:00 pm
 Board: Gaming

Well, they show more and more of Shadow gameplay for this thing.
Not gonna lie, I like what I see. But why? Why is THIS supposed to be bundled with GENERATIONS of all things? Shadow's gloomy looking Ark Colony, him butt-kicking Biolizard that actually looks nasty and remembering damn Black Arms of all things... being added into one of the most sincerely happy-go-lucky games in the series, that managed to make even Crisis City, a literal post-appocalypsise, look bright and colorful.
I get what they're trying to do: they want to update the game so people wouldn't scoff at it being you basic re-release, the same thing they tried to do with "Sonic Colors Ultimate". But this time they have decided to go hard with update and give players what they WANT, expecially since game's story allows Shadow to run around his past triumphs too. But my god, somehow this perfect marriage feels infinitely more forced than Tails' heads, dressups, racing Metal Sonic and Sonic bugging into a fish. I guess, because none of that really broke the original tone of "Sonic Colors", while here it feels like gorilla's hand being sewn to the prefectly working human body.

Re: I tried, but your engine doesn't like letting Alpha Blade moves work consistentl

 November 21, 2023, 03:36:27 pm View in topic context

Because it's better done with multiple states.
Make a separate state for your character pushing through the enemy and trigger it on movehit and the B button being held, while keep this state only for non-push through option.

But how can I make that second state cleanly look like the character continuing the horizontal movement and stopping behind the foe?

That's called "PlayerPush". With value = 1, your character is able to walk through the enemy while retraining his hitboxes and, in turn, vulnerability.
Just trigger it with something like "animelemtime(1)>=0 && animelemtime(2)<0" or something. This code works for a single tick of time, so you gotta make sure it gets triggered for every tick of time you need for effect to be continious. "Ignorehitpause = 1" is appreciated too, just for safety.

Re: I tried, but your engine doesn't like letting Alpha Blade moves work consistentl

 November 21, 2023, 03:42:25 am View in topic context

Because it's better done with multiple states.
Make a separate state for your character pushing through the enemy and trigger it on movehit and the B button being held, while keep this state only for non-push through option.

Re: How do I go about coding V-Ism?

 November 16, 2023, 03:46:03 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in How do I go about coding V-Ism? (Started by Ryon November 16, 2023, 03:18:09 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Well, I looked into N-Mario's M.Bison, that got the V-Ism shadows pretty well, and here is how I understood their work:
-There is initial Helper state, let's call it "Pre-shadow", that generates multiple "Reader" helpers with the same state, but different IDs. After different amount ot time, that's never more than 60 ticks, it transits into the second. "Shadow" state.
[State 330, State]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = Root, Var(2) < 2
trigger1 = Time >= 15
trigger2 = Root, Var(2) = 2
trigger2 = Time >= 36
trigger3 = Root, Var(2) > 2
trigger3 = Time >= 60
value = 331
-"Reader" helper's state in question, depending on its' ID, sets different variables to read Root's parameters, like direction, animation and ets. Here is the code for direction:
[State 340, VarSet]
type = VarSet
trigger1 = IsHelper(340)
var(StateTime%60) = Root, Facing
So, at state's time = 0, the var(0) = enemy turned to the right, at time 4, the var(4) = enemy turned to the right, and every 60 frames it resets back to var(0). It works, because there are exactly 60 variables available: from 0 to 59.
-That "Shadow" state itself reads every "reader" helper's variable value and applies it. The only thing that creates the delay between shadow and player is, again, the fact the state was changed from initial one after some time.
[State 330, Turn]
type = Turn
triggerall = NumHelper(340) > 0
trigger1 = (Helper(340), Var(StateTime%60) < 0) && (Facing = 1)
trigger2 = (Helper(340), Var(StateTime%60) > 0) && (Facing = -1)
As you can see, state reads the variable, depending on its' OWN time. So, when "Reader" helper's time var at the moment is, for example, 47, the variable "Shadow" state reads at the time = 0 is var(0).
You better look at the character by yourself though, to understand it better.

Re: Modify an char of MK to my wood that I want and unique.

 October 26, 2023, 04:35:56 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Modify an char of MK to my wood that I want and unique. (Started by DosKillerFighterTrue October 26, 2023, 02:43:15 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

OK, here are a couple of tips.
  • You need a State 1101, since 1005 has a ChangeState, that redirects Raiden into some other state when the move HITS (hence the trigger, MoveHit).
  • You will need to edit the animation itself. What I'm about to suggest is for MUGEN 1.1 and higher only (so, if you're using MUGEN 1.0, it won't work), but it will be the easiest way to make this thing work. You will need a LOT of new elements of animation, and you will need to work not with Animation Editor in FF, but with animation's TEXT.

    You see, text version of animation is a set of parameters that get applied in current animelem. However, while for 1.0 it wnds on transparency settings, 1.1 allows you to changs each sprite's X Size, Y Size and Rotation Angle separately. Here is how one element works:
Sprite's Group, Sprite's Index, X Axis position, Y Axis position, Time, Flip, Transparency, X Scale multiplier, Y Scale Multiplier, Rotation Angle
Everything after Time and before Scale parameters can be left empty to leave the parameters unchanged. So, if you just want to change the angle, all you need to add is [,,,1 ,1 , Rotation Angle]. You add many new animelems with the same sprites, apply different angles to them and move them around with Blue Cross to place the, properly. There are more reliable ways to do so, but they might be too hard for you right now.
P.S.: you might want to do the same with Target's animation for this move.
  • Now, the State 1101. You need to edit there 3 things: TargetBind, VelSet and, perhaps, ChangeState.
    • TargetBind is a code, that binds the target (aka hurt enemy) to the character's certain position. Obviously, its' parameters are X and Y. So, since Raiden will be rotated a lot, that means target's position must change too. You will need a LOT of new TargetBind codes, each for every edited animelem. Here is how they shall look:
[State 0, TargetBind]
type = TargetBind
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(1)>=0 && AnimElemTime(2)<0
time = 1
pos = Pos X, Pos Y
    Trigger like this makes sure, that code works for every frame between listed in brackets animelems. In my example it will work for whole AnimElem 1, but will stop working at AnimElem 2.
    And how do I find the position, you might ask? In coding section you'll find Offset Viewer. Just open it, find there a needed animation (the one you worked on), select a needed animelem, and place the second character's green cross to the connection point you need. You'll see the X and Y values right by the animation selector.
    • VelSet is the code for character's movement. Again, give it the same treatment: any X and Y velocities you want for each individual animelem. Preferably with the same kind of triggers as above. Keep in mind: like with many other things that aren't scale, to move things UP you need to use the NEGATIVE values, and vise-versa.
      • ChangeState changer your character's state to another one. In this specific case, it transitions Raiden into a bounce back state after he eaches the wall (aka low enough Distance from the Front Edge of the screen, FrontEdgeBodyDist). Can't give you suggestions yet since I don't get your idea in its' entirety yet, but keep in mind: then Raiden will reach the wall, he will hit it, because this code is there, and it works.
    That's, pretty much, all you need to know. Hope you'll get it done.

Re: Unity will become paid for players and developers

 September 13, 2023, 04:33:46 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Unity will become paid for players and developers (Started by Basara Lapis September 13, 2023, 04:17:17 pm
 Board: Gaming

OK, I can get Unity starting to take the money like that for previously free users. It's sad, it's bad, but I can get that. I'm a little bit more baffled at this system being applied to Unity Pro and Unity Enterprise. I remind you, these are PAID bundles. Even if it's 15 cents per month at max, I find it a bit swinish to take money for something people not just have paid for, but CONTINUOUSLY paying for.
P.S.: Viva La Torrents, I guess. If they want to take money for downloads, then people are bound to find the ways to distribute the games (and to get paid for it) without said download control. It won't be comfortable and it might lead to problems with Unity holders, but it's internet.

Re: My first Evil Ryu

 September 11, 2023, 04:30:59 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in My first Evil Ryu (Started by vyn September 11, 2023, 04:25:44 pm
 Board: Requests

I'm not sure if that's the one you need, but Infinity Mugen Team site has your characters hosted, and your SF3 Evil Ryu is the only character in SF3 section. Go check it out.

Re: End of an Era (2007-2023)

 September 10, 2023, 02:57:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in End of an Era (2007-2023) (Started by Ricepigeon September 10, 2023, 01:58:49 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Discussion

OK, pal. I'm not going to force you back or anything. MUGEN is a hobby, and hobby is something you threat however you want. But please, consider this: stealing, as an action, can be broken down to 3 factors:
-You gain something by taking it from someone.
-Said someone loses said something to you.
-You do not compensate to said someone for taking from him.
What I mean is yes, using electronic recources from others, like sprites, falls under the first factor, since you gain said recourses to make your own stuff, and using them for free is a definition of the third factor. But tell me: where in the hell is second factor in your equasion? How can you compare you making stuff for MUGEN and IKEMEN to, for example, stealing a loaf of bread? In the second case the seller loses the product and money he could get by selling it/spent to buy it, but what did Shanghai Alice lose from your MUGEN shenanigans? People have suddenly stopped buying their games because someone used their sprites to make a free, non-profit game?
That's exactly what I mean. Maybe getting rid of pirated programms MIGHT be a right decision here, if you care about it so much, since by piracy software creators lose the income from selling said software, but what harm to the World was ever brought by your creation? After all, that's why stealing is a sin and a crime - at the end of the day, it brings harm of other one. And mark my word: you brought none.

Re: My original character "Goryu" Hi-res complete version.

 August 14, 2023, 12:06:01 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in My original character "Goryu" Hi-res complete version. (Started by Niroto July 22, 2023, 07:22:09 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Same. Did you allow public access to the file? Google Disc demands that to share the files properly.

Re: My original character "Goryu" Hi-res complete version.

 August 14, 2023, 10:01:14 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in My original character "Goryu" Hi-res complete version. (Started by Niroto July 22, 2023, 07:22:09 pm
 Board: Your Releases, 1.0+

Sorry for I'm a newbie. Now i was update new link for download. Thank you for your interest.

Look at the right-low corner of your first message here, with the link. You will see a "Modify" option. Click it - and you will be able to edit the message, just don't gorget to save afterwards.

Also, congratulations on your release. That sprite work clearly shows some efforts being put in it.

Re: Mortal Kombat 1 (2023)

 August 08, 2023, 01:33:11 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Mortal Kombat 1 (2023) (Started by Macaulyn97 February 24, 2023, 12:22:56 am
 Board: Fighting Games


Re: Street Fighter 6 (PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PC) (Now Released!)

 August 08, 2023, 02:31:59 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Street Fighter 6 (PS4/PS5/Xbox Series X|S/PC) (Year 2 announced!) (Started by Kirishima February 21, 2022, 06:39:43 am
 Board: Fighting Games

Hell, perhaps, even that crazy side is a fake bravado at the end of it. TBH, this teaser felt to me is like AKI was joking, and she gave all commitement she could to that joke. She goes very serious about poison's effects and goes a bit too well about laughing over our protag dying to said poison... yet we all know it can't be poison, since it would be really foolish to let the player legitimately die over meting her. Plus, the later laugh, that's on the black screen, doesn't actually sound that evil, but more like she finally cracked and started hysterically laughing over protag's reaction, EVEN if the laugh itself is a bit quirky. We'll see when we get a legitimate trailer of hers though...
Now her LOOKS, that's disappointing. On that leaked drawing she indeed looked much better. At least I expected a better stature from her, being pretty tall and thin, yet body-wise she is short and rather default, in a realistic way. Not a big deal, though, compared to her head, the way it looks somehow reminds me of all racist stereotypes about chinese at the same time.
Waiting for her trailer though, since we've yet to see her fighting. THAT'S gotta be good.

Re: CPS2 Gouki / Akuma (PotS Style)

 August 05, 2023, 03:04:14 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in CPS2 Gouki / Akuma (PotS Style) (Started by Emerie The G.O.A.T January 07, 2022, 06:14:58 pm
 Board: Projects

Bruh. Stretch that low blue hitbox to the hitting leg too. What you have here is a big red box of unfiltered infinite piority, and you don't want that. If you want to take a reference, then do it properly: look at the same Ryu's LK animation, since it's functionally closer to what you need. Also, make the animtype in this kick's HitDef as "Low", right now it's "High". As you can see, Bison is moving his head here, even though it's not even nearly where he is hit.
And one more thing: it's STILL a sprite swap indeed, even with edited hitboxes and stuff. However, there is no need to scoff at it. You still have a right to wear a good sprite swap proudly, mate, and so you shall. As your early work to get EXP that's more than good enough. Just make sure to dig deeper into the coding, so you could sooner leap off from spriteswaps to ysing characters as legitimate templates for other types of chars, got it? No point in these swaps if you learn nothing.

Re: Describe avatar (and/or signature) on the above user

 August 01, 2023, 12:53:06 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Describe avatar (and/or signature) on the above user (Started by Colonel Sanders June 20, 2023, 03:57:36 am
 Board: All That's Left

Underage behind the wheel.

Re: Nickelodeon All Star Brawl

 July 27, 2023, 03:30:19 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl (Started by walt July 13, 2021, 07:39:39 pm
 Board: Fighting Games

Are they SURE they want a sequel?
P.S.: I know, that I should've created a new thread for that, but come on. Is this really worth it?

Re: CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style)

 July 21, 2023, 05:15:30 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in CPS2 Dictator (PotS Style) : BETA Released (Started by Emerie The G.O.A.T March 31, 2021, 11:10:50 pm
 Board: Idea Engineering

Heh. Well, if that's a release now, then congratulations... but I would wait with release until you'd try to fix at least the most basic inconsistencies with your hitboxes.

I understand that you're just starting out, so you need to take the baby steps like spriteswaps. But leaving the original hitboxes, in this case, kinda makes your edit disfunctional as a character. So, put some more work into Bison and fix the hitboxes before I can try and give it a legitimate feedback, OK?

Re: [Theme Thread] Street Fighter Alpha/CPS2 Sprite thread

 July 16, 2023, 04:39:28 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in [Theme Thread] Street Fighter Alpha/CPS2 Sprite thread (Started by Formerly Hoshi April 21, 2010, 09:49:06 pm
 Board: Graphics

I suddenly was looking up for bison and googled a Capeless version then stumbled on an old comment on this thread
Was there a Cape less Bison in mugen back in the early 2ks(2003-2005) that exist?
So far Alpha Bison cape less exist only on GBC Alpha?

You know, there actually was. Shin Bison by B.Skryo-Rextrion. I don't guarantee the quality is perfect though...

P.S.: video shows edit.

Re: How do I make a move's command take priority over the other?

 July 10, 2023, 07:37:38 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in How do I make a move's command take priority over the other? (Started by Macaulyn97 July 10, 2023, 07:28:28 am
 Board: M.U.G.E.N Development Help

Codes' position in CMD file matters, pal.
If QCF takes over SRK, that means you've put the code with QCF command over the code with SRK command, giving it said higher priority. Or, at least, that's how it is with my experience. Go check out if that's true.

Re: Characters in POTS style with Good AI

 June 14, 2023, 12:47:39 pm View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Characters in POTS style with Good AI (Started by Charles_2011 June 14, 2023, 03:15:16 am
 Board: Requests

Agree with most of these except Knuckles. Except for his Dhalsim none of his characters have AI as far as I know unless there's been some update I missed.

Yeah, I could be wrong here either, I won't deny it.

Re: Characters in POTS style with Good AI

 June 14, 2023, 07:29:26 am View in topic context
 Posted by Trololo  in Characters in POTS style with Good AI (Started by Charles_2011 June 14, 2023, 03:15:16 am
 Board: Requests

Well, most of the big-name creators have these, really. P.o.T.S., Jmorphman, KarmaCharmeleon, Knuckles8864, Infinite, R@CE... You know, the guys who are actually more-or-less accociated with the style and that stayed here for more than 3 characters.
Hell, even less famous, or even outright infamous creators usually provide a worthy AI. I'll point out Varo_Hades in that regard: some of his AIs are outright teeth-busting.